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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Psychiatric Drugs Do More Harm Than Good. Part 5E: Kim Witczak - "Woody Matters". Woody Witczak, Kim’s husband went to his doctor because he was having trouble sleeping after starting a new job. His doctor gave him a sample pack of Zoloft. 5 weeks later, Woody hanged himself. This conference in Copenhagen was arranged by Professor Peter Gøtzsche, who is the founder of the Nordic Cochrane Centre | | |

Psychiatric Drugs Do More Harm Than Good. Part 5E: Kim Witczak - "Woody Matters".
Woody Witczak, Kim’s husband went to his doctor because he was having trouble sleeping after starting a new job. His doctor gave him a sample pack of Zoloft. 5 weeks later, Woody hanged himself.

This conference in Copenhagen was arranged by Professor Peter Gøtzsche, who is the founder of the Nordic Cochrane Centre.

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