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Thursday, December 15, 2016

The following words were written by Mark Ralph Rowe during Thursday, December 15, 2016 Unethical human experimentation in the United States describes numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects. Many of these tests were performed on children, the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of “medical treatment.”

The following words were written by Mark Ralph Rowe during Thursday, December 15, 2016

Unethical human experimentation in the United States describes numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects. Such tests have occurred throughout American history, but particularly in the 20th century.

Descriptions of these experiments are to include the list contained in the following

1.1. Exposure of people to chemical and biological weapons.

2.1. The infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases.

3.1. Human radiation experiments requiring people to be injected with toxic and radioactive chemicals.

4.1. Surgical experiments.

5.1. Interrogation and torture experiments.

6.1. The use of mind-altering substances administered to people required by tests conducted on them.

Many of these tests were performed on children, the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of “medical treatment.”

References to the words written by Mark Ralph Rowe are found within the list of published books, published contributions made to professional journals, and editors writing for respectable newspaper corporations shown in the following

1.2. Reviews and Notes: History of Medicine: Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America before the Second World War, Annals of Internal Medicine, American College of Physicians, July 15, 1995; vol. 123, no. 2 159.

2.1. “Tuskegee Study - Timeline.” NCHHSTP. CDC. June 25, 2008.

3.1. Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America. 2013. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-34171-5.

4.1. “U.S. apologizes for newly revealed syphilis experiments done in Guatemala,” The Washington Post. Rob Stein. October 1, 2010.

5.1. "U.S. sorry over deliberate sex infections in Guatemala.” BBC News. October 1, 2010.

6.1. “U.S. says sorry for 'outrageous and abhorrent' Guatemalan syphilis tests.” The Guardian. Chris McGreal. October 1, 2010.

7.1. “Johns Hopkins University Faces $1 Billion Lawsuit Over STD Study.” CBS Baltimore. April 1, 2015.

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