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Friday, July 10, 2015

The crimes of the Scientologists and the Illegal Science of Dianetics from the PC controller Man of the 1960's

SEA ORGANIZATION, 1. in 1968 the Sea Org became a good-will activity and an efficient administrative arm of Scientology. The Sea Org runs the advanced organizations and is the custodian of the Clear and OT processing materials. (Ron’s Journal 1968) 2. is that organization which functions at a high level of confront and standard. Its purpose is to get ethics in on the planet and eventually the universe. This organization operates with a fleet of ships dedicated to this purpose around the world. Being mobile and separate from the pull of land is an absolute necessity to accomplish its plans, missions and purpose: to get ethics in. (FO 508) SEARCH AND DISCOVERY, as a process is done exactly by the general rules of listing. One lists for persons or groups who are or have suppressed the pc. The list is complete when only one item reads on nulling and this is the item. (HCOB 24 Nov 65) Abbr. S AND D. (HCOB 13 Jan 68) SEC CHECK, security check. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) SECONDARY, 1. a mental image picture of a moment of severe and shocking loss or threat of loss which contains misemotion such as anger, fear, grief, apathy or “deathfulness.” It is a mental image recording of a time of severe mental stress. It may contain unconsciousness. Called a secondary because it itself depends upon an earlier engram with similar data but real pain, etc. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2. depends for its charge on an engram which contains pain and unconsciousness. It’s secondary. It does not contain pain and unconsciousness. It contains emotion, any emotion or misemotion. But of course pleasure doesn’t make a secondary and it also doesn’t make an incident. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 3. every moment of great emotional shock, where loss occasions near unconsciousness, is fully recorded in the reactive mind. These shocks of loss are known as secondaries. (SOS, p. xiii) 4. a mental image picture containing misemotion (encysted grief, anger, apathy, etc.) and a real or imagined loss. These contain no physical pain—they are moments of shock and stress and depend for their force on earlier engrams which have been restimulated by the circumstances of the secondary. (PXL, p. 250) 5. a moment of misemotion where loss is threatened or accomplished. Secondaries contain only misemotion and communication and reality enforcements and breaks. (SOS, p. 112) 6. a very severe moment of loss. It’s either anger against losing, fear of losing, or fear because one has lost, or the recognition that one has lost. (PDC 4) 7. a mental image picture of a moment of severe and shocking loss or threat of loss which contains unpleasant emotion such as anger, fear, grief, apathy or “deathfulness.” It is a mental image recording of a time of severe mental stress. A secondary is called a secondary because it itself depends upon an earlier engram with similar data but real pain. (DPB, p. 6) SECONDARY ENGRAM, 1. defined as a period of anguish brought about by a major loss or a threat of loss to the individual. The secondary engram depends for its strength and force upon physical pain engrams which underlie it. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 136) 2. the secondary engram is called secondary because it depends upon an earlier physical pain engram to exist being itself occasioned by a conscious moment of loss. It is called an engram in order to focus the attention of the auditor on the fact that it must be run as an engram and that all perceptics possible must be exhausted from it. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 149) 3. secondary (A-R- C) engrams, have more charge than locks. These charges on the A-R-C are so- called because they charge up the case. Engrams won’t have charge without later incidents. If you could get all the grief off a case and do nothing else, you would have a release. You are trying to blow these charges so the engrams will not very badly affect a person. (NOTL, p. 35) 4. there are three types of secondary engrams impinged on physical pain engrams: ( 1) painful emotion—grief—broken affinity, (2) encysted communication, (3) invalidated reality. (NOTL, p. 29) SECONDARY SCALE, the pre-havingness scale contains a primary scale and a secondary scale. The secondary scale contains nearly all simple verbs in the English language, properly placed for level and repeated on other levels. (HCOB 23 May 61) SECONDARY STYLE, every level has a different primary style of auditing. But sometimes in actual sessions or particularly in assists this style is altered slightly for special purposes. The style altered for assists or for a particular process in a regular session is called a secondary style. It is done a precise but different way to accomplish assists or to assist a pc in a regular session. This variation is called the secondary style of that level. (HCOB 21 Feb 66) SECONDARY UNIVERSE, it isn’t really his universe. It’s pictures of the physical universe which he retains in lieu of. We’re talking of the reactive mind, the facsimiles, engrams, energy pictures, as a secondary universe which is formed by reason of not being able to have the physical universe. And that’s how the reactive mind gets born and where it comes from. These secondary universes could just as well be called reactive universes. (A bil 34, 1956) SECOND-DYNAMIC, see DYNAMICS. SECOND FACSIMILES, are “photographs” of the memories of another. They are still pictures usually. Their characteristic is that they show up with only two or three pictures of some long situation. (HOM, p. 36) SECOND GPM, the next-to-the-latest GPM on the track. (SH Spec 251, 6303C22) SECOND PHENOMENON, the second phenomenon is the overt cycle which follows a misunderstood word. When a word is not grasped, the student then goes into a non-comprehension (blankness) of things immediately after. This is followed by the student’s solution for the blank condition which is to individuate from it—separate self from it. Now being something else than the blank area, the student commits overts against the more general area. These overts, of course, are followed by restraining himself from committing overts. This pulls flows toward the person and makes the person crave motivators. This is followed by various mental and physical conditions and by various complaints, fault-finding and look- what-you-did-to-me. This justifies a departure, a blow. (HCO PL 24 Sept 64) SECOND POSTULATE, know. (PAB 66) SECOND STAGE RELEASE, see STAGES OF RELEASE. SECOND WIND, is really getting enough environment and enough mass in order to run out the exhaustion of the last race. There is no such thing as “second wind.” There is such a thing as a return to extroversion on the physical world in which one lives. (POW, pp. 97-98) SECRET, 1. withheld thought. (PAB 131) 2. it is the answer which was never given and that is all a secret is. (Dn 55.l, p. 76) SECURITY, 1. security itself is an understanding. Men who know are secure. Insecurity exists in the absence of knowledge. All security derives from knowledge. (POW, p. 16) 2. self-confidence alone is security. Your ability is your security. There is no security but you. (HFP, p. 53) 3. is not a static thing. Security would lie only in a man’s confidence in reaching his goals and indeed, in his having goals to reach. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 86) SECURITY CHECKING, 1. remedying the compulsion or obsession to commit actions which have to be withheld, i.e. we are remedying unreasonable action. (SH Spec 100, 6201C16) 2. a check made to see whether a person has any counter-intentions toward Scn or Scientology Churches. (Abil 218) Abbr. Sec Checking or Sec ving. SECURITY FORM 7A, security check devised specifically to check applicants for employment. (HCOB 28 Sept 61) SECURITY FORM 7B, security check devised specifically to check personnel already employed. (HCOB 28 Sept 61) SEE, is just the sight band of perception. The photon wave-length of perception which is a manufactured energy. (PDC 5) SELF, thetan, plus machines plus body plus reactive bank (in Dn). (8ACC-13, 5410C19) SELF ANALYSIS IN SCIENTOLOGY, is a group technique aimed at the rehabilitation of one’s own universe so as to bring it up to a level of comparability with one’s own observation of the mest universe, and can be delivered to groups of children or adults by a person trained only through the text of Self Analysis in Scientok)gy. ( COHA, p. 245) SELF ANALYSIS LISTS, 1. the lists of questions by which the individual can explore his past and improve his reactions toward life. Dianetically speaking, this self-processing section could be called “straight wire.” It is not “auto processing.” The reader is actually being processed by the author. (SA, p. 62) 2. the auditor is assisted by these lists in that they open a case for the running of engrams and secondaries and raise the preclear on a tone scale. These lists are used repetitively; that is to say the individual goes over them again and again. There is no finite period to the work. The reason the recall of these questions is important is that they reveal and discharge locks which have formed above the basic engrams (moments of physical pain and unconsciousness) and secondaries (moments of acute loss as death of a loved one). The discharging of these locks renders engrams and secondaries relatively ineffective. (SA, p. 62) SELF AUDITING, 1. the manifestation of going around running concepts or processes on one’s self. One is doing this because he has been made afraid, through his failure on others, of his ability to control his own engrams, facsimiles, thoughts and concepts, and he seeks to control them through auditing. (Dn 55!, p. 121) 2. solo auditing occurs in session with a meter. Self-auditing is out-of-session wondering and chewing on bank. (HCOB 10 Apr 72) 3. the manifestation of being overwhelmed by masses etc., and pulling only think out of the bank. Pulling out think then pulls in more force which gives more self-audit. (HCOB 19 Jun 70 II) 4. self-auditing is done ordinarily out of valence and results in the preclear expending counter-efforts against himself. Thus he succeeds only in hurting himself. (AP&A, p. 31) SELF-COACHING, the student tending to introvert and look too much at how he is doing and what he is doing rather than just doing it. (HCOB 24 May 68) SELF-CONFIDENCE, 1. nothing more than belief in one’s ability to decide and in one’s decisions. (HFP, p. 142) 2. is selfdeterminism. It is one’s belief in one’s ability to determine his own causes. (DAB, Vol. II, 1951-52, p. 166) SELF-DETERMINED, one can only be seU-determined when one can observe the actual situation before one; otherwise a being is delusion-determined or other- determined. (HCOB 6 Nov 64) SELF-DETERMINISM, 1. the ability to locate in space and time, energy and matter; also the ability to create space and time in which to create and locate energy and matter. (Scn 0-8, p. 25) 2. self-determinism in the field of motion consists of, by own power of choice, permitting the object or body to be still or not to be still; permitting a thing to be changed or not to be changed; permitting a thing to be started or not to be started. (CMSCS, p. 18) 3. self-determinism is that state of being where in the individual can or cannot be controlled by his environment according to his own choice. In that state the individual has self- confidence in his control of the material universe and the organisms within it along every dynamic. He is confident about any and all abilities or talents he may possess. He is confident in his interpersonal relationships. He reasons but does not need to react. (AP&A, p. 53) 4. entirely and solely the imposition of time and space upon energy flows. By imposing time and space upon objects, people, self, events, and individuals, is causation. (Scn 8-80, p. 44) 5. the theta control of the organism. (Scn 0-8, p. 83) 6. full responsibility for self, no responsibility for other side of game. (Scn 0-8, p. 119) 7. means the ability to direct himself. (2 ACC 30A, 5312CM21) 8. the individual can only determine something from his own viewpoint . ( SH Spec 83, 6612C06) 9. a condition of determining the actions of self. It is a first ( self) dynamic action and leaves the remaining seven undetermined or, in actuality, in opposition to the self. Thus if one wants to take on the rest of life in a free-for-all fight, one could be entirely insistent upon total self-determinism. One is Self-determined, then, in any situation in which he is fighting. He is pan-determined in any situation which he is controlling. (FOT, p. 50)10. self-determinism meant, in essence, control by the awareness of awareness unit of that which it conceived to be its identity. (Dn55!, p. 98) SELF-INVALIDATING ENGRAM, the engram which contains the phrases, “never happened,” “can’t believe it,” “wouldn’t possibly imagine it,” and so on. (DTOT, p. 129) SELF-INVALIDATION, a person who makes huge overts out of every little action, which is in essence self-invalidation, has behind that someplace a huge overt—big enough to set the police of several galaxies after them. (BTB 11 Dec 72R) SELFNESS, not selfishness but just being himself. (Aud Spec Iss. 1973 ASHO) SELF-PERPETUATING ENGRAM, implies that “It will always be this way,” and “It happens all the time.” (DTOT, p. 130) SELF-PROCESSING, the action of a person trying to run processes on himself or continually thinking about his own case or trying to work out what is wrong with himself. It is an improper action which will only lead to a worsening of the person’s case. (BTB 12 Apr 72) See also SELF-AUDITING. SEMI-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, half acknowledgements. When you acknowledge what the pc said without ending the cycle of the auditing command and then say the next auditing commands. (SH Spec 25, 6107C05) SEN, sensation. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) SENSATION, 1. uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind (except pain) are called sensation. These are basically “pressure,” “motion,” “dizziness,” “sexual sensation,” and “emotion” and “misemotion.” There are others, definite in themselves but definable in these five general categories. If one took a fork and pressed it against the arm, that would be “pressure.” “Motion” is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. “Motion” includes the “winds of space.” A feeling of being blown upon, especially from in front of the face. “Dizziness” is a feeling of disorientation and includes a spinniness, as well as an out-of-balance feeling. “Sexual sensation” means any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. “Emotion” and “misemotion” include all levels of the complete tone scale except “pain”; emotion and misemotion are closely allied to “motion,” being only a finer particle action. A bank solidity is a form of “pressure,” and when the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind occurs, we say “The bank is beefing up.” All these are classified as sensation. Symbol: Sen. (HCOB 8 Nov 62) 2. all sensation is energy. (2 ACC 26A, 5312CM17) SENSING DEVICES, sensory organs. (EOS, p. 45) SENSITIVITY BOOSTER, the meter can be made more sensitive by turning the sensitivity booster to 32 which will double the sensitivity or to 64 which quadruples the sensitivity (64 or 128 in later models). (BIEM, p. 25) SENSITIVITY KNOB, 1. on the E-meter the sensitivity knob magnifies the movement of the needle. (BIEM, p. 25) 2. the sensitivity knob increases the swing of the needle. (EME, p. 13) SENSORY CHANNELS, the nerves. (HFP, p. 32) SENTIENT, responsive to or conscious of sense impressions. (SOS, p. 43) SEPARATENESS, the object of separateness in locational processing is to establish and run out identifications. Commands: Select an object from which you are separate. Select an object which is separate from you. (Op Bull No. 1, 20 Oct 55) SERENE VALENCES, when people are in serene valences it means they are wholly overwhelmed as a thetan. (HCOB 5 Jun 61) SER FAC, service facsimile. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) SERIES, see GOAL SERIES. SERIOUS, when interest is important because of penalty. (PDC 59) SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL CASES, cases where the illness makes too much PTP in PT. (HCOB 25 Nov 71 II) SERVICE FACSIMILE, 1. these are called “service facsimiles.” “Service” because they serve him. “Facsimiles” because they are in mental image picture form. They explain his disabilities as well. The facsimile part is actually a self- installed disability that “explains” how he is not responsible for being able to cope. So he is not wrong for not coping. Part of the “package” is to be right by making wrong. The service facsimile is therefore a picture containing an explanation of self condition and also a fixed method of making others wrong. (HCOB 15 Feb 74) 2. this is actually part of a chain of incidents which the individual uses to invite sympathy or cooperation on the part of the environment. One uses engrams to handle himself and others and the environment after one has himself conceived that he has failed to handle himself, others and the general environment. (AP&A, p. 7) 3. it is simply a time when you tried to do something and were hurt or failed and got sympathy for it. Then afterwards when you were hurt or failed and wanted an explanation, you used it. And if you didn’t succeed in getting sympathy for it, you used it so hard it became a psychosomatic illness. (HFP, p. 89) 4. every time you fail, you pick up this facsimile and become sick or sadly noble. It’s your explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you failed. It once got you sympathy. (HFP, p. 89) 5. that facsimile which the preclear uses to apologize for his failures. In other words, it is used to make others wrong and procure their cooperation in the survival of the preclear. If the preclear well cannot achieve survival, he attempts an illness or disability as a survival computation. The workability and necessity of the service facsimile is only superficially useful. The service facsimile is an action method of withdrawing from a state of beingness to a state of not beingness and is intended to persuade others to coax the individual back into a state of beingness. (AP&A, p. 43) 6. that computation generated by the preclear (not the bank) to make self right and others wrong, to dominate or escape domination and enhance own survival and injure that of others. (HCOB 1 Sept 63) SESSION, see AUDITING SESSION. SESSION ARC BREAK, occurs when the session inadvertently brought into view someplace on the back track, something which was not acknowledged. A heavy charge on the back track moved in just to the fringes of consciousness of the pc and he reacted, and his affinity, and reality, and communication went by the boards. (SH Spec 60, 6505C11) SESSION MISSED WITHHOLD, a missed withhold picked up in a session is anything the pc thinks, anything the pc is withholding. It doesn’t matter. That’s a session missed withhold. Pc didn’t tell the auditor he was uncomfortable, etc. (SH Spec 142, 6205C03) SETTLE OUT, 1. which is to say, permits the temporarily enturbulated theta to disenturbulate and the “frozen” entheta to convert, in some minute quantity, to free theta. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 8) 2. destimulate. (HCOB 16 Aug 70) SET UP, getting an F/N showing and VGIs before starting any major action. Such may require a repair action and rudiments as well. (HCOB 23 Aug 71) SETUP PROGRAM, a repair program to eradicate case mishandling by current life or auditing errors. (HCOB 12 Jun 70) SEVEN RESISTIVE CASES, these are the only cases which hang up: (1) unaudited cases (lies about grades, etc.); (2) drug cases (who seek in processing the delusions or madness which exhilarated them on drugs); (3) former therapy cases (in this or past lives); (4) out of valence cases; (5) cases who continue to commit overts on Scn; (6) cases “audited” with their ruds out or grades out; (7) seriously physically ill cases (where the illness makes too much PTP in PT). (HCOB 23 Sept 68) SEVEN SPECIAL CASES, Seven Resistive Cases. (HCOB 8 Sept 71) SEVENTH DYNAMIC, see DYNAMICS. SEVENTY-FIVE RATING, 75 rating. Passing grade 75 per cent on simple written examination of which true and false questions can comprise 75 per cent or more of the questions asked. (HCO PL 15 Mar 63) SEVERITY, an increase in that discipline believed necessary by the people to guarantee their security. (PAB 96) SEX, 1. the body’s single effort to make something out of nothing is resident in sex, and in this culture at our time sex is a degraded and nasty thing which must be hidden at best and babies are something not to have but to be prevented. Thus even sex has been made to parallel the something-into-nothing impulse. (PAB 14) 2. sex has been overweighted in importance in old psychotherapy, an importance more or less disgraced at this time. Sex is only one of numerous creative impulses. An anxiety about sex, however, occurs when an individual begins to believe that there will not be a body for him to have during the next lifetime. (FOT, p. 67) 3. sex finds no space tolerable for present beingness but looks to other and future beingnesses as the only chance for universes. (PAB 33) 4. a harmonic of aesthetics and pain. (Scn Jour 18-G) 5. an interchange of condensed admiration particles which forwards new bodies into being. (COHA, p. 205) 6. the super-condensed many times via’d activity of creating other life forms. The only thing which makes it more complex is the fact that it is considered to be more complex. (5410CM20) SEXUAL SENSATION, any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. (HCOB 19 Jan 67) SF, small fall, (a quarter to half an inch). (HCOB 29 Apr 69) SH, Saint Hill. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) SH ACC, Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) SHAME, 1. effect one creates is unworthy, shouldn’t have done it. (HCOB 6 Feb 60) 2. being other bodies, that’s shame. There is an emotion of shame connected with being other bodies; one is ashamed to be oneself, he is somebody else. (5904C08) SH DEMO, Saint Hill Demonstration. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) SHIFT OF VALENCE, that merely means taking on the identity of another mass. (5410CM12) SHOCK, 1. a person can be broken down on the emotional scale so steeply, sharply and suddenly that they can be killed. That’s what’s known as shock. (5203CM05A) 2. an expression of an unwillingness to duplicate. (5410CM21) SHORT 8, a short form of Standard Operating Procedure 8 of Scn 8-8008. (COHA, p. 243) SHORT LIST, by short, we don’t mean 539 pages, or three items either. A short list is enough items to get the pc sure he or she has covered the lot. (HCOB 1 Jul 65) SHORT SESSIONING, 1. starting, continuing for a few minutes, a 6ession, and ending the session. It has good gain qualities for a pc who has poor concentration. (HCOB 24 Mar 60) 2. means that two or more sessions can be run in one auditing period. (HCOB 21 Dec 61) SHORT SPOTTING, 1. one version of TR-10, “You notice that (nearby object).” It is spotting right up close. (SCP, p. 10) 2. a process called short spotting, wherein the auditor has the preclear spot things that are very close to him. (SCP, p. 22) SHORT TERM PTP, is in terms of months or weeks. (SH Spec 5, 6106C01) SHPA, Special Hubbard Professional Auditors Course (London). (HCOB 29 Sept 66) SHSBC, 1. Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. (HCO PL 11 Feb 63) 2. the purpose of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course was first foremost and only to make clearing auditors. (HCO PL 12 Nov 62) SHUT-OFFS, there is a whole species of commands which shut off pain and emotion simultaneously. “I can’t feel anything” is the standard, but the command varies widely and is worded in a great many ways. (DMSMH, p. 347) SICK BEING, one who has been bent upon violence and was suppressed, or one who was bent upon constructiveness and was suppressed. (HCO Info Ltr 2 Apr 64) SICKNESS, 1. the result of engram chains in restimulation. (HCOB 16 Aug 69) 2. is a covert effort to die. (SH Spec 40, 6108C16) 3. invalidation of a terminal. (SH Spec 46, 6108C29) SIGHT, light waves, coming from the sun, moon, stars or artificial sources, reflect from objects and the light waves enter the eyes and are recorded for present time action or as memory for future reference. Light sources are also recorded. This is the sense perception called sight. (SA, p. 79) SIGNIFICANCE, 1. a word which is used in the special sense to denote any thought, decision, concept, idea or meaning in the mind in distinction to its masses. (The mind is basically composed of masses and significances.) (Scn AD) 2. a thetan can postulate or say or reason anything. Thus there is an infinity of significances. (HCOB 16 Jun 70) SIGNIFICANCE PROCESSING, significance processing had the preclear take some picture or object and assign innumerable significances to it. This is an excellent process for those who are always looking for deeper significances in everything. (COHA, P- 79) SIMULATED CLEAR, we called it a “keyed-out clear” quite properly. The person has been released from his reactive mind. He still has that reactive mind but he’s not in it. (HCOB 2 Apr 65) SINCE MID RUDS, see BIG MIDDLE RUDIMENTS, MIDDLE RUDIMENTS. SINGLE, by “single” is meant “to self” flow 1. (HCOB 5 Oct 69) SIX BASIC PROCESSES, THE, (1) Two-Way Communication; (2) Elementary Straightwire; (3) Opening Procedure of 8C; (4) Opening Procedure by Duplication; (5) Remedying Havingness; (6) Spotting Spots in Space. (PAB 42) SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING, 1. Ievel one—rudiments, level two— locational and not-know processes, level three—decisional processing, level four—opening procedure by duplication, level five—remedy of communication scarcity, level six—remedy of havingness and spotting spots in space. (Scn 8-8008, pg 137) 2. a method of auditing and a new auditing atmosphere which articulates the attitude best calculated to maintain continuing stable data in a case. The auditing atmosphere is A-R-C with gain marked by continuing rises in ARC. (Scn 8-8008, pp. 137-141) SIXTH DYNAMIC, see DYNAMICS. SKIPPED GRADIENT, a skipped gradient means taking on a higher degree or amount before a lesser degree of it has been handled, one has to go back and handle the missed degree or thing or else one will have just loses on a subject thereafter. (HCOB 2 Jun 71 I) SKUNK, “skunk” has a slang definition of “to lose out,” to be “skunked.” (LRH Def. Notes) SKUNKED, a list with RSes on it in listing that failed to produce a reliable item. (HCOB 5 Dec 62) SLAM, see ROCK SLAM. SLANT (/), 1. if the item is alive constantly or sporadically but doesn’t go null for three consecutive reads you put a slant. (SH Spec 137, 6204C24) 2. the auditor, to null the list marks each item that stays in with a (/). (HCOB 5 Dec 62) SLAVERY, being positioned in another’s time and space. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss) SLOW ASSES!3MENT, by slow assessment is meant letting the pc itsa while assessing. This consists of rapid auditor action, very crisp to get something that moves the TA and then immediate shift into letting the pc itsa during which, “Be quiet!” The slowness is overall action. It takes hours and hours to do an old preclear assessment form this way but the TA flies. (HCOB 1 Oct 63) SLOW BOAT AUDITING, auditing done without an ability to estimate the ARC of the pc or know where the basic processes fit on the tone scale. (Abil Ma 5) SLOW GAIN CASE, committing overts the auditor doesn’t see. Therefore a little discipline in the environment speeds the slow gain case. (HCOB 29 Sept 65) SLP, Six Levels of Processing. (Scn 8-8008, p. 137) S.L.R., Scientology Library and Research Ltd. (HCO PL 30 Sept 64) S.M., straight memory. (Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation) SMALL TIGER, it is however simply called Tiger Drill. Big Tiger is always called Big Tiger. Only the following buttons are used in Small Tiger: suppressed, invalidated, suggested, failed to reveal and mistake. (HCOB 29 Nov 62) SMC, State of Man Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) SMELL, is evidently activated by small particles escaping from the object, which is thus sensed traveling through space and meeting the nerves. Taste is usually considered to be a part of the sense of smell. (SA, p. 87) SNAPPING TERMINALS, the reason an engram comes into being and expresses itself on a preclear’s body is a lack of communication, the communication has become solid. It expresses itself as an engram, as a facsimile, as a lock, as a secondary. This expression comes about through absence of two-way communication. The moment that one runs two-way communication in upon the process, the spot has a tendency to go back to its original location. This is the phenomenon known as snapping or closing terminals. (PAB 51) S.O., Sea Organization. (FO 508) SOCIAL COUNSELOR COURSE, the course covers the basic materials of Dn and Scn and teaches the student how to audit. (SO ED 135, INT, 18 Jan 72) SOCIAL MACHINERY, action without awareness. He’s doing it all the time but he never noticed it. What the individual is aware of and what the individual is doing are not the same thing, ever. (Aud 31) SOCIAL PERSONALITY, the social personality naturally operates on the basis of the greatest good. He is not haunted by imagined enemies but he does recognize real enemies when they exist. The social personality wants to survive and wants others to survive. Basically the social personality wants others to be happy and do well. (ISE, p. 19) SOFT TRs, there has been such a thing as “soft TRs”. In being “soft” and “nice” about TRs, you are not doing anyone a favor. If anything, it would be the greatest disservice you could give a being. In Scn we get results and we get them by following our technology relentlessly to the letter. (BTB 18 Aug 71R) SOLDERED-IN, the engram acts as if it were a soldered-in connection to the life function regulator and the organic coordinator and the basic level of the analytical mind itself. By soldered-in is meant “permanent connection.” This keying in is the hook-up of the engram as part of the operating machinery of the body. (DMSMH, p. 78) SOLID, when the meter needle is not floating the TA is registering mass, mental mass. When you see a TA going up, up, up you know the picture isn’t erasing but is getting more solid. The solidness is visible right on the TA dial. (HCOB 25 May 69) SOLIDITY, 1. could be said to be stupidity. (COHA, p. 139) 2. barriers. (HCOB 10 Mar 70) SOLNS, solutions. (BTB 20 Aug 71R II) SOLO AUDITING, 1. the action of “solo auditing” is not selfauditing. Solo auditing is done in a regular session in model session form. (HCOB 8 Dec 64) 2. in solo auditing the auditor is also the pc. This means that once the auditor has duplicated and understood the item or question the pc has also. (BTB 12 Dec 71 IV) SOLUTION, 1. what will cause the problem to dissipate and disappear. (PXL, p. 182) 2. something which solves the problem. Thus the as-isness is the problem is the solution for it would vanish the problem. (COHA, p. 109) SOM, symbol for somatic. (HCOB 19 Jan 67) SOMA, body. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) SOMATIC, 1. by somatic is meant a pain or ache sensation and also misemotion or even unconsciousness. There are a thousand different descriptive words that could add up to a feeling. Pains, aches, dizziness, sadness—these are all feelings. Awareness, pleasant or unpleasant, of a body. ( HCOB 26 Apr 69) 2. body sensation, illness or pain or discomfort. “Soma” means body. Hence psychosomatic or pains stemming from the mind. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 3. this is a general word for uncomfortable physical perceptions coming from the reactive mind. Its genus is early Dn and it is a general, common package word used by Scientologists to denote “pain” or “sensation” with no difference made between them. To the Scientologist anything is a somatic if it emanates from the various parts of the reactive mind and produces an awareness of reactivity. Symbol: SOM. (HCOB 8 Nov 62) 4. the word somatic means, actually, bodily or physical. Because the word pain is restimulative, and because the word pain has in the past led to a confusion between physical pain and mental pain, the word somatic is used in Dn to denote physical pain or discomfort, of any kind. It can mean actual pain, such as that caused by a cut or a blow; or it can mean discomfort, as from heat or cold; it can mean itching—in short, anything physically uncomfortable. It does not include mental discomfort such as grief. Hard breathing would not be a somatic; it would be a symptom of misemotion suppression. Somatic means a non-survival physical state of being. (SOS, p. 79) SOMATIC CHAIN, 1. chains, held together by somatics. The body condition or somatic is what keeps the chain in association. Somatic chains go quickly to basic and are the important chains. (HCOB 23 May 69j SOMATIC LOCATION, the technique available to the auditor by which the moment of reception of the somatic is located, in an effort to discover whether it is received in this engram or to find an engram containing it. (DMSMH, p. 226) SOMATIC MIND, 1. the mind that works in a purely stimulus response way, contains only actingness, no thinkingness, and can be used to set up certain physical machines. (HCO Info Ltr 2 Sept 64) 2. that mind which, directed by the analytical or reactive mind, places solutions into effect on the physical level. (Scn 0-8, p. 65) 3. this is an even heavier type of mind than the reactive mind since it contains no thinkingness and contains only actingness. The impulses placed against the body by the thetan through various mental machinery, arrive at the voluntary, involuntary, and glandular levels. These have set methods of analysis for any given situation and so respond directly to commands given. (FOT, p. 61) 4. the somatic mind would be that mind which takes care of the automatic mechanisms of the body, the regulation of the minutiae which keep the organism running. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 233) SOMATIC SHUT-OFF, the somatic may be shut-off in the incident or elsewhere, either earlier by command or late by painful emotion. The patient who wriggles a great deal or who does not wriggle at all is suffering from a pain or emotion shut-off or late painful emotional engrams or both. There is a whole species of commands which shut-off pain and emotion simultaniously: this is because the word “feel” is homonymic. “I can’t feel anything” is the standard, but the command varies widely and is worded in a great many ways. (DMSMH, pp. 346-347) SOMATIC STRIP, the somatic strip is so called because it seems to be a physical indicator mechanism which has to do with time. The auditor orders the somatic strip. There is this difference between the file clerk and the somatic strip: he works with the file clerk but commands the somatic strip. On command, the somatic strip will go to.any point of the preclear’s life, unless the entheta on the case is so heavy that the somatic strip is frozen in one place. The somatic strip goes to the point of return, but it is not the same as completely returning since the preclear’s “I” can stay in present time and the somatic strip can be sent back to earlier periods of his life. This is a very useful mechanism. The somatic strip can be sent back to the beginning of an engram and will go there. The somatic strip will advance through an engram in terms of minutes counted off by the auditor, so that the auditor can say that the somatic strip will go to the beginning of the engram, then to the point five minutes after the engram began, and so forth. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 163) SONIC, 1. ability to hear the sound in pictures. (HCOB 20 May 69) 2. by the word sonic in Dn is usually meant sonic recall, rather than hearing sound6 outside the body. Sonic means hearing the sound6 which have been remembered. Those sounds which the individual has heard in the past are all recorded, either in the analytical standard memory bank or in the reactive bank. (SOS, p. 65) 3. recalling a sound by hearing it again is called “sonic” in Dn and is a desirable circumstance which can be returned to the individual. (SA, p. 85) SONIC CIRCUITS, are very easily recognized, for they speak audibly inside the head of the preclear or give him faint sonic impressions. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 205) SONIC SHUT-OFF, 1. it’s a person trying to stop the energy wave of sound. (5110CMOlB) 2. sonic shut-off may be quite selective: the individual may be able to hear sounds but not voices. Selective shut-offs are caused both by charge on the case and by selective sonic shut-off commands, such as “You cannot hear your wife,” or “You pay no attention to me.” (SOS, p. 66) SOP, Standard Operating Procedure. (Scn 8-8008, p. 85) SOP-8, Standard Operating Procedure 8. This operating procedure retains the most workable methods of preceding procedures and, in itself, emphasizes positive gain and the present and future rather than negative gain of eradication of the past. The goal of this procedure is not the rehabilitation of the body but of the thetan. Rehabilitation of a body incidentally ensues. The goal of this procedure is Operating Thetan. (Scn 8-8008, p. 115) SOP 8A, a process; employed the moment it is discovered the pc’s very uncertain of his own mock-ups or if he is occluded. (PAB 2) SOP-8-C, might be called SOP-8 modified for clinical, laboratory, and individual human applications. The goal of the system of operation is to return to the individual his knowledge, skill and knowingness, and to enhance his perception, his reaction time and serenity. (COHA, p. 246) SOP 8-D, this procedure is for use by a trained Scientologist. Its primary goal is the delivery of heavy cases; however it can be extensively applied to all cases. (COHA, p. 174) SOP GOALS, this is Standard Operating Procedure Goals. There is a great deal to know about SOP Goals. It is the right way to use the pre-hav scales. With skilled use this can produce releases and Clears. (HCOB 23 Mar 61) SOUND, 1. sound consists of the perception of waves emanating from moving objects. An object moves rapidly or slowly, and sets into vibration the air in its vicinity which pulses. When these pulses strike the eardrum they set into motion the individual’s sound recording mechanism and the sound is registered. Sound is absent in a vacuum and is actually merely a force wave. (SA, p. 84) 2. sound is a by-product of communication. It is the carrier wave of communication and is not itself communication. (Dn 55.l, p. 131) 3. sound has several parts. The first is pitch. This is the number of vibrations per unit of time of any object from which sound is coming. The second is quality or tone which is simply the difference between a jagged or ragged sound wave and a smooth sound wave as in a musical note. The third is volume, which merely means the force of the sound wave, its loudness or quietness. (SA, p. 85) SOURCE, 1. the point of origin, or it would be the originator, or where something was begun or dreamed up or mocked up. (Class VIII, No. 18) 2. that from which something comes or develops; place of origin: cause. (HCOB 11 May 65) SOURCE LIST, 1. the goal oppose as covered in steps 1-7 (of R3M). This is called a “source list.” (HCOB 22 Feb 63) 2. there are only two of these “source lists.” (a) the “most likely list” at the start of each GPM, done before RIs are found. “Who or what would be most likely to achieve this goal?” And (b) the “goal as an RI oppose list” at the bottom of the GPM, done after all the RIs of the GPM are found. “What goal would (the goal just done) oppose?” (HCOB 8 Apr 63) SOURCE-POINT, if you consider a river flowing to the sea, the place where it began would be the source-point or cause and the place where it went into the sea would be the effect-point and the sea would be the effect of the river. (PAB 86) SOUTH, very, very rough cases. The common denominator is: nothing they think has any effect on anything. They’re all on automatic and what they’ve got left under analytical contrcl is so scrappily tiny that it’s a wonder they move at all. (6102C14) See ALL THE WAY SOUTH. SOUTH OF THE AUKS, “South” is used as “below” or more basic or “more lost.” South of the AUKS would be even further south than the South Pole, Antartica being inhabited by a flightless bird, the AUK. (LRH Def. Notes) SP, suppressive person. (HCOB 5 Feb 66) SPACATION, 1. the subject of space. We call the process spacation, and spacation would be the subject of space. (PDC 1) 2. a process having to do with the rehabilitation of the creation of space. (PDC 1) 3. constructing own apace with eight anchor points and holding it stable without effort. (Scn 8-8008, pp. 116-117) 4. the subject of the creation, handling of, or concept of apace. (PDC 11) SPACE, 1. space is a viewpoint of dimension. It doesn’t exist without a viewpoint. (531lCM17A) 2. apace is not nothingness. Space is the viewpoint of dimension, and that is what space is. It is how far we look and if you didn’t look you wouldn’t have any apace. (5608COO) 3. space is caused by looking out from a point. The only actuality of space is the agreed-upon consideration that one perceives through something and this we call apace. (FOT, p. 71) 4. space is made by the attitude of a viewpoint which demarks an area with anchor pGints. (Scn 8-8008, p. 17) 5. can be defined of course in reverse by its own terms in terms of time. Space is something that to go from the left side of the table over to the right side of the tabletop would require space. They define against each other (time and space). (5203C03B) SPACE OPERA, a novel, motion picture, radio or television play, or comic strip usually of a stock type featuring interplanetary travel, beings of outer space often in conflict with the people of earth and other similar science fiction themes. (Websters Third International Dictionary) SPECTRUM, gradations of something which are really the same thing but which have wider and wider scope or range. (DMSMH, p. 196) SPECTRUM PRINCIPLE, a yardstick whereby gradations from zero to infinity and infinity to infinity were used and absolutes were considered utterly unobtainable for scientific purposes. (DMSMH, p. 336) SPEECH, 1. a specialized portion of sound and sight. Speech is learned by the mimicry of the sounds of action. (NOTL, p. 39) 2. a symbolized package of perception. (Spr Lect 3, 5303M24) SPERM DREAM, patients sometimes have a feeling that they are sperms or ovums at the beginning of the track; in Dn this is called the sperm dream. (DMSMH, p. 294) SPHERES OF INTEREST, the spheres of interest are the eight dynamics. A series of concentric sphere6 each one larger than the last with the first dynamic at center and the eighth dynamic at the extreme of any universe gives a spatial picture of interest. (COHA, p. 99) SPINNER, THE, a chair device was used to spin the thetan until he had no orientation. This is the probable source of the slang term, spinning, meaning going insane. (HOM, pp. 72-73) SPINNINESS, a variety of dizziness; a sensation. (HCOB 19 Jan 67) SPINNING, slang term meaning going insane. (HOM, p. 73) SPIRALS, 1. the thetan lives his life in segments: the largest segment is composed of spirals, as he goes through the mest universe, he is involved in a series of spirals each one less in terms of years, ordinarily, than the last. The length of this spiral might serve to indicate how much longer the thetan can continue. By a spiral would be meant a more or less continuous cycle of action. (HOM, p. 50) 2. a term of lives, or a term of existences, or a single existence which bear an intimate relation, one to the other. (PDC 16) SPIRIT, a thetan, after the Greek symbol of thought (ΓΈ)) and spirit—theta. (Abil 146) SPORADIC SLAM, this slam is occasionally turned on. (SH Spec 194, 6209C25) SPOT, a simple location, not a spot that has a mass, temperature, or characteristics. A location is simply a location, it does not have mass, it does not have color, it does not have any temperature. (Dn 55!, p. 119) SPOTTING SPOTS, 1. the goal of the process is to bring the preclear to a point where he can spot locations in space which do not have color, mass or shape, but which are simply locations, and spot that same location repeatedly without variation. (PAB 51) 2. this is a precision action—you want him to spot a spot in space and then be able to spot it again. That spot is only a location. It doesn’t have mass, and you want him to be able to put his finger on it and take his finger off of it, and put the finger of his other hand on it, and take it off, and move his body into it and move his body out of it and so forth. This is a location and the more certain he becomes of these locations the better he is, and the next thing you know—why, he’s able to tolerate space. (PXL, p. 262) SPRINGY, needle reaction—reads which bounce back to set position. (HCOB 8 Jul 64 II) SPR LECT, London Spring Lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) SQUIRREL, 1. a squirrel is doing something entirely different. He doesn’t understand any of the principles so he makes up a bunch of them to fulfill his ignorance and voices them off on a pc and gets no place. (SH Spec 77, 6111C08) 2. those who engage in actions altering Scn, and ofbeat practices. (ISE, p. 40)— v. to change and invent processes. (HCOB 23 May 69) SQUIRRELLING, 1. it means altering Scn and offbeat practices. It is a bad thing. (HCO PL 14 Feb 65) 2. squirrelling is not really different processes—it is careless, incomplete, messed up auditing procedure. (HCOB 15 Jan 70 II) SRI, Student Rescue Intensive. (BTB 9 Aug 70R) SSSA, six steps for self auditing. (PAB 7) STABILITY, what we will call a stability for want of a better word at this time would be one who can, without the assistance of mest eyes, perceive with complete certainty the three universes from many viewpoints, a Clear. (PAB 2) STABLE DATUM, 1. until one selects one datum, one factor, one particular in a confusion of particles, the confusion continues. The one thing selected and used becomes the stable datum for the remainder. (POW, p. 23) 2. any body of knowledge is built from one datum. That is its stable datum. Invalidate it and the entire body of knowledge falls apart. A stable datum does not have to be the correct one. It is simply the one that keeps things from being in a confusion and on which others are aligned. (POW, p. 24) 3. a datum which keeps things from being in a confusion and around which other data align. (NSOL, p. 66) See also DOCTRINE OF THE STABLE DATUM. STAFF STAFF AUDITOR, 1. purpose: to keep staff morale high, by keeping missed withholds cleaned up. To see to it that staff gets best auditing possible. To release and clear staff. (HCO PL 17 May 62) 2. audits staff members, handles auditing emergency assists on staff. (HCO PL 18 Dec 64) STAGE FOUR NEEDLE, 1. means somebody who isn’t registering by reason of being stuck in machinery. A stage four needle rises and sticks and then falls. (5811C07) 2. this is the sole survivor of an old system (20th ACC) that used four stages of meter reaction as a test of state of case. A stage four needle is still important to identify when met as it means this preclear is from no place as a case. A stage four is below a merely stuck needle. A stage four needle goes up about an inch or two (always the same distance) and sticks and then falls, goes up, sticks, falls, about once a second or so. It is very regular, always the same distance, always the same pattern, over and over on and on, and nothing you say or the preclear says changes it (except body reactions). It’s a disheartening phenomenon. Until you break it, there’s no case change. (EME, p. 19) STAGES OF RELEASE, First Stage Release. 1. this occurs in auditing up to Grade IV. It is not very stable. The person is very well off and definitely a release, but he or she can now postulate and in postulating sometimes gets into the R6 bank. The first stage release is eased out of the bank but subject to call back. (HCOB 28 Jun 65) 2. to obtain first stage release, one must have had lower grade auditing of some sort. This removes the locks (the distressful moments of life) off the reactive mind. As these pinned one to it, one can now get out of it. (HCOB 5 Aug 65) Second Stage Release. Power Process Release. This is very stable and should be called a Second Stage Release or a Power Release to be technically exact. You can run only power processes on a First Stage Release. These knock out all factors of the track that force a person back into the R6 bank and leave the person able to go into or get out of the R6 bank easily. This second stage release is definitely Homo novis. The person ceases to respond like a Homo sapiens and has fantastic capability to learn and act. (HCOB 28 Jun 65) Third Stage Release. 1. certain advanced power processes make a Third Stage Release. These mainly recover knowledge and smooth out one’s understanding of the awareness of the environment achieved by Second Stage Release on power processing. (HCOB 12 Jul 65) 2. (called for a few days a second stage before terminology was firm) is an improved Second Stage Release in that selective areas of learning are handled to return special skills to the person. The case state does not necessarily improve but certain zones of knowledge have been polished up. (HCOB 28 Jun 65) Fourth Stage Release. to obtain Fourth Stage Release one has to take the lock end words off the R6 bank. He has to be an R6 auditor himself to do this properly. With these gone, the R6 bank is left on its naked basics and one can be very free of it for quite a while. (HCOB 5 Aug 65)

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