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Friday, October 11, 2019

A Detailed Description of a 4th Generation Warfare Employee’s Job Duties, Responsibilities, and Role Described in General Scope

Some of the methods used in counterintelligence utilize mechanism of hidden organized influence upon a person or group of people where disruption to target(s) environment can be “written off” as only “life’s normal breaks,” (seemingly guaranteed perpetrators intentional behavior directed at target) innocence not convictable due to persons not targeted, but just outside of “ target area,” but within proximity to be able to make observation of perpetrated event influenced by “covert forces” manifested upon target cause by hidden mechanism, would most likely describe the behavior of these perpetrators as normal behavior not related to target or targets they are preying upon, but in reality they are persons that have already trained for desired outcome of behavior behaved by target’s controlled (behavioral patterns) reflex to orchestrated (coordinated) behavior of “covert operatives,” such as “peace officers,” “handlers,” and “controllers,’ acting in unity to cause properties of an event that will trigger the occurrence of another event pre-determined to occur based on linear program’s solutions with applications to known patterns found in the advanced applied psychology of human group behavior at multiple interpersonal levels—but also with perpetrators location definition defined psychological operations (group) training given by supervisor has required data to cause the “connecting” of two distinct events separated by time intervals--for the purpose of gained counterintelligence information, where this gained information was achieved using advanced conversational hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, Eriksonian Language Patterns, all made use of the power of "suggestion," perfectly timed in accordance with time/location position of placed covert criminals employed by JRIC, LAPD, and the like, orchestrated these "stage play/street theater" like events but also coupled with handlers posthypnotic suggestion verbalized at time has one percent likelihood of triggering conditioned behavioral reflex, behaved by target.

After this is achieved the target is "prepped" for his next set of behavioral patterns time out with the known linear programming data found about his forecasted next location/time timed out perfectly with future (trained for) "influenced scenario," criminal offenses committed by one or more of a variety of employees I already mentioned here.

How would a “peace officer,” feel about the notion that there is the strongest possibility for the goals of this secret “program” is that everyone eventually becomes a target, as these words were cited during Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD’s interview with Jesse Ventura, (with credit for these cited words belong to Robert Duncan) on Jesse Ventura’s television show, “Conspiracy Theory,” aired on cable networks television station, “Tru TV,” is verified with “moving visuals”/sound evidence proved by appropriate Google search returned the YouTube video of this episode of the show “Conspiracy Theory,” where both Jesse Ventura and Robert Duncan were with each other, when they were recorded with a device that recorded “moving visuals”/sound with (data) storage and retrieval capabilities.

Robert Duncan has multiple advanced degrees in applied science and business from Harvard, MIT, and Dartmouth and is a former employee of  DOD, DOJ, CIA, and worked on several *neuroscience applications projects in the area of neuronal translation of brain data mapped to user interface*1 affected deep brain stimulation of target with or without implant.

This interface, known as the *"Brian to Brian Switchboard Target Selector*2a," that produces "*Neural Telemetry Signal Strength EEG Heterodyning Graphs and Synchronization Lock*2b," used also in conjunction with a "Brain Wave Mapping Cognitive Model Normalizer" system produced the correct algorithm for a controller to utilize software (to control and manage directed energy weapon attack in unison with the instructed actions behaved by peace officer and handler) is the software interfaced with all of these components and the target arena (to include one or more individuals) has the name *"Psychic Warfare Trainer: The Pain Game."*2c

Source *1: Dr Robert Duncan Full MIT Presentation on Neuro-weapons used on American Civilians, observe video by clicking on the link below.

Source *2a,*2b and 2c: The Matrix Deciphered, Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD.

Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD, September 27, 2010, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN-13: 978-1452804088

"Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed," is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.


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