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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Analysis of the Secret, Extra-Legal Citizen Harassment and Elimination Program

I. Introduction

The program commonly referred to as “gang stalking” or “organized stalking” should perhaps more realistically be termed: “Covert Extra-Judicial Citizen Elimination Program” (CECEP) or Secret, Extra-Legal Citizen Harassment and Elimination Program (SELCHEP). Based on information provided in Rich (2013), Thomas (2008), Valentine (2017), and others, this secret citizen targeting and elimination program must be seen in its proper probable context; as part of the larger 4GW (4th Generation Warfare) through which the Jewish-controlled-Anglo-American-Israeli Alliance aims to consolidate total political, military and economic power and establish a fascist, totalitarian, one-world-government and one-world-religion as per the battle plan set forth in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1905) and more or less as described in Orwell’s “1984.”

9/11 investigator and political/military policy analyst, Barbara Honegger, concludes that the (Jewish/Zionist) neocons stole the 2000 election, took control of top level positions in the Bush II Administration, and then executed 9/11 as the means of fulfilling the mandate outlined in their PNAC (Project for a New American Century) manifesto of Sept. 2000. The manifesto called for a “catastrophic and catalyzing” event (9/11) that would provide pretext: 1) to wage multi-theatre, pre-emptive wars in the Middle East in order to destabilize and partition Israel’s enemies and 2) to impose a domestic police state in America and abroad. Honegger refers to this as the neocons’ “Global Dominance and Domestic Surveillance Police State Agenda.”

CECEP/SELCHEP (gang stalking) has many historical antecedents in America and many other authoritarian states. These include civilian-surveillance-harassment and elimination programs by the (Jewish/communist-controlled) Soviet Union (Cheka and KGB), East Germany (Stasi), Poland (Służba Bezpieczeństwa (SB), Czechoslavakia (Státní bezpečnost / Štátna bezpečnosť (StB / ŠtB), and Hungary (The AVO, Allamvedelmi Osztaly), Portugal (PIDE), as well as the fascist Gestapo and SS in Nazi Germany. In the United States, previous citizen-surveillance and neutralization programs include the FBI’s COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program), the CIA’s MKULTRA, MHCHAOS, and Phoenix Programs, and US Military civilian surveillance and targeting programs dating to 1917. The Phoenix Program, an anti-civilian CIA operation of the Vietnam War, became the template for later civilian terror-neutralization programs (aka death squads) deployed by U.S.-trained military and “security forces” throughout Central and South America, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, among others (see Blum’s “Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II” and “Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower.”).

Rich (2013) cites innumerable military documents and position papers of associated think tanks and corporate contractors that show that the TA (target audience) in the new 4GW (4th Generation Warfare) includes “targeted individuals” identified as “adversaries, potential terrorist threats, extremists, non-state actors, insurgents, enemies,” etc. These documents make it clear that 4GW is roughly synonymous with asymmetric warfare (AW), civil-military operations (CMO), low intensity conflict (LIC), unconventional warfare (UC), psychological warfare (PsyWar), political warfare (PolWar), effects-based operations (EBO), and information warfare (IW) (Rich, 2013), all of which comprise the official policy of all branches of the U.S. military and the U.S. government.

Principle technologies employed in this “New War” include PsyOp and electronic warfare (EW). These so-called “non-lethal” weapons have been developed, largely in secret, by the British, German, and American militaries in conjunction with academia and the private sector over the past century. Many of these weapons technologies still remain classified.

Today, “CECEP” (aka gang stalking) is a covert global program which involves the coordination of all branches of the military, intelligence and federal agencies, local police, Neighborhood Watch and other citizen’s vigilante groups, and NGOs, etc. through DHS (Department of Homeland Security) fusion centers and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) facilities, etc. In the U.S., this behemouth National Security Complex is called “the interagency.” Globally, it is referred to as the “Multinational Force” (MNF).

Worldwide, probably millions of civilians have been covertly designated as “adversaries,” “enemies” etc., and are now being systematically surveilled, harassed, targeted, tortured, and destroyed in this program. Indeed, the “National Security Establishment” is now a major industry and participants in the program, including citizen-spy “perpetrators,” are rewarded financially and with other incentives.

All of this, of course, is perpetuated on a dumbed-down populace in the name of “fighting the “Global War On Terrorism” (GWOT).

Dr. John Hall (2104) identified the six phases of targeting of TIs as:

1) selection,
2) surveillance,
3) stalking,
4) defamation,
5) attack (via directed energy or “psychotronic” weapons), and
6) monitoring.

II. Major Conclusions:

Before excerpting Rich’s more important insights (below), I here summarize some of the main patterns and conclusions that I discern from this information:

1) In the “New World War,” the “interagency” (aka “Multinational Force, MNF), consisting of the military, federal law enforcement, local and state law enforcement, private contractors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), targets the “New Enemy;” individuals and groups designated as “enemies,” adversaries,” “insurgents,” “dissidents,” “non-state actors,” “potential terrorist threats,” etc. The “battlespace” in this “New World War” now includes your neighborhood and the entire world.

2) Innumerable military and related documents utilize the term, CMO (Civilian-Military Operations), more or less interchangeably with 4GW (4th Generation Warfare), UW (unconventional warfare), IW (irregular warfare), MOOTW (modern operations other than war), IO (information operation), PolWar (political warfare), and PsyWar (psychological warfare) operations, and others.

For example, a 1994 US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute report entitled “Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War” by Steven Metz and James Kievit outlines the strategies and technologies involved in 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare).

3) PsyOp and electronic/psychotronic technologies are among the principle and most critical technologies employed in the “new “assymetrical war” (AW) for “full spectrum dominance” of America and the world. These weapons and technologies have been developed, largely in secret, throughout much of the 20th and 21st centuries by governments, military, and intelligence agencies in cooperation with private sector contractors such as Raytheon and SAIC. Hence, their development and use was and is part of a long-term, secret political and military strategy of world takeover that date back at least a century.

4) NLW (non-lethal weapons), aka “no touch torture” (including PsyOp and Electronic Warfare), are used, generally in synchronization, in the various phases of targeting/torturing of civilian “dissidents,” “whistleblowers,” etc. For example, electromagnetic devices and weapons are used during the surveillance, stalking, attack, and monitoring phases identified by Hall (2013). Similarly, the military’s Tactical PsyOp Teams are engaged in the surveillance, stalking, and monitoring phases. In this manner, various phases of targeting of individuals and groups can be executed simultaneously on target audiences (TAs) and targeted individuals (TIs).

Local and “remote” C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) “commanders” have the capability to apply these technologies on multiple targets simultaneously.

5) The strategic uses of these so-called “non-lethal” technologies are advocated and proscribed in innumerable military documents as well as in steering papers from (private) think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations, RAND, Rockefeller Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc. It has been posited by many authors that elites exert their power and influence over the majority through these kinds of think tanks and foundations.

Many of the “non-lethal weapons” technologies currently employed in this new war against the civilian population can be traced to documented patents, as presented in Rich (2013) and other sources.

6) Thus, military documents, related patents, and numerous recent laws that limit civil liberties, taken together, suggest that the term “gang stalking” is an inaccurate euphemism for what, in fact, are CMO (civil-military operations) utilized to target and neturalize/destroy civilian adversaries, notably including whistleblowers and dissidents, throughout the world.

7) These same 4GW systems, technologies, structures, and strategies are “scalable” and can be adapted to prosecute “small scale wars” that destabilize and destroy nations, politicians, and other groups.

Rich (2013) states:

“Small scale wars (aka effects-based operations (EBO), network centric warfare (Netwar), military operations other than war (MOOTW), etc.)…. Are international, protracted, political wars that are fought among the people. They are an interagency joint effort between the military, federal law enforcement,, and local and state law enforcement, as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). They use the civilian population and private sector of the host nation (HN) during civil-military operations (CMO) to attack a state’s internal enemies. They rely on PsyOp, isolation, and nonlethal weapons, typically for the destruction of the enemy’s will. They use synchronization of tactics and strategies.”

8) Thus, the program we refer to as “gang stalking” is apparently part of a much larger strategy for total world conquest, i.e., “full spectrum dominance.” According to investigative journalist, McGrath, as of 2014, US SOCOM (Special Operations Command) was waging “low-intensity conflict” (LIC)/”unconventional warfare” (UW) in 134 nations of the world. The 2017 military budget is $773.5 billion and military documents call for “full spectrum dominance” of the world.

Rich (2013) notes the central role of US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in coordinating and executing these wars:

“The United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM), established in 1987, is a unified special operations command that oversees various special operations commands of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. It is headquartered at MacDillAir Force Base in Tampa, Florida. SOCOM conducts global overt and covert missions including unconventional warfare (UW)…… SOCOM conducts PsyOp, civil affairs operations (also called civil-military operations), counterterrorism, and other functions. Two SOCOM units which specialize in PsyOp include the 193rd Special Operations Wing (193 SOW) of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and the Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group (4th POG).”

9) Because “gang stalking”/unconventional warfare (UW) operations of this new, integrated, global, authoritarian police state are international in scope and involve the coordination and cooperation of innumerable agencies (including military and intelligence agencies, the United Nations, NORAD, NATO, federal, state, and local agencies, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), PGO (private-government organizations), religious groups, and other civilian groups, etc), the sovereignties of nations have already been largely supplanted by this international and covertly authoritarian military/intelligence/police state.

10) It may posited that just as the Phoenix Program targeted individuals who were “ideologically unassimilated” with the war goals of the American government during the Vietnam War, so “gang stalking” operations target individuals and groups who are “ideologically unassimilated” with the new world order/one-world-government.

11) More accurate terms for this program than “gang stalking” might be: Covert, Extra-Judicial Citizen Elimination Program (CECEP) or “Military-Intelligence-Civilian Citizen Elimination Program” (MICCEP).

12) Operation 9/11 demonstrated the use of the very same “4GW/assymetrical warfare (AW)” strategies and technologies as “organized gang stalking,” namely: 1) execution by the “interagency,” 2) PsyOp, and 3) Electronic Warfare (EW) aka “directed energy weapons.”

Like “organized stalking operation,” Operation 9/11 targeted the civilian population using PsyOp and Electronic Warfare (directed energy weapons), involved multiple agencies, and was international in scope.

13) In addition, although it is difficult to understand, both the “gang stalking” program and 9/11 are also characterized by Satanic/Luciferian aspects.

14) Clearly, Operation 9/11 was a state-sponsored, synthetic, false-flag terror event used as the pretext to:

a) Ramp up the “neocon’s” and CIA’s Global War on Terror project which could be utilized as pretext to attack any and all foreign and domestic enemies of our leader’s choosing,
b) Launch a series of major wars in the Middle East (that accomplish Israel’s geo-political objectives and not those of the U.S.) and
c) Radically increase the scope of and funding for the American-global military-intelligence-police state.

15) Because 9/11 and “organized stalking” utilize the same covert technologies and are the product of the same military doctrines, Operation 9/11, the Global War on Terror (GWOT), and “organized stalking” can all be seen as part of the long-term strategy of world conquest by the United States and its chief allies, Israel and Britain. The goal of “Operation Gang Stalking,” then, is to eliminate and/or “neutralize” designated civilian “adversaries” throughout the world.

16) An enormous number of people are co-opted (duped) into executing various aspects of these “civilian-military operations.” While many may remain ignorant of the criminal objectives of these programs, ALL of those who participate in the targeting and torture of innocent American civilians are guilty of TREASON against the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, and the American citizenry. These individuals must be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

17) Assuming that the U.S. Constitution is still the law of the land and that “All laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void” (Marbury v. Madison, 1803), the following individuals should be charged and tried for crimes against humanity in relation to the execution of Operation 9/11:

All “neocon” PNAC (Project of the New American Century) signatories and participants, President George W. Bush, Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard Cheney, first DHS Director, Michael Chertoff, Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Meyers, CIA Director, George Tenet (real name, Cohen), and innumerable others.

The sheer number of individuals and organizations involved in this new 4th Generation Warfare operation could exceed the holding capacity of all the FEMA camps in America. However, the overflow of the guilty could be interned in our state prisons.

18) Various other groups, including certain religious groups, are also conducting gang stalking programs against civilians. This author is convinced, based on considerable previous research, that similar Satanic stalking programs have been ongoing for centuries and millennia and that these parallel programs persist today. Hence, clues to the identity of the controllers can be garnered by investigating these non-military stalking programs.

19) In my opinion, top elements of these groups have deeply captured and now commandeer the entire U.S. military-intelligence-industrial apparatus.

Rich’s “New World War” (2013) deals with the political and military aspects of the organized stalking programs only. Throughout, Rich employs standard military/psychiatric jargon which dehumanizes the “enemy.” While, it is extremely important to understand how these systems function on the secular level, it is also important to understand that these programs have deeper and far more sinister spiritual roots.

20) The following authors summarize the all-important “spiritual” component of the New War:

a) In an article entitled, “The “War on Terror” – A Zionist Deception to Control America,” Christopher Bollyn states:

“The American way of life and our constitutional freedoms are threatened by the “homeland security” apparatus that was established as a response to 9/11 and which continues to grow in size and power. The so-called “War on Terror” is a false and artificial construct that has been designed by Zionist right-wing extremists from the highest levels of the Israeli government and military. It is based on a series of “false flag” terror attacks (including) the first bombing of the World Trade Center, the bombing of the Oklahoma federal building, and attacks on U.S. targets abroad. The “War on Terror” concept is the cornerstone of an agenda that has been actively promoted and articulated since the mid-1980s by Benjamin Netanyahu… Both the U.S.-led military invasions overseas and the domestic security state apparatus were planned long before 9/11. These radical changes have been “interpreted” and explained to the American people by the Zionist-controlled media…”

Source: The Devil Beside Me: Gang Stalking, The Secret War and How to Win, E. J. Wyatt, May 6, 2015.

"The Devil Beside Me: Gang Stalking, The Secret War and How to Win" is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

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