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Friday, July 10, 2015

The Bastard L. Ron Hubbard

This is the long awaited and much heralded Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. It contains and defines almost all of the words and abbreviations used in connection with auditing technology and with the training of auditors to date in Dianetics and Scientology. Many words have several definitions taken from various periods of the development of Dianetics and Scientology. A large amount of L. Ron Hubbard’s books, tape lectures, articles and technical bulletins etc. were researched for many years by a team of researchers. The period from 1950 to 1975 was heavily consulted for the terms and their definitions. The student can readily see the progressive development through time of the vocabulary of Dianetics and Scientology by its Source and Founder, L. Ron Hubbard as well as the changes that have come about through his continued research. More important however, is the fact that all of the materials of the subjects remain valid and in force today. In compiling this dictionary the researchers and editors have chosen to omit the conventional use of the ellipsis (. . .) which would indicate an intentional omission of words in the definition. This is so that each definition imparts a complete uninterrupted thought to the reader and allows him to form a concept of the word without distraction or the inclusion of data not contributory to the definition. The references at the end of each definition allow the reader to consult the Source of the definition if further information is desired. In addition to giving an understanding of the vocabulary of the subjects and clearing up misunderstood words and abbreviations in connection with Dianetics and Scientology, there is a further major use for this dictionary; The student requiring information about any area of Dianetics or Scientology need only look up the words connected with that area and he will be provided with references to appropriate material for further study of that area. As the Tone Scale is referred to in many definitions a full Tone Scale appears at the end of the dictionary before the reference summary. The Editors Introduction In the early sixties the research which I did on study and study materials brought so view the necessity of an accurate and modernized dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology. Despite the pressing need of this so many other research projects existed that I did not have an opportunity to personally engage upon this work of definitions. All of the grades and OT levels remained to be researched in full and therefore I relegated any dictionary compilations to staff action. Almost all the words used in Dianetics and Scientology are defined in the early bulletins in which they first appeared. However, a complete dictionary is a vital necessity and use of it can mean the difference between understanding and not understanding; being able to be an auditor and not being one. Philosophy has always had the liability of gathering to itself a great many new words and labels. The reason for this is that the philosopher finds phenomena in the physical universe or in the mind or humanities which have not hitherto been observed or properly identified. Each one of these tends to require a new word for its description. In actual fact this cycle of new observations requiring new labels is probably the growth of language itself. Language is obviously the product of unsung observers who then popularized a word to describe what had been observed. The system which has been followed in Dianetics and Scientology in labelling phenomena or observed things was originally to make verbs into nouns or vice versa. The practice of developing new nomenclature was actually held to a minimum. However, it was found that many old words in the field of philosophy, when used, conveyed to people an entirely new idea. The exactness of Dianetics and Scientology required a more precise approach. This approach was achieved by special naming with an eye to minimal confusion with already supposed or known phenomena. The Dianetics and Scientology vocabulary is nevertheless not large. It is interesting that many Dianetics and Scientology terms have moved sideways into society and are in common use today. In the search which brought about Dianetics and Scientology many new phenomena were encountered which resulted, for the first time, in a workable, predictable science of the humanities. The introduction of a few words of new meaning to make this possible seems to be a small price to pay. It is the hallmark of the Dianeticist and Scientologist that he uses these words even in his common conversation with ease and facility. The student who is not completely conversant with these exact words as contained in this dictionary will find himself drowsing over his bulletins and utterly appalled when he tries to obtain results which are not forthcoming due to his lack of understanding of some small word. The liability of misunderstood words is not a monopoly of Dianetics and Scientology. In broader university subjects you will find that not only the vocabulary of the subject, but the subject itself is often completely and totally misunderstood, leaving the student ARC broken, upset and even riotous. Whereas the subject of misunderstood words or understood words is, in itself, a broad one, it does not comprise, in itself, the entire technology of study. I hope this dictionary will be of use. Not only in clarifying some of the phenomena of existence, but also speeding greatly your study of Dianetics and Scientology and the results you will be able to attain thereby. a A, affinity. (5904C08) AA, attempted abortion. (DMSMH, p. 245) A=A=A, 1. anything equals anything equals anything. This is the way the reactive mind thinks, irrationally identifying thoughts, people, objects, experiences, statements, etc., with one another where little or no similarity actually exists. (Scn AD) 2. all differences are probably identities and all identities are different and all similarities are imaginary. We have a broad dissertation on this in Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health as it affects insane behavior. Everything is everything else. Mr. X looks at a horse, knows it’s a house, knows it’s a school teacher, so when he sees a horse he is respectful. (HCO PL 26 Apr 70R) 3. this is the behavior of the reactive mind. Everything is identified with everything on a certain subject. (PDC 20) ABCD, 1. these are the steps designation of the second run through of R3R as given in the commands for R3R. Usually the auditor simply writes ABCD on his worksheet which shows he has given the command required and designated under A, under B, under C, under D, as and when he gives them to the preclear. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. after the first time through an incident in Dn and when pc has recounted it, the auditor tells pc, A. “Move to the beginning of the incident.” B. “Tell me when you are there.” C. When pc has said he is, “Scan through to the end of the incident.” D. “Tell me what happened.” (BTB 6 May 69R II) ABERRATE, to make something diverge from a straight line. The word comes basically from optics . (Dn 55!, p . 65) —adj. Aberrated, departed from rationality, deranged. (EOS, p. 14) ABERRATED BEHAVIOR, destructive effort toward pro-survival data or entities on any dynamic or effort toward the survival of contra-survival data or entities for any dynamic. (Scn 0-8, p. 86) See ABERRATION. ABERRATED PERSONALITY, the personality resultant from superimposition, on the genetic personality of personal characteristics and tendencies brought about by all environmental factors, pro-survival and aberrational. (SOS Gloss) ABERRATION, 1. a departure from rational thought or behavior. From the Latin, aberrare, to wander from; Latin, ab, away, errare, to wander. It means basically to err, to make mistakes, or more specifically to have fixed ideas which are not true. The word is also used in its scientific sense. It means departure from a straight line. If a line should go from A to B, then if it is “aberrated” it would go from A to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, to some other point and finally arrive at B. Taken in its scientific sense, it would also mean the lack of straightness or to see crookedly as, in example, a man sees a horse but thinks he sees an elephant. Aberrated conduct would be wrong conduct, or conduct not supported by reason. When a person has engrams, these tend to deflect what would be his normal ability to perceive truth and bring about an aberrated view of situations which then would cause an aberrated reaction to them. Aberration is opposed to sanity, which would be its opposite. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. an aberrated person wanders from his self- determined course. He no longer goes where he wants to go now, but goes where he has wanted to go in the past. His course is, therefore, not rational, and he seems to go wherever the environment pushes him. He has as many aberrations as he has hidden contrasurvival decisions in his past. (Abil 114A) 3. mental derangement, any irrational condition. (DMSMH, p. 102) 4. the aberree’s reactions to and difficulties with his current environment. (DTOT, p. 127) 5. the manifestation of an engram, and is serious only when it influences the competence of the individual in his environment. (Scn Jour 28-G) 6. the degree of residual plus or minus randomity accumulated by compelling, inhibiting or unwarranted assisting of efforts on the part of other organisms or the physical (material) universe. (Scn 0-8, p. 86) ABERRATIVE VALENCE, people from whom one felt that one could not withhold anything were the most aberrative valences on the case. We thus have a new definition for aberrative valences, namely the “cannot withhold from” valence. (PAB 128) ABERREE, 1. a neologism meaning an aberrated person. (DMSMH, p. 22) 2. a person not released or cleared. (DMSMH, p. 286) 3. anybody who has one or more engrams. (EOS, p. 90) 4. was sometimes used in the early days of Dn to designate an aberrated person. (LRH Def. Notes) ABILITY, to observe, to make decisions, to act. (SH Spec 131, 6204C03) ABILITY GAIN, the pc’s recognition that pc can now do things he could not do before. (HCOB 28 Feb 59) ABILITY RELEASE, expanded Grade IV release. (CG&AC 75) See GRADE IV RELEASE. ABILITY TO THINK, the capability of the mind to perceive, pose and resolve specific and general problems. (DASF, p. 90) ABRIDGED STYLE AUDITING, (Level III style), by abridged is meant “abbreviated,” shorn of extras. Any not actually needful auditing command is deleted. In this style we have shifted from pure rote to a sensible use or omission as needful. We still use repetitive commands expertly, but we don’t use rote that is unnecessary to the situation. (HCOB 6 Nov 64) ABSOLUTE OVERT ACT, an absolute overt act would be something destructive on all eight dynamics. (5901C04) ABSOLUTE RIGHTNESS, the immortality of the individual himself, his children, his group, mankind and the universe and all energy—the infinity of complete survival. (DASF, p. 80) ABSOLUTE WRONGNESS, the extinction of the universe and all energy and the source of energy—the infinity of complete death. (DASF, p. 80) ABSOLUTE ZERO, 1. something that does not have mass, doesn’t have wave- length, doesn’t have location and does not have time. (UPC 11) 2. absolute zero would be a no-motion, a no-temperature condition. (SH Spec 96, 6112C21) AC, Ability Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) ACAD, Academy. (BPL 5 Nov 72R) ACADEMY, in Scn the academy is that department of the technical division in which courses and training are delivered; Department 11, Division 4. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) Abbr. Acad. ACC, Advanced Clinical Course. (PAB 71) ACCELERATION PROCESS, this was an experimental rundown run in 1970- 1971. It consisted of running down prior ARC breaks preceding engrams; it was superseded by L-10 and Expanded Dianetics. Mentioned in HCOB 21 Dec 69, Solo Auditing and R6EW. (LRH Def. Notes) ACCEPTABLE EFFECT, one which is real. The person is certain that an effect of some kind or other has occurred. (5707C25) ACCEPTANCE LEVEL, 1. the degree of a person’s actual willingness to accept people or things, monitored and determined by his consideration of the state or condition that those people or things must be in for him to be able to do so. (PXL Gloss) 2. what he really could have. (XDN No. 4, 7204C07) ACCEPTANCE LEVEL PROCESSING, that process which discovers the lowest level of acceptance of the individual and discovers there the prevailing hunger and feeds that hunger by means of mock-ups until it is satiated. The process is not a separate process itself, but is actually a version of Expanded Gita. (PAB 15) ACCESSIBILITY, 1. the willingness of the preclear to accept auditing and the ability of the auditor and the preclear to work as a team to increase the position of the preclear on the tone scale. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 187) 2. the accessibility of an individual has to do with his own ability to communicate with his environment and to communicate with his own past. (5011C22) 3. generally, the desire of the individual to attain new and higher levels of survival and the betterment of mind and body. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 185) ACCIDENT-PRONE, a case where the reactive mind commands accidents. He is a serious menace in any society for his accidents are reactively intentional and they include the destruction of other people who are innocent. (DMSMH, p. 153) ACC TRs, TRs which have been used on the 1st South African ACC and are a version of the E-meter drills. (HCOB 30 Apr 60) ACK, acknowledgement. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) ACK’ED, acknowledged. (BCR, p. 23) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, something said or done to inform another that his statement or action has been noted, understood and received. “Very good,” “Okay,” and other such phrases are intended to inform another who has spoken or acted that his statement or action has been accepted. An acknowledgement also tends to confirm that the statement has been made or the action has been done and so brings about a condition not only of communication but of reality between two or more people. Applause at a theater is an acknowledgement of the actor or act plus approval. Acknowledgement itself does not necessarily imply an approval or disapproval or any other thing beyond the knowledge that an action or statement has been observed and is received. In signaling with the morse code the receiver of a message transmits an R to the sender as a signal that the message has been received, which is to say acknowledged. There is such a thing as over- acknowledgement and there is such a thing as under-acknowledgement. A correct and exact acknowledgement communicates to someone who has spoken that what he has said has been heard. An acknowledgement tends to terminate or end the cycle of a communication, and when expertly used can sometimes stop a continued statement or continued action. An acknowledgement is also part of the communication formula and is one of its steps. The Scientologist, sometimes, in using Scientologese abbreviates this to “Ack”; he “acked” the person. (LRH Def. Notes) ACT, a stage of processing. Applies solely to the particular process in use at a certain case level. (AP&A Gloss) ACTION, 1. a motion through space having a certain speed. (SH Spec 42, 6410C13) 2. action=motion or movement=an act=a consideration that motion has occurred. (FOT, p. 19) 3. doingness directed towards havingness. (Scn 8-8008, p. 26) 4. action consists of energy outputs and inputs. Action is energy interchanges on a gross mest level. (5203CM05A) ACTION CYCLE, the creation, growth, conservation, decay and death or destruction of energy and matter in a space. Action cycles produce time; an action cycle goes from 40.0 to 0.0 on the tone scale. (Scn 0-8, p. 25) ACTION DEFINITION, see DEFINITIONS, TYPES OF. ACTION PHRASES, 1. words or phrases in engrams or locks (or at 0.1 in present time) which cause the individual to perform involuntary actions on the time track. Action phrases are effective in the low tone ranges and not effective in the high ranges. As a case progresses up the scale, they lose their power. Types of action phrases are bouncer, down bouncer, grouper, denyer, holder, misdirector, scrambler, and the valence shifters corresponding to these. (SOS Gloss) 2. those which seem to order the preclear in various directions. The action phrases are bouncers such as, “Get up,” “Get out”; holders such as “Stay here,” “Don’t move”; misdirectors such as “Don’t know whether I’m coming or going,” or “Everything is backwards”; downbouncers such as “Get under,” or “Go back”; groupers such as “Everything happens at once,” “Pull yourself together”; callbacks such as “Come back,” “Please come”; and one other, the denyer, which states that the engram does not exist, such as “There isn’t anything here,” “I can’t see anything.” There is also the valence shifter which shifts the individual from his own identity to the identity of another; the valence- bouncer, which prohibits an individual from going into some particular valence; the valence denyer, which may even deny that the person’s own valence exists; and the valence-grouper, which makes all valences into one valence. These are all the types of action phrases. (SOS, pp. 181-182) ACTUAL, that which is really true; that which exists despite all apparencies; that which underlies the way things seem to be; the way things really are. (FOT, p. 20) ACTUAL CYCLE OF ACTION, CREATE, create-create-create, create-counter- create, no creation, nothingness . CREATE = make, manufacture, construct, postulate, bring into beingness= CREATE. Create-create-create=create again continuously one moment after the next=SURVIVAL. Create-counter-create=to create something against a creation=to create one thing and then create something else against it=DESTROY. No creation =an absence of any creation=no creative activity. An ACTUAL cycle of action then consists of various activities, but each and every one of them is creative. The cycle of action contains an APPARENCY of SURVIVAL, but this is actually only a continuous creation. (FOT, pp. 20-21) ACTUAL GOAL, the dominating significance of the thetan’s own causation which binds together the masses accumulated by the reliable items of an actual GPM. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms) ACTUAL GPM, the composite black mass of all the pairs of reliable items and their associated locks, dominated and bound together by the significance of an actual goal and having a definite location as a mass on the time track. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VIPart One Glossary of Terms) ACTUALITY, (Scientology Axiom 27), an actuality can exist for one individually, but when it is agreed with by others it can then be said to be a reality. (PXL, p. 175) 2. one’s attitude towards his own universe. (Scn 8-8008, p. 28) ACUTE, immediate, right now. It doesn’t mean exaggerated. Medically it means simply right now, and rather temporary. (SH Spec 31, 6401C28) ACUTE INSANITY, one which flares into existence for a few moments or a few days and then subsides, leaving a relatively normal person. (DASF, p. 77) AD or A.D., after Dianetics (1950) e.g. 1965=AD 15. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) ADAPTIVE POSTULATE, a pre-Dianetic error that an individual was healthy so long as he was adjusted to his environment. Nothing could be less workable than this “adaptive” postulate. Man succeeds because he adjusts his environment to him, not by adjusting himself to the environment. (SA, p. 112) AD COURSES, see ADVANCED COURSES. ADDITIVE, a thing which has been added. This usually has a bad meaning in that an additive is said to be something needless or harmful which has been done in addition to standard procedure. Additive normally means a departure from standard procedure. For example, an auditor puts different or additional words into a standard process or command. It means a twist on standard procedure. In common English, it might mean a substance put into a compound to improve its qualities or suppress undesirable qualities. In Dn and Scn it definitely means to add something to the technology procedure resulting in undesirable results. (LRH Def. Notes) ADMIN, administration or administrator. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) ADMINISTRATION (ADMIN), a contraction or shortening of the word administration, admin is used as a noun to denote the actions involved in administering an organization. The clerical and executive decisions, actions and duties necessary to the running of an organization, such as originating and answering mail, typing, filing, dispatching, applying policy and all those actions, large and small which make up an organization. Admin is also used to denote the action or fact of keeping auditor’s reports, summary reports, worksheets and other records related to an auditing session. “He kept good admin,” meaning that his summary report, auditor’s report and worksheets were neat, exactly on pattern, in proper sequence and easily understood as well as complete. “His admin was bad”; from the scribble and disorderly keeping of records of the session while it was in progress one could not make out what had happened in the session. You will also see the word admin in connection with the three musts of a well-run organization. It is said that its ethics, tech and admin must be “in,” which mean they must be properly done, orderly and effective. The word derives from minister, which means to serve. Administer means to manage, govern, to apply or direct the application of laws, or discipline, to conduct or execute religious offices, dispense rights. It comes from the Latin, administrare, to manage, carry out, accomplish, to attend, wait, serve. In modern English, when they use administration they mean management or running a government or the group that is in charge of the organization or the state. (LRH Def. Notes) ADMIN TRs, the purpose of these TRs is to train the student to get compliance with and complete a cycle of action on administrative actions and orders, in spite of the randomities, confusions, justifications, excuses, traps and insanities of the third and sixth dynamics, and to confront such comfortably while doing so. (BTB 7 Feb 71) ADMIRATION, 1. is the very substance of a communication line, and it is that thing which is considered desirable in the game of the three universes. (COHA, p. 203) 2. a particle which unites and resolves, like the universal solvent, all types of energy, particularly force. (PAB 8) ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE, 1. basically a theory and research course which gives a much further insight into the phenomena of the mind and the rationale of research and investigation. (PAB 71) 2. L. Roh Hubbard’s special courses personally taught by him, scheduled by him, and sponsored for him by an HCO office. (HCO PL 24 Feb 60) Abbr. ACC. ADVANCED COURSES, 1. Solo Audit Course, Clearing Course or OT courses. (HCO PL 12 Aug 71 II) 2. above VA processes, one enters the field of advanced courses, specifically dealing with materials of which one has to solo audit in order to attain the stable gains of the grade. (HCO PL 28 Mar 70) Abbr. Ad Crses. ADVANCED ORGANIZATION, 1. the advanced courses were at first separate in the Office of LRH at Saint Hill and then became the Advanced Orgs (AOs) under the Sea Org. (HCOB 8 Oct 71 II) 2. that organization which runs the advanced courses. Its products are Clears and OTs. (FO 508) ADVANCE PROGRAM, 1. the major actions to be undertaken to get the case back on the class chart from wherever he had erroneously gotten to on it. The advance program consists of writing down in sequence every needful step and process missed on the class chart by the case which is now to be done. It gets the preclear or pre-OT up to where he should be. (HCOB 14 Jun 70) 2. this is what was called a “return program” in the C/S Series. The name was changed from “return” to “advance” as more appropriate. (HCOB 25 Jun 70 II) A.E.S.P., attitudes, emotions, sensations, pains. (BTB 8 Jan 71R) AESTHETIC MIND, that mind which, by an interplay of the dynamics, deals with the nebulous field of art and creation. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 234) AESTHETIC PRODUCT, Dn Axiom 169: any aesthetic product is a symbolic facsimile or combination of facsimiles of theta or physical universes in varied randomities and volumes of randomities with the interplay of tones. (AP&A, p. 99) AESTHETICS, the study of ideal form and beauty—it is the philosophy of art, which itself is the quality of communication. (B&C, p. 15) AFFINITY, 1. the feeling of love or liking for something or someone. Affinity is a phenomena of space in that it expresses the willingness to occupy the same place as the thing which is loved or liked. The reverse of it would be antipathy, “dislike” or rejection which would be the unwillingness to occupy the same space as or the unwillingness to approach something or someone. It came from the French, affinite, affinity, kindred, alliance, nearness and also from the Latin, affnis, meaning near, bordering upon. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. the ability to occupy the space of, or be like or similar to, or to express a willingness to be something. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06) 3. the relative distance and similarity of the two ends of a communication line. (Dn 55!, p. 35) 4. emotional response; the feeling of affection or the lack of it, of emotion or misemotion connected with life. (HCOB 21 Jun 71 I) 5. the attraction which exists between two human beings or between a human being and another life organism or between a human being and mest or theta or the Supreme Being. It has a rough parallel in the physical universe in magnetic and gravitic attraction. The affinity or lack of affinity between an organism and the environment or between the theta and mest of an organism and within the theta (including entheta) of the organism brings about what we have referred to as emotions. (SOS Gloss) 6. in its truest definition which is coincidence of location and beingness, that is the ultimate in affinity. (9ACC- 10, 5412CM20) AFFINITY SCALE, 1. a scale which refers to the individual’s relation with other people. The afflnity scale may refer, at any particular time, to just one or to a small number of people. But as affinity is suppressed repeatedly, the individual will begin to take on an habitual tone level, on the affinity scale, an habitual reaction to almost all people. (NOTL, p. 102) 2. the affinity scale includes most of the common emotions, apathy, grief, fear, anger, hostility, boredom, relief, contentment, enthusiasm, exhilaration, inspiration. (SOS Gloss) AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY, attention off Scientology and protesting Scientology behavior. (HCOB 19 Aug 63) AGAINST SESSION, attention off own case and talking at the auditor in protest of auditor, PT auditing environment or Scn. (HCOB 19 Aug 63) See also OUT OF SESSION. AGE FLASH, the auditor says, “When I snap my fingers an age will occur to you. Give me the first number that comes into your mind.” He then snaps his fingers, and the preclear gives him the first number which comes into his head. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 51) AGONY, is the deep emotion of boredom. Boredom, in essence, is the warning signal that agony is on its way. (5312CM20) AGREEMENT, 1. a mutual knowingness, a mutual postulatingness towards certain end products. (SH Spec 71, 6110C25) 2. two or more people making the same postulates stick. (SH Spec 62, 6110C04) 3. ability to co-act with or mimic or be mimicked by. (5303M24) 4. a specialized consideration, it is shared in common, and this we call an agreement. (5702C26) AHMC, Anatomy of the Human Mind Course. (CG&AC 75) AICL, Advanced Indoctrination Course Lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) ALL THE WAY SOUTH, Slang. that state of mind at the extreme bottom where the fellow must have total effect on self and could not possibly make any effect of any kind on anybody else. It’s below death. (5707C25) ALLY, 1. this is a noun which means an individual who cooperates with, supports and helps another for a common object; a supporter, a friend. In Dn and Scn, it basically means someone who protects a person who is in a weak state and becomes a very strong influence over the person. The weaker person, such as a child, even partakes the characteristics of the ally so that one may find that a person who has, for instance, a bad leg, has it because a protector or ally in his youth had a bad leg. The word is from French and Latin and means to bind together. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. by ally in Scn, we mean a person from whom sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured. If the ally came to the preclear’s defense or his words and/or actions were aligned with the individual’s survival, the reactive mind gives that ally the status of always being right— especially if this ally was obtained during a highly painful engram. (HCOB 20 Mar 70) ALLY COMPUTATION, little more than a mere idiot calculation that anyone who is a friend can be kept a friend only by approximating the conditions wherein the friendship was realized. It is a computation on the basis that one can only be safe in the vicinity of certain people and that one can only be in the vicinity of certain people by being sick or crazy or poor and generally disabled. (DMSMH, p. 243) ALTER-IS, 1. a composite word meaning the action of altering or changing the reality of something. Is-ness means the way it is. When someone sees it differently he is doing an alter-is; in other words, is altering the way it is. This is taken from the Axioms. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. to introduce a change and therefore time and persistence in an as-is-ness to obtain persistency. An introduction of an alter-is is therefore the addition of a lie to the real which causes it to persist and not to blow or as-is. (HCOB 11 May 65) ALTER-IS-NESS, 1. the consideration which introduces change, and therefore time and persistence into an as-is-ness to obtain persistency. (PXL, p. 154) 2. the effort to preserve something by altering its characteristics. (PXL, p. 53) ALTER-IST, the control case, the person obsessively controlling things, and himself, is an alter-ist. He’s got to change, change. Well, he’s lost too much. Now he’s got to change everything but he’s not satisfied with anything. (PXL, p. 54) ALTERNATE, 1. occurring by turns; succeeding each other; one and then the other. (HCOB 10 May 65) 2. in auditing, alternate means two questions run one after the other, consecutively, one command positive followed by one negative. (HCOB 4 Dec 59) ALTERNATE CONFRONT, (PROCESS), “What can you confront?””What would you rather not confront?” (HCOB 16 Jun 60) ALTITUDE, 1. a prestige which the auditor has in the eyes of the preclear. A somewhat artificial position of the auditor which gives the preclear greater confidence and therefore greater ability to run than he would otherwise have. (SOS Gloss) 2. a difference of level of prestige—one in a higher altitude carries conviction to one on a lower altitude merely because of altitude. (D M S M H, p. 343) AMNESIA, a guy who is so spooked that he doesn’t dare remember ten seconds ago. He has had some experience earlier than which he is not going to remember, including the experience, so he’s only willing to remember some moment after that experience. (SH Spec 72, 6607C28) ANALYTICAL, capable of resolving, such as problems, situations. The word analytical is from the Greek analysis meaning resolve, undo, loosen, which is to say take something to pieces to see what it is made of. This is one of those examples of the shortcomings of the English language since no dictionary gives the word analytical any connection with thinking, reasoning, perceiving, which in essence is what it would have to mean, even in English. (LRH Def. Notes) ANALYTICAL ATTENUATION, see ANATEN. ANALYTICAL MIND, 1. the conscious aware mind which thinks, observes data, remembers it, and resolves problems. It would be essentially the conscious mind as opposed to the unconscious mind. In Dn and Scn the analytical mind is the one which is alert and aware and the reactive mind simply reacts without analysis. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. that mind which combines perceptions of the immediate environment, of the past (via pictures) and estimations of the future into conclusions which are based upon the realities of situations. The analytical mind combines the potential knowingness of the thetan with the conditions of his surroundings and brings him to independent conclusions. This mind could be said to consist of visual pictures either of the past or the physical universe, monitored by, and presided over, by the knowingness of a thetan. The keynote of the analytical mind is awareness, one knows what one is concluding and knows what he is doing. (FOT, pp. 57-58) 3. the awareness of awareness unit plus some evaluative circuit or circuits, or machinery to make the handling of the body possible. (Dn 55!, pp. 11-12) 4. that part of the being which perceives, when the individual is awake or in normal sleep (for sleep is not unconsciousness, and anything the individual has perceived while he was asleep is recorded in the standard mernory banks and is relatively easy for the auditor to recover). (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 230) 5. we say the analytical mind is kind of a misnomer because most people think it’s some kind of computing machine, and it’s not, it’s just the pc, the thetan. (SH Spec 23, 6106C29) ANALYTICAL THOUGHT, 1. thought which directly observes and analyzes what it observes in terms of observations which are immediately present. (COHA, p. 196) 2. rational thought as modified by education and viewpoint. (DMSMH, p. 79) ANALYZER, the analytical mind. (DMSMH, p. 44) ANATEN, 1. an abbreviation of analytical attenuation meaning diminution or weakening of the analytical awareness of an individual for a brief or extensive period of time. If sufficiently great, it can result in unconsciousness. (It stems from the restimulation of an engram which contains pain and unconsciousness.) (Scn AD) 2. simply a drop in ARC to an extreme. (PAB 70) 3. the physiological by-product of unconsciousness. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 170) 4. dope-off. (Abil 52) ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN MIND COURSE, a basic Scn course which teaches observation and understanding of the fundamentals of the human mind. It includes demonstrations of the parts of the human mind. There are no prerequisites for this course. (CG&AC 75) Abbr. AHMC. ANCHOR POINTS, 1. assigned or agreed-upon points of boundary, which are conceived to be motionless by the individual. (PDC 13) 2. points which are anchored in a space different to the physical universe space around a body. (FOT, p. 63) 3. those places which we called in Advanced Procedures and Axioms the sub-brains of the body; control centers, epicenters. (5410ClOD) 4. the points which mark an area of space are called anchor points, and these, with the viewpoint, alone are responsible for space. (Scn Jour, Iss 14-G) 5. a specialized kind of dimension point. (Scn 8-8008, p. 16) 6. any kind of a point, any kind of a particle, any kind of electron, or anything which anybody believes is an actual point. There is nothing more real than a real anchor point. (2ACC-lA 5311CM17) ANGER, 1. true anger is a hate hold. At exactly 1.5 on the tone scale we have a total ridge. It’s hate. When we move a little above or a little below 1.5 we get a dispersal. (5904C08) 2. anger is simply the process of trying to hold everything still. (5203CM09A) ANSWER HUNGER, an unfinished cycle of communication generates what might be called answer hunger. An individual who is waiting for a signal that his communication has been received is prone to accept any inflow. When an individual has, for a very long period of time, consistently waited for answers which did not arrive, any sort of answer from anywhere will be pulled in to him, by him, as an effort to remedy his scarcity of answels. (Dn 55!, p. 66) ANTAGONlSM, at the level of tone 2.0, affinity is expressed as antagonism, a feeling of annoyance and irritation caused by the advances of other people toward the individual. (SOS, p. 56) ANTI Q AND A TR, 1. commands: basically “Put that (object) on my knee.” Student is to get the coach to place the object that he has in his hand on the knee of the student. Purpose: (a) to train student in getting a pc to carry out a command using formal communication NOT tone 40. (b) to enable the student to maintain his TRs while giving commands. (c) to train the student to not get upset with a pc under formal auditing. (HCOB 20 Nov 73 I) 2. to get this disease (Q&A) out of an HGC requires that auditors go through an anti Q and A handling. (HCOB 20 Nov 73 II) ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY, 1. there are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20 per cent of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. Such people are known to have antisocial tendencies. (ISE, p. 9) 2. we’re calling it a suppressive because it’s more explicit. (SH Spec 78, 6608C25) See also SUPPRESSIVE PERSON. ANXIETY, constant irresolute computation. Constant computation on a certain point or a certain problem. That is what worry is and that is what anxiety is. (T-80-2A 5205C20) AO, Advanced Org. (HCOB 8 Oct 71 II) AP, aberrated personality. (DMSMH, p. 124) APA, American Personality Analysis, the personality test. (BTB 3 Nov 72R) See OCA. APATHY, 1. complete withdrawal from person or people. There is in apathy no real attempt to contact one’s self and no attempt to contact others. Here we have a null point of dissonance which is on the threshold of death. (SOS, p. 57) 2. a very docile and obedient, if sick, state of not-beingness. (HFP, p. 56) 3. no effort, all counter-effort. (AP&A, p. 33) 4. apathy actually is a motionless enturbulence. It’s an enturbulence cancelling itself out to the degree that it appears to be motionless. (5206CM25A) 5. apathy, near death, imitates death. If a person is almost all wrong, he approximates death. He says, “What’s the use? All is lost.” (NOTL, p. 20) APPARENCY, 1. noun, something that seems to be, that appears to be a certain way; something appears to be but is different from the way it looks. It is from the Latin, apparere, to appear. In Dianetics and Scientology it is used to mean something that looks one way but is, in actual fact, something else. “Gives an apparency of health” whereas it’s actually sick. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. what appears to be as distinct from what actually is. (FOT, p. 19) APPARENT CYCLE OF ACTION, create, then survive, then destroy; or creation, survival, destruction. (FOT, p. 18) APPETITE OVER TIN CUP, Slang. a pioneer Western U.S. term used by riverboat men on the Missouri; it means thrown away violently, like “head over heels,” “bowled over.” (LRH Def. Notes) APPLIED PHILOSOPHY, one which has to do with doing and action. One which applies to living—not just a theory, but one where the theory can be used to help you get on better in life. (BTB 4 Mar 65R) APPRENTICE SCIENTOLOGIST, one who knows how to know, how to study, what life is about. (BCR, p. 14) ARBITRARY, 1. something which is introduced into the situation without regard to the data of the situation. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06) 2. an order or command introduced into the group in an effort to lay aside certain harm which may befall the group or in an effort to get through a period, fancied or real, of foreshortened time. (NOTL, p. 136) 3. an order or command which was issued without explanation, and demanded instantaneous action on the part of other members of the group. (NOTL, p. 131) ARC, Anti-Radiation Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) ARC, 1. a word from the initial letters of Afflnity, Reality, Communication which together equate to Understanding. It is pronounced by stating its letters, A- R-C. To Scientologists it has come to mean good feeling, love or friendliness, such as “He was in ARC with his friend.” One does not, however, fall out of ARC, he has an ARC break. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. ARC=Understanding and Time. A=Space and the willingness to occupy the same space of. R=Mass or agreement. C=Energy or Recognition. (HCOB 27 Sept 68 II) 3. affinity is a type of energy and can be produced at will. Reality is agreement; too much agreement under duress brings about the banishment of one’s entire consciousness. Communication, however, is far more important than affinity or reality, for it is the operation, the action by which one experiences emotion and by which one agrees. (PAB 1) 4. the triagonal manifestation of theta each aspect affecting the other two. (SOS Gloss) ARC BREAK, 1. a sudden drop or cutting of one’s affinity, reality, or communication with someone or something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or sundering of affinity, reality, or communication or understanding. It’s called an ARC break instead of an upset, because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person’s state of mind. It is pronounced by its letters A-R-C break. When an ARC break is permitted to continue over too long a period of time and remains in restimulation, a person goes into a “sad effect” which is to say they become sad and mournful, usually without knowing what is causing it. This condition is handled by finding the earliest ARC break on the chain, finding whether it was a break in affinity, reality, communication, or understanding and indicating it to the person, always, of course, in session. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. an incomplete cycle of some kind or another. It’s a lowering of Affinity, Reality and Communication, so we call it an ARC break. It’s a sudden down curve. It’s a highly technical term. It means exactly what it says but its incept and so forth is an incompete cycle of action. (SH Spec 65, 6507C27) Abbr. ARCX. ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT, 1. reading an ARC break list appropriate to the activity to the pc on a meter and doing nothing but locating and then indicating the charges found by telling the pc what registered on the needle. (HCOB 7 Sept 64 II) 2. it isn’t auditing because it doesn’t use the auditing comm cycle. You don’t ack what the pc says, you don’t ask the pc what it is. You don’t comm. You assess the list between you and the meter, same as no pc there. Then you find what reads and you tell the pc. And that’s all. (HCOB 7 Sept 64 II) ARC BREAK LONG DURATION, spotted by a person who has led a sad or subdued or rather suppressed sort of life and is probably around .8 on down on the tone scale. (LRH Def. Notes) ARC BREAK NEEDLE, 1. a “floating needle” occurring above 3.0 or below 2.0 on a calibrated Mark V E-meter with the pc on two cans. An ARC break needle can occur between 2.0 and 3.0 where bad indicators are apparent. (HCOB 21 Oct 68) 2. An F/N with bad indicators is an ARC break needle. These include propitiation. It is quite usual that a pc has just mentioned grief when the ARC break needle turns on, or some gloomy idea. A real F/N means the pc is out the top; an ARC break needle means he’s out the bottom. He ceases to mock up, through grief. (HCOB 5 Oct 68) 3. may be dirty, stuck or sticky, but may also give the appearance of floating. The pc will be upset and out of comm at the same time. (HCOB 21 Sept 66) ARC BREAK STRAIGHTWIRE, “Recall an ARC break.” “When?” (HCOB 3 Feb 59) ARC BROKEN PCs, they gloom and misemote. They criticize and snarl. Sometimes they scream. They blow, they refuse auditing. If an auditor’s pc isn’t bright and happy, there’s an ARC break there with life or the bank or the session. (HCOB 29 Mar 65) ARC ENGRAM, see SECONDARY ENGRAM. (NOTL, p. 35) ARC LOCKS, 1. a type of lock which results when affinity, communication, or reality is forced upon the individual by the environment when he does not want it, when it is not rationally necessary, or when one or more of these is inhibited or denied to the individual by others in the environment. (SOS, p. 113) 2. “permanent” encystments of entheta resulting from the enturbulation of theta by enforcements or inhibitions of affinity, reality or communication and the trapping of this enturbulated theta by the physical pain of some engram or chain of engrams whose perceptics are approximately in the present-time enturbulation. Locks are analytical experiences. (SOS Gloss) ARC SECONDARIES, ARC locks of such magnitude that they must be run as engrams in processing. Or, since locks are often run as engrams, ARC locks of great magnitude. (SOS Gloss) ARC STRAIGHTWIRE, see STRAIGHTWIRE. ARC STRAIGHTWIRE RELEASE, recall release. Freedom from deterioration; has hope; knows he/she won’t get any worse. (Scn 0-8, p. 137) ARC TRIANGLE, 1. it is called a triangle because it has three related points: affinity, reality and the most important, communication. Without affinity there is no reality or communication. Without reality or some agreement, affinity and communication are absent. Without communication, there can be no affinity or reality. It is only necessary to improve one corner of this very valuable triangle in Scn in order to improve the remaining two corners. The easiest corner to improve is communication: improving one’s ability to communicate raises at the same time his affinity for others and life, as well as expands the scope of his agreements. (Scn AD) 2. this triangle is a symbol of the fact that affinity, reality, and communication act together as a whole entity and that one of them cannot be considered unless the other two are also taken into account. (NOTL, p. 20) ARCU, Affinity, Reality, Communication, Understanding. (HCOB 6 Aug 68) ARF, see AUDITOR REPORT FORM. ART, a word which summarizes the quality of communication. It therefore follows the laws of communication. Too much originality throws the audience into unfamiliarity and therefore disagreement, as communication contains duplication and “originality” is the foe of duplication. Technique should not rise above the level of workability for the purpose of communication. Perfection cannot be attained at the expense of communication. (HCOB 30 Aug 65) ASHO, American Saint Hill Organization. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA) AS-IS, to view anything exactly as it is without any distortions or lies, at which moment it will vanish and cease to exist. (Scn AD) AS-IS-NESS, 1. the condition of immediate creation without persistence, and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival. (PXL, p. 154) 2. as-is-ness would be the condition created again in the same time, in the same space, with the same energy and the same mass, the same motion and the same time continuum. (PXL, p. 68) 3. something that is just postulated or just being duplicated—no alteration taking place. As-is-ness contains no life continuum, no time continuum. (PXL, p. 91) ASMC, Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) ASSERTED, another name for suggested, used mainly in check out of a goal to be sure, and occasionally in routine nulling when pc is declaring “it is my goal.” (HCOB 1 Aug 62) ASSESS IN DIANETICS, means choose, from a list or statements which item or thing has the longest read or the pc’s interest. The longest read will also have the pc’s interest oddly enough. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) ASSESSING BY ELIMINATION, 1. doing it twice because of a possible instant read fault. Assessing by elimination is done on double (2 item) reads. But a hot auditor does it on best largest instant read. (BTB 11 Apr 74) 2. after the first assessment the auditor continues to assess the reading items on the list by elimination down to ONE item. Sometimes some items will read three or four times, but the action is the same. The auditor assesses the reading items by elimination down to one item. (BTB 20 Aug 70R) [N.B. This action is revised by HCOB 14 Mar 1971R, F/N Everything and HCOB 20 Apr 72 Iss.II, C/S Series 78 Product, Purpose and Why and WC Error Correction. ] ASSESSING, METHODS OF, 1. the auditor starts at the top and takes up each read until he gets one to F/N. In this case the auditor does not do “Itsa earlier itsa.” He just cleans each read. (HCOB 28 May 70, Correction Lists, Use of) 2. the auditor starts from the top and on each read cleans it and does itsa earlier itsa to F/N or to a clean no-read and goes on. (HCOB 28 May 70, Correction Lists, Use Of) [N.B. the actions described in 1 and 2 above are revised according to HCOB 14 Mar 1971R, F/NEverything.] 3. method 3—you take a prepared list and you read it to the pc, and you read the next one to the pc, and the first one that reads you then take it down earlier similar earlier similar, earlier similar, earlier similar, until it F/Ns. (ilO6C12) 4. the whole list is rapidly assessed over and over until one item stays in and that is given to the pc. (HCOB 28 May 70, Correction Lists, Use Of) [N.B. this action in 4 above is revised according to HCOB 14 Mar 1971R, F/N Everything. ] 5. method 5—all the way through and then you sort out the reads accordingly, and get them into a sequence that will F/N. (7106C12) 6. method 6—the L-10 method of assessing a prepared list. You look at the pc and ask him directly every question on the list. (7106C12) ASSESSMENT, an inventory and evaluation of a preclear, his body and his case to establish processing level and procedure. (HCOB 3 Jul 59, General Information ) ASSESSMENT, 1. is an action done from a prepared list. There is no other word that goes with that. Assessment does not go with anything else but that. That is all that assessment means. It is associated with a prepared list. Only a prepared list. (Class VIII No. 11) 2. asse6sment isn’t auditing, it is simply trying to locate something to audit. You say the word right to the pc’s bank. (Class VIII No. 11) 3. assessment is done by the auditor between the pc’s bank and the meter. There is no need in assessing to look at the pc. Just note which item has the longest fall or BD. The auditor looks at the meter while doing an assessment. (HCOB 21 May 69) 4. the whole action of obtaining a significant item from a pc. (HCOB 5 Dec 62) 5. any method of discovering a level on the pre-hav scale for a given pc. (HCOB 7 Nov 62 III) ASSESSMENT BY INSTANT READ, E-meter drill 24. Purpose: to train the student auditor to assess a list accurately and rapidly by instant read. (EMD, p. 47) ASSESSMENT BY TONE ARM, E-meter drill 23. Purpose: to train the student auditor to assess a list accurately by selecting that item which, upon brief discussion, produces the most movement of the tone arm. (EMD, p. 46) ASSESSMENT FOR LONGEST READ, calling off the items the pc has given and marking down the reads that occur on the meter. The pc is not required to comment during this action and it is better if he does not. (HCOB 29 Apr 69) ASSESSMENT TRs, used to get a list to read. Assessment questions are delivered with impingement, the auditor accenting or “barking” the last word and syllable. An assessment is done crisply and businesslike with real punch (not shouting) so each line is to the pc. This is not to say that an assessment is done tone 40 or with antagonism. It’s friendly but businesslike and impinges. (BTB 13 Mar 75) ASSESS ON PRE-HAV, to assess the whole pre-hav scale. (HCOB 13 Jul 61) ASSIST, 1. an action undertaken by a minister to assist the spirit to confront physical difficulties which can then be cared for with medical methodology by a medical doctor as needful. (Abil MA, 41) 2. anything which is done to alleviate a present time discomfort. (Abil 7) 3. simple, easily done processes that can be applied to anyone to help them recover more rapidly from accidents, mild illness or upsets. (Scn AD) 4. the processing given to a recently injured person in order to relieve the stress of live energy which is holding the injury in suspension. (Scn 8-8008, p. 38) See also CONTACT ASSIST, TOUCH ASSIST, AUDITING ASSIST. ASSIST ENGRAM, in the case of the manic, the fanatic or the zealot an engram has entirely blocked at least one of the purpose lines deriving from a dynamic. The engram may be called an assist engram. Its own surcharge (not the dynamic force) leads the individual to believe that he has a high purpose which will permit him to escape pain. This “purpose” is a false purpose not ordinarily sympathetic with the organism, having a hectic quality derived from the pain which is part of it, even though that pain is not wittingly experienced. This assist engram is using the native ability of the organism to accomplish its false “purpose” and brings about a furious and destructive effort on the part of the individual who, without this assist engram could have better accomplished the same goal. The worst feature of the assist engram is that the effort it commands is engramic dramatization of a particular sort, and if the engram itself is restimulated the individual becomes subject to the physical pain and fear which the entire experience contained. Therefore, the false purpose itself is subject to sporadic “sag.” (DTOT, p. 77) ASSOCIATIVE DEFINITION, see DEFINITIONS, TYPES OF. ASSOCIATIVE RESTIMULATORS, 1. those things connected with the restimulator. (DMSMN, p. 354) 2. a perceptic in the environment which is confused with an actual restimulator. (DTOT Gloss) ASSUMPTION, 1. the name given to the act of a theta being taking over a mest body. This is occasionally found to be part of the record of the GE strong enough to be audited. It is the sensation of being taken over thoroughly, sometimes contains the shock of contact. The assumption takes place in most cases just prior to birth for every GE generation. (HOM, p. 37) 2. assumption point: where the thetan has taken over the body. (PAB 8) ASTRAL BODIES, somebody’s delusion. Astral bodies are usually mock-ups which the mystic then tries to believe real. He sees the astral body as something else and then seeks to inhabit it in the most common practices of “astral walking.” Anyone who confuses astral bodies with thetans is apt to have difficulty with theta clearing for the two things are not the same order of similarity. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss) ATE, Auditors’ Training Evening. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) ATTENTION, 1. when interest becomes fixed, we have attention. (COHA, p. 99) 2. a motion which must remain at an optimum effort. Attention is aberrated by becoming unfixed and sweeping at random or becoming too fixed without sweeping. (Scn 0-8, p. 75) ATTENTION UNIT, 1. a theta energy quantity of awareness existing in the mind in varying quantity from person to person. (HCOB 11 May 65) 2. actually energy flows of small wavelengths and definite frequency. These are measurable on specifically designed oscilloscopes and meters. No special particle is involved. (Scn 8-80, p. 45) ATTENTION VALENCE, 1. the valence one has assumed because it got attention from another valence. (PAB 95) 2. one has become the valence B because one wants attention from C. Example—one becomes mother because mother received attention from father while self did not. (FOT, p. 95) AUD, auditor. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) AUD C, Auditors’ Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66) AUDIO IMAGERY, when a person can recall things he has heard by simply hearing them again. (Exp Jour Winter-Spring 1950) AUDIO-SEMANTIC, part of the standard banks, a special part of sound files; the recording of words heard. (DMSMH, p. 46) AUDIT FOREVER CASE, the grind case, the audit forever case is an afraid to find out case. (HCOB 15 Mar 62) AUDITING, 1. the application of Scn processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. (BTB 30 Sept 71 IV) 2. the action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer. Auditing gets rid of unwanted barriers that inhibit, stop or blunt a person’s natural abilities as well as gradiently increasing the abilities a person has so that he becomes more able and his survival, happiness and intelligence increase enormously. (BTB 30 Sept 71 IV) 3. Scn processing is called auditing by which the auditor (practitioner) listens, computes, and commands. (FOT, p. 88) 4. to get a result on a pc. (SH Spec 71, 6607C26) 5. an activity of an auditor taking over the control of and shepherding the attention of a pc so as to bring about a higher level of confront ability. (SH Spec 48, 6108C31) 6. directing the pc’s attention on his own case and directing his ability to talk to the auditor. (SH Spec 49, 6109C05) 7. the reversing of other-determined flows by gradient scales, putting the pc at cause again. (HCOB 7 May 59) 8. a communicating process or a communication process with the end goal of raising the ability of another person so that he can handle his bank, body, others, and environment in general. (5707C17) 9. the process of bringing a balance between freedom and barriers. Auditing is a game of exteriorization versus havingness. (Abil 25) AUDITING ASSIST, an assist done by a trained auditor using an E-meter. It consists of “running out” the physically painful experience the person has just undergone, accident, illness, operation or emotional shock. This erases the “physical trauma” and speeds recovery to a remarkable degree. (HCOB 2 Apr 69) AUDITING BY LIST, 1. a technique using prepared lists of questions. These isolate the trouble the pc is having with auditing. Such lists also cover and handle anything that could happen to a student or staff member. (LRH ED 257 Int) 2. the earlier genus of this process was sec checking on the Joburg. Any list can be used. The questions asked are generalized and without time limiters; i.e. Has a withhold been missed? Have you been given a wrong goal? etc. If the line when asked has an instant read, say “That reads” then “What do you consider this could be?” or “What considerations do you have about this?” Let the pc answer all he wants to. This is continued until the line goes clean. If the line does not read say “That’s clean” and move on to the next line of the list. This process gets charge off the case. (HCOB 23 Apr 64) [This process was later revised as follows.] 3. we now F/N everything, we do not tell the pc what the meter is doing. This changes auditing by lists in both respects. We do not say to the pc, “That’s clean” or “That reads.” Use any authorized published list. Green Form for general review, L1C for ARC breaks, L4B for listed items, list errors. You are looking for an instant read that occurs at the end of the exact syllable of the question. If the question reads look expectantly at the pc. You can repeat the question by just saying it again if pc doesn’t begin to talk. (HCOB 3 Jul 71) [The above is a brief summary only. The full exact procedure can be found in the referenced HCOBs.] AUDITING COMMAND, 1. a certain, exact command which the preclear can follow and perform. (FOT, p. 88) 2. an auditing command, when executed, has had performed exactly what it said and nothing else. An auditing command has no understoods about it. There is no pre-arrangement about an auditing command except maybe knowing the language. (SH Spec 25, 6107C05) AUDITING COMMAND CYCLE, auditor asks, pc replies and knows he has answered, auditor acknowledges. Pc knows auditor has acknowledged. That is a full auditing command cycle. (HCOB 12 Nov 59) AUDITING COMM CYCLE, this is the auditing comm cycle that is always in use: 1) is the pc ready to receive the command? (appearance, presence), 2) auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect), 3) pc looks to bank for answer (itsa maker line), 4) pc receives answer from bank, 5) pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect), 6) auditor acknowledges pc, 7) auditor sees that pc received ack (attention), 8) new cycle beginning with (1). (HCOB 30 Apr 71) AUDITING CYCLE, 1. the basic of auditing is an auditing cycle of command which operates as an attention director. Call it a restimulator if you want, but it’s an attention director, eliciting a response from the pc to as-is that area and who knows he has done so when he receives from the practitioner an acknowledgment that it has occurred. That is the auditing cycle. (SH Spec 189, 6209C18) 2. there are basically two communication cycles between the auditor and the pc that make up the auditing cycle. They are cause, distance, effect with the auditor at cause and the pc at effect, and cause, distance, effect, with the pc at cause and the auditor at effect. These are completely distinct one from the other. (HCOB 23 May 71R IV) AUDITING GOOFS, minor unintentional omissions or mistakes in the application of Scn procedures to a person by a trained Scientologist. (ISE, p. 37) AUDITING PROCEDURE, the general model of how one goes about addressing a preclear. (FOT, p. 96) AUDITING SESSION, 1. a precise period of time during which the auditor listens to the preclear’s ideas about himself. (Abil 155) 2. a period in which an auditor and preclear are in a quiet place where they will not be disturbed. The auditor gives the preclear certain and exact commands which the preclear can follow. (FOT, p. 88) AUDITING SUPERVISOR, on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and in academies, supervision of the auditing section is done by the auditing supervisor, and auditing instructor or instructors. The auditing supervisor (or in some cases the course supervisor as at Saint Hill) assigns all sessions and teams. (HCO PL 21 Oct 62) AUDITOR, 1. one who listens and computes; a Scn practitioner. (HCOB 26 May 59) 2. one who has been trained in the technology of Scn. An auditor applies standard technology to preclears. (Aud 18 UK) 3. a person who through church training becomes skilled in the successful application of Dn and Scn to his family, friends and the public to achieve the ability gained as stated on the Gradation Chart for his class of training. (FBDL 18, 2 Dec 70) 4. Scn processing is done on the principle of making an individual look at his own existence, and improve his ability to confront what he is and where he is. An auditor is the person trained in the technology and whose job it is to ask the person to look, and get him to do so. The word auditor is used because it means one who listens, and a Scn auditor does listen. (Scn 0-8, p. 14) 5. the word auditor is used, not “operator” or “therapist,” because auditing is a cooperative effort between the auditor and the patient, and the law of affinity is at work. (DMSMH, p. 175) Abbr. Aud. AUDITOR CLEARANCE, 1. rudiment: “Is it all right if I audit you?” (HCOB 21 Mar 61) 2. beginning rudiment: “Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?” (HCOB 21 Dec 61) AUDITOR COMM LAG, lack of speed in giving commands. (HCOB 9 Aug 69) AUDITOR C/S, a sheet on which the auditor writes the C/S instructions for the next session. (BTB 3 Nov 72R) AUDITOR EXPERTISE DRILLS, drills to improve the quality of auditing by familiarizing auditors with the exact procedure of each auditing action through the use of drills. These drills are numbered as Expertise Drill-1 (ED-1), Expertise Drill-2 (ED-2), etc. (BTB 20 Jul 74) AUDITOR PRESENCE, 1. the impingement on a pc; familiarity, certainty that something is going to happen, not scared of confronting; ability to make an impact. (6102C14). 2. the auditor is as real and has as much presence to the pc as the rudiments stay in and has as little presence as the rudiments go out. (SH Spec 78, 6111C09) AUDITOR REPORT FORM, 1. an auditor’s report form is made out at the end of each session. It gives an outline of what actions were taken during the session. (BTB 6 Nov 72R VI) 2. they give the details of the beginning of the session, condition of pc, what’s intended, the wording of the process, total TA action. (HCOB 24 Jul 64) Abbr. ARF. AUDITOR RUDIMENT, 1. O/Ws off on Auditor or Auditors or PCs until OK to be audited. (HCOB 8 Jan 60) 2. Auditor Clearance is the most important of the rudiments because if the Auditor is not cleared negative results will be obtained on the profile of the preclear. To handle charge on the Auditor, TR 5N should be run if charge does not blow on a little two-way comm. Overt-Withhold on the Auditor is far too accusative and invalidates the PC. (HCOB 25 Jan 61) 3. Auditor Clearance, “Is it all right if I Audit you?” if not, clear objection, or use TR5N or “Who should I be to Audit you?” or “Who am I?” depending on nature of the difficulty. (HCOB 21 Mar 61) [Note this HCOB was later revised by the next referenced HCOB] 4. Auditor Clearance, “Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?” (HCOB 21 Dec 61) AUDITOR’S CODE, 1. a list of the things one must or must not do to preserve the theta-ness of theta and to inhibit the enturbulation of theta by the auditor. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 12) 2. a collection of rules (do’s and don’ts) that an auditor follows while auditing someone, which ensures that the preclear will get the greatest possible gain out of the processing that he is having. (Scn AD) 3. the governing set of rules for the general activity of auditing. (FOT, p. 88) 4. the Auditor’s Code was evolved from years of observing processing. It is the technical code of Scientology. It contains the important errors which harm cases. It could be called the moral code of Scn. (CoHA, p. 3) AUDITOR’S HANDBOOK, the manual current at the time of the Phoenix Lectures which contained the Axioms and the Route One and Route Two processes of Intensive Procedure. It forms the basis of and is wholly included in The Creation of Human Ability. (PXL Gloss) AUDITOR TRAINEE PROGRESS BOARD, a vertical auditor trainee progress board is kept by the intern supervisor. This has a space under each of the headings, left to right. Boxes along the top, left to right, serve to indicate the exact action the trainee is doing. The trainee’s name is on a tab that is pinned to the space. The name tab is merely dated each time it is moved to the right. Thus the intern super can chase up any faltering student. (HCOB 7 Jan 72) AUTOGENETIC, there are two kinds of illness: the first could be called autogenetic, which means that it originated within the organism and was self- generated, and exogenetic, which means that the origin of the illness was exterior. Psychosomatic illness would be autogenetic, generated by the body itself. (DMSMH, p. 92) AUTOMATIC BANK, when a pc gets picture after picture after picture all out of control. This occurs when one isn’t following an assessed somatic or complaint or has chosen the wrong one which the pc is not ready to confront or by overwhelming the pc with rough TRs or going very nonstandard. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) AUTOMATICITY, 1. a sudden very rapid machine-gun fire outflow of answers given by the preclear. (HCOB 10 May 65) 2. non-self-determined action which ought to be determined by the individual. The individual ought to be determining an action and he is not determining it. That’s a pretty broad consideration. It’s something not under the control of the individual. But if we said, something not under the control of the individual, as a total, unqualified definition of automaticity, we would have this, then: that car that just went down the street would be an automaticity to you. You didn’t have control of it. So this is not a precision definition. The precision definition has “which ought to be under the control of the individual.” (Abil 6) 3. anything that goes on running outside the control of the individual. (Abil SW) 4. something set up automatically to run without further attention from yourself. (2ACC-6A 5311CM20) 5. there are three kinds of automaticities, those which create things, and those which make things persist, and those which destroy things. (2ACC-19A 5312CM09) AUTOMATIC MOCK-UP, a picture of something which didn’t really happen. (PAB 99) AUX. P.H., auxiliary pre-hav scale. (HCOB 3 Dec 61) AVU, 1. Authority and Verifications Unit. (HCO PL 15 Aug 73) also known as 2. Authorizations and Verifications Unit. (HCO PL 28 Jul 73RA) AWARENESS, 1. the ability to perceive the existence of. (HCOB 4 Jan 73) 2. awareness itself is perception. (2ACC-8B 5311CM24) AWARENESS LEVEL, see AWARENESS SCALE. AWARENESS OF AWARENESS UNIT, 1. an actuality of no mass, no wave- length, no position in space or relation in time, but with the quality of creating or destroying mass or energy, locating itself or creating space, and of re-relating time. (Dn 55.!, p. 29) 2. the individual himself. (5410CM20) 3. the thetan is the awareness of awareness unit. (5410C10D) AWARENESS SCALE, there are fifty-two levels of awareness from Unexistence up to the state of Clear. By “level of awareness” is meant that of which a being is aware. A being who is at a level on this scale is aware only of that level and the others below it. (HCO PL 5 May 65) AXIOMS, 1. the Axioms are agreed-upon considerations. They are the central considerations which have been agreed upon. They are considerations. A self- evident truth is the dictionary definition of an axiom. No definition could be further from the truth. In the first place, a truth cannot be self-evident because it is a static. So, therefore, there is no self-evidency in any truth. There is not a self- evident truth, never has been, never will be. However, there are self-evident agreements and that is what an axiom is. (5501C21) 2. statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences. (DMSMH, p. 6) b BACHELOR OF SCIENTOLOGY, the standard B Scn/HCS course is in actuality the 20th ACC. The tapes to be used are the 20th ACC tapes. The texts are Scientology Clear Procedure Issue One and ACC Clear Procedure as published in booklet form. The B Scn/HCS course is five weeks in length. If comm course and upper indoc have not been covered by the student, the course becomes seven weeks in length. (HCOB 26 Dec 58) Abbr. B. Scn. BACK TO BATTERY, Slang. an artillery term. A gun, after it fires, is said to go out of battery, which is to say, it recoils. Then after it’s fired it’s supposed to go back to battery, which is sitting the way you see them in photographs. They use the term in slang to indicate somebody who is now fixed up. So this guy will be all right for something or, what he has had will now be over. I could give you a purer definition, and say it is a completed case for that level, but the C/S doesn’t normally think like that. (7204C07 SO II) BAD CONTROL, a fallacy actually, control is either well done or not done. If a person is controlling something he is controlling it. If he is controlling it poorly, he is not controlling it. A machine which is being run well is controlled. A machine which is not being run well is not being controlled. Therefore we see that bad control is actually a not-control. People who tell you that control is bad are trying to tell you that automobile accidents and industrial accidents are good. (POW, p. 40) BAD INDICATORS, the condition isn’t getting any better, not getting a lessening of the condition. Because we’re not getting a lessening of the condition we therefore have losses. (SH Spec 3 6401C09) See also INDICATORS. BAD MEMORY, 1. accumulated occlusion of it all, but it’s nevertheless nonconfront. (SH Spec 72, 6607C28) 2. interposed blocks between control center and facsimiles. (HFP Gloss) See also AMNESIA. BAD NEEDLE, a rock slam or a dirty needle or a stuck needle or a stage four needle. (HCO PL 30 Aug 70) BANK, 1. the mental image picture collection of the pc. It comes from computer technology where all data is in a “bank.” (HCOB 30 Apr 69) 2. a colloquial name for the reactive mind. This is what the procedures of Scn are devoted to disposing of, for it is only a burden to an individual and he is much better off without it. (Scn AD) 3. merely a combination of energy and significance and this comprises a mass that sits there in its own made up space, and it’s plotted against the pc’s experiential track known as time. (SH Spec 65, 6507C27) See also REACTIVE MIND. BANK-AGREEMENT, the common denominator of a group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles. The bank-agreement has been what has made the earth a hell. (HCO PL 7 Feb 65) BANK BEEFING UP, the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind. (HCOB 19 Jan 67) BANK MONITOR, the file clerk is the bank monitor. “He” monitors for both the reactive engram bank and the standard banks. (DMSMH, p. 198) See FILE CLERK. BANKY, Slang. a term which means that a person is being influenced by his bank and is displaying bad temper, irritability, lack of cooperation and the signs of dramatization. He is being irrational. (Scn AD) BARK, assessments are done to impinge and get a meter to read. The auditor barks the last word and the last syllable so it does impinge. You don’t drop your voice or downcurve your voice tone at the end of the line as that will cost you reads. You punch the last sylable to make it read and to the pc. The accent is at the end of the sentence routinely, not on the earliest part. (BTB 13 Mar 75) BARRIER, 1. something which an individual cannot communicate beyond. (Dn 55.1, p. 126) 2. space, energy, matter and time— each is only a barrier to knowingness. A barrier is a barrier only in that it impedes knowingness. (COHA, p. 151) 3. from Scientology Axiom 28: Barriers consist of Space, Interpositions (such as walls and screens of fast-moving particles) and Time. (COHA, p. 18) BASIC, 1. the first incident (engram, lock, overt act) on any chain. (HCOB 15 May 63) 2. the first experience recorded in mental image pictures of that type of pain, sensation, discomfort, etc. Every chain has its basic. It is a peculiarity and a fact that when one gets down to the basic on a chain, (a) it erases and (b) the whole chain vanishes for good. Basic is simply earliest. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) BASIC AREA, 1. the time track from the first recording on the sperm or ovum track to the first missed menstrual period of the mother. (SOS Gloss) 2. early prenatal. (DMSMH, p. 224) BASIC AUDITING, 1. the fundamental and most important elements of auditing—the skill of handling and keeping the preclear in session, proper use of the auditing communication cycle, the repetitive use of the auditing communication cycle to flatten a process, the correct application of the technology of Scn, and the ability to use and read and E-meter correctly. (Scn AD) 2. the handling of the pc as a being, the auditing cycle, the meter. (HCOB 26 Nov 63) BASIC-BASIC, 1. this belongs in Scn, not Dn. It means the most basic basic of all basics and results in clearing. It is found on the Clearing Course. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2. the first engram on the whole time track.(HCOB 15 May 63) 3. any similar circumstance repetitive through a person’s whole track has a first time it occurred and that first time that it occurred we call basic-basic. (SH Spec 69, 6110Cl9) BASIC CYCLE OF ACTION, create, resist effects (survive) and destroy; create an object, have it resist effects (survive) and then destroy it; create a situation, continue it and change it, and destroy or end it. (COHA, p. 249) BASIC ENGRAM, the earliest engram on an engram chain. (DTOT, p. 112) See also BASIC. BASIC GOAL, that goal native to the personality for a lifetime. It is second only in importance to survival itself. It is incident to the individuation of the person. A child of two knows its basic goal. It is compounded from genetic generations of experience. It can be found and reduced in some long past heavy effort facsimile such as death. It is neither advisable nor inadvisable to tamper with it. Much experience aligns on it. Desensitized, it would be supplanted by another basic goal. (AP&A, p. 42) BASIC INDIVIDUAL, 1. the basic individual is not a buried unknown or a different person, but an intensity of all that is best and most able in the person. The basic individual equals the same person minus his pain and dramatizations. (DTOT, pp. 36-37) 2. basic individual and Clear are nearly synonymous since they denote the unaberrated self in complete integration and in a state of highest possible rationality. A Clear is one who has become the basic individual through auditing. (DTOT, p. 34) See also CLEAR. BASIC LIE, the basic lie is that a consideration which was made was not made or that it was different. (PXL, p. 181) BASIC OVERT ACT, making somebody else want mest. (HCOB 17 Mar 60) BASIC PERSONALITY, 1. a person’s own identity. (FOT, p. 31) 2. the basic personality, the file clerk, the core of “I” which wants to be in command of the organism, the most fundamental desires of the personality, may be considered synonymous for our purposes. (DMSMH, p. 394) 3. the individual himself. (DMSMH, p. 394) Abbr. B.P. (BP) . BASIC PRINCIPLE OF EXISTENCE, the basic principle of existence is survival and that is only true for the body. A spirit cannot help but survive whether in heaven or in hell or on earth or in a theta trap. (Ability Mag 5) BASIC PROGRAM, the program laid out in the Classification and Gradation Chart. (HCOB 12 Jun 70) BASIC PURPOSE, it is a clinical fact that basic purpose is apparently known to the individual before he is two years of age: talent and inherent personality and basic purpose go together as a package. They seem to be part of the genetic pattern. (DMSMH, p. 238) BASICS OF SCIENTOLOGY, axioms, scales, codes, fundamental theory about the thetan and the mind. (HCOB 3 May 62) BASIC TRUTH, a static has no mass, meaning, mobility, no wave-length, no time, no location in space, no space. This has the technical name of “basic truth.” (PXL, p. 180) BA STEPS, bring about steps—R6 material. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) B.D., before Dianetics. (DMSMH, p. 266) BD, blowdown. (SH Spec 309, 6309C19) B.E., before earth. (5203CM10) BEAUTY, beauty is a wave-length closely resembling theta or a harmony approximating theta. (Scn 8-80, p. 26) BE, DO, HAVE, see CONDITIONS OF EXISTENCE. BEEP METER, a machine developed by Volney Mathison for chiropractors from a model furnished him by a chiropractor. Wherever a person has a painful spot on his body, if you put the electrode on it, the machine goes “beep,” but right alongside of the painful spot, it doesn’t beep. (ESTO 6, 7203C03 SO III) BEFORE EARTH, a theta line incident. There is a before earth and a before mest universe in all banks. The incidents are not dissimilar. The only thing remarkable about these before incidents is that they are a very definite degradation and condemnation of the preclear. (HOM, p. 66) Abbr. B.E. BEGINNING RUDIMENTS, 1. rudiments at the beginning of session involve: (1) getting pc comfortable in environment; (2) getting pc willing to talk to auditor about pc’s own case; (3) getting off withholds; (4) checking for and handling PTPs. The above are the beginning rudiments. (HCOB 14 Dec 61) 2. are normally devoted to getting the atmosphere and the environment out of the road, so you can audit the pc. (SH Spec 45, 6108C24) BEHAVIOR PATTERNS, conflicts in the commands contained in engrams and conflicts between the basic drive and the engramic contents combine into behavior patterns. (DTOT, p. 55) BEING, 1. a viewpoint; he is as much a being as he is able to assume viewpoints. (Scn 8-8008, p. 17) 2. an energy production source. (Scn 8-80, p. 33) See also THETAN. BEINGNESS, 1. the assumption or choosing of a category of identity. Beingness is assumed by oneself or given to oneself, or is attained. Examples of beingness would be one’s own name, one’s profession, one’s physical characteristics, one’s role in a game—each and all of these things could be called one’s beingness. (NSOL, p. 50) 2. the person one should be in order to survive. (SH Spec 19, 6106C23) 3. essentially, an identification of self with an object. (COHA, p. 76) BEINGNESS OF MAN, essentially the beingness of theta itself acting in the mest and other universes in the accomplishment of the goals of theta and under the determination of a specific individual and particular personality for each being. (Scn 8-8008, p. 11) BEINGNESS PROCESSING, is an alter-isness process. When a case is extremely inverted it is necessary to get the case up to a level where it can identify itself with something. Beingness is essentially identification of self with an object. In running beingness processing it will be discovered that the imagination of the preclear revives to a marked extent. Beingness processing recovers the various valences which the thetan is trying to avoid. The matter of valences is also a matter of packages of abilities, and where an individual is unable to be something which has certain definite abilities, he also cannot achieve those abilities, and this, in itself, is the heart of disability. (COHA, pp. 76-79) BEING OTHER BODIES, 1. out of valence; being another identity than his own. He’s in one body and he’s being another body. (5904C08) 2. that’s shame. There is an emotion of shame connected with being other bodies. One is ashamed to be oneself, he is somebody else. (5904C08) BELOW THE CENTER LINE, the American APA has a center line which is zero, above which we get plus and below which we get minus. An OCA is essentially the same thing, except the OCA has a better center graph. There are two conditions here below the center line: any negative, and “in the white.” (7203C30SO) BENEFIT, defined as that which would enhance survival. (Scn 8-8008, p. 6) B.E.R., bad exam report. (BTB 5 Nov 72R III) See also RED TAG. BETRAYAL, 1. a betrayal is help turned to destruction. When help fails, destruction occurs, or so goes the most basic consideration behind living. (HCOB 6 Feb 58) 2. the knock-in of anchor points. One’s anchor points are pulled out and then they are suddenly knocked in. That operation, when done exteriorly by somebody else is betrayal. (Spr Lect 17 5304CM08) BETTER, negative gain, things disappear that have been annoying or unwanted. (HCOB 28 Feb 59) BETTERMENT, to us, is a lessening of a bad condition. (SH Spec 3, 6401C09) BETTERMENT LAG, how many hours you have to process a preclear before he can become cause. (5410CM06) BETWEEN-LIVES AREA, 1. the experiences of a thetan during the time between the loss of a body and the assumption of another. (PXL, p. 105) 2. at death the theta being leaves the body and goes to the between-lives area. Here he “reports in,” is given a strong forgetter implant and is then shot down to a body just before it is born. At least that is the way the old Invader in the earth area was operating. (HOM, p. 68) BETWEEN SESSIONS, we don’t mean overnight. We mean solely, strictly, completely and utterly if they get out of the auditor’s sight at any time during a break. (SH Spec 7, 6106C05) BIG MIDDLE RUDIMENTS, the big mid ruds can be used in the following places: At the start of any session. Examples: “Since the last time I audited you . . .” “Since the last time you were audited . . .” “Since you decided to be audited . . .” In or at the end of any session. Examples: “In this session . . .” On a list. Examples: “On this list . . .” “On (say list question) . . .” On a goal or item. Example: “On (say goal or item) . . .” Here is the correct wording and order of use for big mid ruds. “. . . has anything been suppressed?” “. . . is there anything you have been careful of?” “. . . is there anything you have failed to reveal?” “. . . has anything been invalidated?” “. . . has anything been suggested?” “. . . has any mistake been made?” “. . . is there anything you have been anxious about?” “. . . has anything been protested?” “. . . has anything been decided?” (HCOB 8 Mar 63) Abbr. B.M.R. BIG THETA BOP, one-third of the dial back and forth or one-half of the dial back and forth, something like that. That’s a bop on the loss of and still trying to hold onto the home universe. (PDC 15) BIG TIGER, the same drill as the tiger drill except that it additionally uses nearly found out, protest, anxious about and careful of. One shifts to big tiger when making sure of the last item in on the list or a goal that fires strongly. (HCOB 29 Nov 62) See also TIGER DRILL. BIRTH, 1. birth is one of the most remarkable engrams in terms of contagion. Here the mother and child both receive the same engram which differs only in the location of pain and the depths of “unconsciousness.” Whatever the doctors, nurses and other people associated with the delivery say to the mother during labor and birth and immediately afterwards before the child is taken away is recorded in the reactive bank, making an identical engram in both mother and child. (DMSMN, p. 136) 2. birth is ordinarily a severely painful unconscious experience. It is ordinarily an engram of some magnitude. Anyone who has been born then possesses at least one engram. (DTOT, p. 52) BIs, bad indicators. (BTB 6 Nov 72RA IV) BLAB, Slang. there may once in a while be a person who reads nicely at their clear reading with no action and you’re very suspicious the guy isn’t Clear. This could be a complete “blab” no responsibility case—a mockery of Clear. (HCOB 26 May 60, Security Checks) BLACK AND WHITE, 1. the name of a string of incidents where the theta body was implanted with electronic waves. (5208 CM07C) 2. the two extreme manifestations of perception on the part of the preclear. Seeing whiteness or color the thetan is able to discern or differentiate between objects, actions and spatial dimensions. Energy can also manifest itself as blackness. (Scn 8-8008, p. 50) 3. a rapid process which eliminates the need for running single incidents, locks, or secondaries, and is effective only in occluded cases. Wide-open cases cannot see black or white, but see color. These black areas, which are curtains over occluded facsimiles along the time track, erase, or become white, when attention is centered on them, and turning the field white by concentrating on the aesthetic band is the only concern of the auditor or preclear. Heavy somatics may be expected during “black and white” processing, but these can be avoided by keeping the field white. (Scn 8-80 Gloss) BLACK DIANETICS, 1. hypnotism. (5109C17A) 2. unscrupulous groups and individuals have been practicing a form a Black Dianetics on their fellow man for centuries. They have not called it that but the results have been and are the same. There are those who, to control, resort to narcotics, suggestion, gossip, slander—the thousands of overt and covert ways that can be classified as Black Dianetics. (Scn Jour Iss 3G) BLACK FIELD, just some part of a mental image picture where the preclear is looking at blackness. It is part of some lock, secondary or engram. In Scn it can occur (rarely) when the pc is exterior, looking at something black. It responds to R3R. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) BLACK FIELD CASE, a case that could not run engrams because he could not see them. (HCOB 14 Jan 60) BLACK FIVE, 1. a heavily occluded case characterized by mental pictures consisting of masses of blackness. This is a “step V” in early procedures such as Standard Operating Procedure 8. (PXL, p. 141) 2. a level of nonperception, whether the person is seeing blackness or invisibility. (SH Spec 271, 6305C20) 3. a no-responsibility case. (COHA, p. 161) BLACKNESS, 1. usually the protective coating between the preclear and the pictures. (Abil SW, p. 15) 2. both of these conditions regarding blackness exist. The machine that makes blackness and having a black picture in restimulation; there is also simply the blackness of looking around inside a head. (Abil SW, p. 15) 3. the blackness on the case is indicative of a scarcity of viewpoints, a necessity for safeguarding and protective “screens,” a defensive and propitiative attitude towards existence, too much loss of allies and good, too much loss of space and finally and most importantly, loss of those who have evaluated for the preclear. The sudden departure of the person who has evaluated for the preclear results in loss of that viewpoint which the preclear unwittingly had assumed. (PAB 8) 4. either the pc’s unwillingness to face things or his basic bank. It cures if you do Dianetics by gradients. (HCOB 3 Apr 66) BLACKNESS OF CASES, the blackness of cases is an accumulation of the case’s own or another’s lies. (PXL, p. 183) BLACK PANTHER MECHANISM, 1. in Dn considerable slang has been developed by patients and Dianeticists and they call the “Black Panther Mechanism” a neglect of the problem. One supposes this stems from the ridiculousness of biting black panthers. (DMSMH, p. 147) 2. there are five ways in which a human being reacts toward a source of danger. Let us suppose that a particularly black-tempered black panther is sitting on the stairs and that a man named Gus is sitting in the living room. Gus wants to go to bed. But there is the black panther. The problem is to get upstairs. There are five things that Gus can do: (1) he can go attack the black panther; (2) he can run out of the house and flee the black panther; (3) he can use the back stairs and avoid the black panther; (4) he can neglect the black panther; and (5) he can succumb to the black panther. These are the five mechanisms. All actions can be seen to fall within these courses. And all actions are visible in life. (DMSMH, pp. 147- 148) BLAME, 1. it’s simply punishing other bodies. (5904C08) 2. when one individual assigns cause to another entity, he delivers power to that entity. This assignment may be called blame, the arbitrary election of cause. (DAB, Vol. II, p. 233) 3. bl e is the negation of your responsibility. You can blune self, that’s the last stage, or you can blame somebody else. That’s an effort not to be responsible. (5112CM28B) BLANKET, to settle down over a mest body (one or more mest bodies). (5206CM26B) BLANKETING, this incident consists of throwing oneself as a thetan over another thetan or over a mest body. Blanketing is done to obtain an emotional impact or even to kill. It is strongest in sexual incidents where the thetan throws two mest bodies together in the sexual act in order to experience their emotions. (HOM, p. 62) BLINDNESS, extreme unawareness. (PAB 117) BLIND REPAIR, when no FES is done, or when the pc has lost his folder, one is doing a blind repur. The progress program and advance program may have holes in them. (HCOB 6 Oct 70) BLINKLESS TR 0, there is no such thing. Sitting with any attention on the body just isn’t confront—you aren’t doing the drill right. If your body blinks then OK, but if you are making it blink by having attention on the eyes then your TR 0 is out. (HCOB 8 Dec 74) BLOCKING OUT, identifying incidents on the time track by dating, moving the time track to that date, asking the pc what is there, finding the duration, moving the pc through it to the end, asking the pc what happened, checking for earlier beginning, moving the pc through the incident again . ( SH Spec 272, 6306C11) BLOW, n.1. the sudden dissipation of mass in the mind with an accompanying feeling of relief. (Scn AD) 2. a definite manifestation and the pc must say “something blew” or “it disappeared” or “it’s gone” or “it vanished,” not “I feel lighter.” (HCOB 24 Sept 71) 3. the phenomena of obsessive efforts to individuate. (HCOB 12 Jan 61) 4. departures, sudden and relatively unexplained, from sessions, posts, jobs, locations and areas. (HCOB 31 Dec 59)—v. Slang. 1. unauthorized departure from an area, usually caused by misunderstood data or overts. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) 2. leave, get out, rush away, cease to be where one should really be or just cease to be audited. (BCR, p. 23) BLOWDOWN, 1. a tone arm motion to the left made to keep the needle on the dial. (HCOB 29 Apr 69) 2. a period of relief and cognition to a pc while it is occurring and for a moment after it stops. When the auditor has to move the tone arm from right to left to keep the needle on the dial and the movement is .1 divisions or more, then a blowdown is occurring. (HCOB 3 Aug 65) 3. a movement of the needle from left to right as you face a meter with a hang-up at the right. That’s got to be included in training. It’s whether or not the needle stays over to the right that makes the blowdown, not what you do with the tone arm. (SH Spec 21, 6406C04) 4. the meter reaction of having found the correct by-passed charge. (HCOB 19 Aug 63) Abbr. BD. BLOW-OFFS, see BLOW. BLOW-UP, in the low tone arm case, means a sudden approach of the tone arm from a non-optimum (below 2.0) reading toward the optimum read. (HCOB 1 Sept 60) BLUE SHEET, Return Programs (now called Advance Programs) are on bright blue sheets. (HCOB 25 Jun 70) B.M.R., big mid ruds. (SH Spec 320, 6310C31) BOARD POLICY LETTERS, color flash—green ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from those HCO Policy Letters written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for policy and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as Policy. The purpose of this distinction is to keep LRH’s comm lines pure and to clearly distinguish between Source material and other issues and so that any conflict and/or confusion on Source can easily be resolved. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I) Abbr. BPL. BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN, color flash—red ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from those HCO Bulletins written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed red on white for Technical Bulletins and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as tech. The purpose of this distinction is to keep LRH’s comm lines pure and to clearly distinguish between Source material and other issues and so that any conflict and/or confusion on Source can easily be resolved. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I) Abbr. BTB. BODHI, 1. one who has attained intellectual and ethical perfection by human means. This probably would be a Dn Release. (PXL, p. 18) 2. Bodhi means enlightenment or, alternately, one who has attained intellectual and ethical perfection by human means. (HOA, Intro) BODY, 1. a carbon-oxygen engine which runs at 98.6°F. The theta being is the engineer running this engine in a Homo sapiens. (HOM, p. 42) 2. a solid appendage which makes the person recognizable. (PAB 125) 3. an identifying form or non-identifiable form to facilitate the control of, the communication of and with, and the havingness for the thetan in his existence in the mest universe. (HCOB 3 Jul 59) 4. the thetan’s communication center. (CFC, p. 9) 5. a carbon- oxygen engine which runs on low combustion fuel, generally derived from other life forms. The body is directly monitored by the genetic entity in activities such as respiration, heartbeat and endocrine secretions; but these activities may be modified by the thetan. (Scn 8-8008, p. 8) 6. a physical object. It is not the being himself. As a body has mass it tends to remain motionless unless moved and tends to keep going in a certain direction unless steered. (HCOB 10 May 72) BODY IN PAWN, an incident of protecting bodies. Societies have gone totally batty on the track with this and we call it bodies in pawn. (5904C08) BODY MOTION, any motion of the body which causes the tone arm to move falsely up or down. Body motion is never recorded in a session. (EMD, p. 25) BODY-PLUS-THETAN SCALE, from 0.0 to 4.0 on the tone scale, and the position on this scale is established by the social environment and education of the composite being and is a stimulus-response scale. (Scn 8-8008, p. 76) BODY REACTIONS, one of the ten main needle actions of an E-meter. The deep breathing of a preclear, a sigh, a yawn, a sneeze, a stomach growl can any one of them make a needle react. They’re not important once you know what they are. (EME, pp. 18-19) BODY VALENCE, human identity. (HCOB 14 Jul 56) BOGGED STUDENT, he is groggy or puzzled or frowning or even emotionally upset by his misunderstood words. When not caught and handled he will go to sleep or just stare into space. (HCO PL 26 Jun 72) BOIL-OFF, v. to become groggy and seem to go to sleep. (HFP, p. 100)—n. 1. usually a flow running too long in one direction. (7204C07 SO III) 2. a manifestation of unconsciousness, is very mild, and simply means that some period of the person’s life wherein he was unconscious has been slightly restimulated. (Scn Jour ISS. 14-G) 3. a state of unconsciousness produced by a confusion of effort impinging upon one area. It is a slow motion unconsciousness. (PDC 29) 4. a condition of somnolence which is sometimes indistinguishable from sleep. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 133) 5. boil-off was originally and sedately named “comatic reduction,” but such erudition has been outvoted by the fact that it has never been used. (DMSMH, p. 303) 6. it actually is a flow which is run too long in one direction. That’s what boil-off, anaten, etc. is. (SH Spec 229, 6301C10) BONUS PACKAGE, occasionally you get a bonus package off one list. In addition to the item you are looking for, sometimes two R/Sing items will show up on the same list opposing each other and blow. They oppose each other, not what you’re listing. (HCOB 23 Nov 62) Abbr. BP. BOOK AND BOTTLE, Opening Procedure by Duplication. Il;s goal is the separating of time, moment from moment. This is done by getting a preclear to duplicate the same action over and over again with two dissimilar objects. In England this process is called “Book and Bottle,” probably because these two familiar objects are the most used in doing Opening Procedure by Duplication. (Dn 55!, p. 114) BOOK AUDITOR, 1. someone who has successfully applied Scn from a book to help someone else and who has received a Hubbard Book Auditor certificate for doing so. (Scn AD) 2. someone who has studied books on Scn and listens to other people to make them better. (Abil 155) BOOK ONE CLEAR, Mest Clear. (Abil 87) See also MEST CLEAR. BOOK ONE OF DIANETICS, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. (HCO PL 25 Jan 57) BOOK ONE OF SCIENTOLOGY, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought. (HCO PL 25 Jan 57) BOREDOM, 1. boredom is not just not doing anything. Boredom is an eddying back and forth which on its lower harmonic becomes pain and on a lower harmonic becomes agony. (2ACC28B, 5312CM20) 2. boredom is not a state of inaction. It is a state of idle action, vacillating action where penalties are yet in existence, and where they are grave, but a state in which one has decided he can’t really do anything about them. It’s just a high-toned apathy. (PDC 59) BORROWED FACSIMILES, facsimiles that aren’t yours. That is to say they are borrowed from people or they’re photographed or they’re taken right straight out of other theta beings, just outright stolen; we call it borrowing. (5207CM24B) BOTTOM TERMINAL, the terminal farthest from present time. (SH Spec 306, 6309C11) BOUNCER, 1. an engram which contains the species of phrase, “can’t stay here,” “Get out!” and other phrases which will not permit the preclear to remain in its vicinity but returns him to present time. (DTOT, p. 129) 2. the preclear may be in an engram and yet be bounced into present time. This creates a situation in which the preclear seems to be in present time but is actually under considerable tension being held in an engram. (SOS, p. 106) BP, bonus package. (HCOB 23 Nov 62) B.P., basic personality. The attention units called basic personality. (DMSMH, p. 124) BPC, by-passed charge. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) BPI, designation on HCO Policy Letters and HCO Bulletins indicates dissemination and restriction as follows: Broad Public Issue. Give to HCOs of all types, all staff of central organizations, field Auditors, put in magazines, do what you like with it. (HCO PL 22 May 59) BPL, Board Policy Letter. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I) BRACKET, 1. the standard bracket is a five-way bracket. The general form of this is as follows: you . . . terminal; terminal . . . you; terminal . . . another; another . . . terminal; terminal . . . terminal. (HCOB 30 Apr 61) 2. the word bracket is taken from the artillery, meaning to enclose with a salvo of fire. A bracket is run as follows: first one gets the concept as happening to the preclear. Then one gets the concept of the preclear making it happen (or thinking or saying it) to another. Then one gets the concept as being directed by another at others. (Scn 8-80, p. 40) 3. with these three things: the thetan trying to put up mock-ups of his own which persist; trying to divert the mock-ups of others; and trying to observe what others are doing to others; we have what we call a bracket in Scn. (PAB 11) 4. the individual does it himself, somebody else does it, others do it, or the individual does it to somebody else, or somebody does it to him or others do it to others. (PDC 31) BRAIN, 1. another part of the nervous system which receives and sends impulses to the body parts. (SPB) 2. a neuro-shock absorber. It has very little to do with thinking. (SH Spec 75, 6608C16) 3. a very mechanical rattletrap sort of a switchboard that’s been thrown together by you in order to translate thought into action and to coordinate energy. (5203CM03B) BREAK-ENGRAM, 1. a late engram which crosses chains of engrams would be a “cross engram.” If such an engram resulted in a loss of sanity it would be called a “break-engram.” (DMSMH, p. 144) 2. the secondary engram after the receipt of which the individual experienced a lowering of general tone to 2.5 or below and became therefore unable to cope with his environment. (DTOT Gloss) BREAKING A CASE, Slang. meaning that one breaks the hold of the preclear on a nonsurvival facsimile, never breaking the preclear or his spirit, but breaking what is breaking the preclear. (NFP Gloss) BRIDGE, THE, 1. the route to Clear, the bridge, which we call the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart. (Aud 107 ASNO) 2. a term originating in early Dn days to symbolize travel from unknowingness to revelation. (Aud 72 ASNO) BROKEN, Slang. used in the wise of “breaking a case,” meaning that one breaks the hold of the preclear on a nonsurvival facsimile. Used in greater or lesser magnitude such as “breaking a circuit” or “breaking into a chain” or “breaking a computation.” Never breaking the preclear or his spirit, but breaking what’s breaking the preclear. (NFP Gloss) BROKEN DRAMATIZATION, where the individual has been prevented from carrying out the commands of the engram which is restimulated by present time environmental perceptics. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 118) BROKEN DRAMATIZATION LOCKS, locks in which the chief factor is that the individual has been prevented from completing the dramatization of a restimulated engram. These are most abundant at the 1.5 level. (SOS Gloss) B.S., Beginning Scientologist. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) B. Scn., Bachelor of Scientology. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) B.T., before time. (5203CMlOA) BTB, Board Technical Bulletin. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I) BUBBLE GUM INCIDENT, 1. an incident on the track where you are hit with motion and finally develop an obsession about motion. (I wish you to carefully note these very technical terms like bubble gum.) (5206CM23A) 2. the first incident on the track that has any words in it and is usually the last incident on the track of any magnitude that has any words in it for millions of years afterward. It sits there all by itself. It’s a verbal implant, a thought implant. (5206CM25B) BUDDHA, simply one who has attained bodhi. There have been many buddhas and there are expected to be many more. (PAB 32) BUGGED, the word bugged is slang for snarled up or halted. (HCO PL 29 Feb 72 II) BULL-BAITING, in coaching certain drills, the coach attempts to find certain actions, words, phrases, mannerisms or subjects that cause the student doing the drill to become distracted from the drill by reacting to the coach. As a bullfighter attempts to attract the bull’s attention and control the bull, so does the coach attempt to attract and control the student’s attention, however the coach flunks the student whenever he succeeds in distracting the student from the drill and then repeats the action until it no longer has any effect on the student. Taken from a Spanish and English sport of “baiting” which means “to set dogs upon a chained bull,” but mainly “to attack or torment especially with persistent insult, criticism or ridicule.” Also “to tease.” (LRH Def. Notes) BUREAU 5, (Continental Liaison Office) Bureau 5 covers the standard functions done in Scientology Church Tech and Qual Divisions. (SO ED 96 Int) BUTTERED ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE, 1. a preclear who does not know where he is. The preclear has used remote viewpoints, and has left remote viewpoints located all over everywhere to such a degree that the preclear thinks he is anyplace rather than where he is. (Dn 55!, pp. 145-146) 2. in his failures to control the individual withdraws from things he has attempted to control but leaves himself connected with them in terms of “dead energy.” Thus we get the manifestation of buttered all over the universe. (COHA, p. 123) 3. Colloquial; a thetan unknowingly in contact with a large part of a universe. (COHA, p. 74) 4. the lower harmonic of exteriorization, which is: “I don’t want to be there and I’ve backed out in spite of myself.” (5411C29) 5. the super reach case. He isn’t withdrawing, he’s reaching, compulsively and he can’t stop himself. (2ACC-29A, 5312C M20) BUTTON(S), 1. items, words, phrases, subjects or areas that cause response or reaction in an individual by the words or actions of other people, and which cause him discomfort, embarrassment, or upset, or make him laugh uncontrollably. (Scn AD) 2. things in particular that each human being finds aberrative and has in common. (HFP, p. 127) 3. restimulators, words, voice tones, music, whatever they are—things which are filed in the reactive mind bank as parts of engrams. (DMSMH, p. 74) 4. (suppress button, invalidate button, etc.), it is called a button because when you push it (say it) you can get a meter reaction. (HCOB 29 Jan 70) BUTTON CHART, chart of attitudes toward life. This might be called a “button chart” for it contains the major difficulties people have. (HFP, p. 38) BY-PASS CIRCUITS, see DEMON CIRCUITS. BY-PASSED CHARGE, 1. mental energy or mass that has been restimulated in some way in an individual, and that is either partially or wholly unknown to that individual and so is capable of affecting him adversely. (Scn AD) 2. when one gets a lock, a lower earlier incident restimulates. That is BPC. It isn’t the auditor by-passing it. One handled later charge that restimulated earlier charge. That is BPC (tech of ‘62), and that is all that the term means. (HCOB 10 Jun 72 I) 3. reactive charge that has been by-passed (restimulated but overlooked by both pc and auditor). (BCR, p. 21) Abbr. BPC. BY-PASSED CHARGE ASSESSMENT, 1. auditing by list to help the preclear find by-passed charge. The moment the correct by-passed charge is found the preclear feels much better. (Scn AD) 2. a BPC assessment is actual auditing (Level III). Here one cleans each smallest read of a question (but not cleaning cleans), before going onto the next question, handling originations by the pc and acknowledging. One never does this with an ARC broken pc. With an ARC break one just ploughs on looking for a big read and indicates it to pc. (BCR, p. 41) 3. a by-passed charge assessment is auditing because you clean every read of the needle on the list being assessed. The pc is acked, the pc is permitted to itsa and give his opinions. But you never do a by-passed charge assessment on an ARC broken pc. These two different activities (by-passed charge assessment and ARC break assessment) unfortunately have the word assessment in common and they use the same lists, therefore some students confuse them. (HCOB 7 Sept 64 II) BY-PASSED ITEM, when a list has been made and includes a reliable item and that reliable item was not used to find an item in opposition to it, the item which was not so found is called a by-passed item. (HCOB 17 Nov 62) c CALIBRATION, finding and marking the correct positions on the tone arm dial so that TA 2 and TA 3 positions are known precisely by the auditor at start of session. (EMD, p. 16A) CALL-BACK, a type of action phrase which would, in present time, cause the preclear to move back to another position in space, and when contained in an engram would pull the preclear down from present time into the engram. (SOS, p. 105) CAL-MAG FORMULA, working on this in 1973, for other uses than drug reactions, I found the means of getting calcium into solution in the body along with magnesium so that the results of both could be achieved. (HCOB 5 Nov 74) CANCELLER, 1. in Dn processing we used to use what was called a “canceller.” At the beginning of the session, the preclear was told that anything which had been said to him would be cancelled when the word cancelled was uttered at the end of the session. This canceller is no longer employed, not because it was not useful but because lock scanning provides the means of scanning off all the auditing. This is a far more effective and positive mechanism than the canceller. (SOS, Bk. 2, pp. 228-229) 2. a contract with the patient that whatever the auditor says will not become literally interpreted by the patient or used by him in any way. It prevents accidental positive suggestion. (DMSMH, p. 200) CANNED LIST, Slang. a pre-prepared and issued list. (7204C07 SO I) CANS, electrodes for the E-meter. Steel soup or vegetable cans, unpainted, tops cleanly removed, label and glue washed off, tin plated or not, have been standard for many years. It is with these that calibration has been done. (HCOB 14 Jul 70) CAN’T HAVE, 1. it means just that—a depriving of substance or action or things. (HCO PL 12 May 72) 2. denial of something to someone else. (BTB 22 Oct 72) 3. a moment of pain or unconsciousness is a moment of can’t have. If, at a certain moment, an individual couldn’t have the environment, couldn’t have the circumstances he was undergoing then it is a certainty that he’ll pile up an engram right at that spot in time. (Abil 14) CAS, Church of American Science. (PAB 74) CASE, the whole sum of past by-passed charge. (HCOB 19 Aug 63) CASE ANALYSIS, 1. the determination of where pc’s attention (at current state of case) is fixed on the track and restoring pc’s determinism over those places. (HCOB 28 Feb 59) 2. the steps for case analysis are (1) discover what the pc is sitting in, (2) get the lies off, (3) locate and indicate the charge. (HCOB 14 Dec 63) CASE CRACKING SECTION, a section in the Dept. of Review in the Qualifications Division of a Scientology Church. This section audits cases (students or HGC pcs or other pcs in difficulty such as field auditor rejects) to a result. (HCO PL 24 Apr 65) CASE V, 1. the definition of a case V is no mock-ups, only blackness. (Scn 8- 8008, p. 120) [For a complete list of the eight levels of case of SOP 8-C, see STATES OF CASE SCALE.] CASE GAIN, 1. the improvements and resurgences a person experiences from auditing. (Scn AD) 2. any case betterment according to the pc. (Abil 155) CASE HISTORIES, reports on preclears’ individual records. (FOT, p. 15) CASE LEVEL, see STATE OF CASE SCALE. CASE PROGRESS SHEET, a sheet which details the levels of processing and training the pc has achieved while moving up the grade chart. It also lists incidental rundowns and setup actions the pc has had. The sheet gives at a glance the pc’s progress to OT. (BTB 3 Nov 72R) CASE, STATES OF, see STATE OF CASE SCALE. CASE SUPERVISOR, 1. that person in a Scientology Church who gives instructions regarding, and supervises the auditing of preclears. The abbreviation C/S can refer to the Case Supervisor or to the written instructions of a case supervisor depending on context. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. the C/S is the case supervisor. He has to be an accomplished and properly certified auditor and a person trained additionally to supervise cases. The C/S is the auditor’s “handler.” He tells the auditor what to do, corrects his tech, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S is the pc’s case director. His actions are donefor the pc. (Dn Today, Bk. 3, p. 545) Abbr. C/S. See also C/S. CATATONIA, 1. a psychiatric name for withdrawn totally. (HCOB 24 Nov 65) 2. catatonia means the person is lying still in apathy unmovingly and not reaching anything. (SH Spec 303, 6309C05) CAUSATION, imposing time and space upon objects, people, self, events and individuals. (Scn 8-80, p. 44) CAUSE, 1. cause could be defined as emanation. It could be defined also, for purposes of communication, as source-point. (FOT, p. 77) 2. a potential source of flow. (COHA, p. 258) 3. is simply the point of emanation of the communication. Cause in our dictionary here means only “source point.” (Dn 55.1, p. 70) “CAVE IN,” (noun) “CAVED IN” (adjective), mental and/or physical collapse to the extent that the individual cannot function causatively . The individual is quite effect . A U . S . Western term which symbolized mental or physical collapse as like being at the bottom of a mine shaft or in a tunnel when the supports collapsed and left the person under tons of debris. (LRH Def. Notes) CC, Clearing Course. (HCO PL 6 Sept 72 II) CCHs, 1. a highly workable set of processes starting with control, going to communication and leading to havingness in that order. The CCHs are auditing specifically aimed at and using all the parts of the two way comm formula. (BTB 12 Sept 63) 2. several associated processes which bring a person into better control of his body and surroundings, put him into better communication with his surroundings and other people, and increase his ability to have things for himself. They bring him into the present, away from his past problems. (Scn AD) 3. actually, control, communication and havingness. When you apply control, you obtain communication which gives the preclear havingness. And it is a method of entrance on cases which is rather infallible. (SH Spec 9, 6106C07) CCH-O, the sum of CCH-O is find the auditor, find the auditing room, find the pc, knock out any existing PT problem, establish goals, clear help, get agreement on session length and get up to the first real auditing command. CCH-O isn’t necessarily run in that order and this isn’t necessarily all of CCH-O, but if any of these are seriously scamped, the session will somewhere get into trouble. (SCP, p. 8) CCH OB, clear help in brackets with a meter, running meter toward a freer needle. (PAB 138) CDEI, curiosity, desire, enforcement, inhibition. (BTB 1 Dec 71RB II) CDEINR, curious, desired, enforced, inhibited, no, refused. (BTB 1 Dec 71RB II) CELL, 1. the virus and cell are matter and energy animated and motivated in space and time by theta. (Scn 0-8, p. 75) 2. a unit of life which is seeking to survive and only to survive. (DMSMH, p. 50) CEN-O, designation on HCO Policy Letters and HCO Bulletins indicates dissemination and restriction as follows: to go to all staff of Central Organizations only plus HCO Area Sec, HCO Cont, HCO WW. (HCO PL 22 May 59) CEN-O-CON, designation on HCO Policy Letters and HCO Bulletins indicates dissemination and restriction as follows: to go to Association Secretaries or Organization Secretaries of Central Organizations only, not to staff; also to HCO Area Sec, HCO Cont, HCO WW. (HCO PL 22 May 59) 2. modifies HCO PL 22 May 59, HCO Policy Letters which are marked CenOCon may be issued to all staff including HASI Personnel. (HCO PL 25 Jun 59) CENT, central. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA) CENTRAL ORG (ORGANIZATION), Church of Scientology (Class IV). (HCO PL 6 Feb 66) CERT, see CERTIFICATE. CERTAINTY, 1. the degree of willingness to accept the awareness of an is-ness. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13) 2. knowledge itself is certainty; knowledge is not data. Knowingness is certainty. Sanity is certainty, providing only that that certainty does not fall beyond the conviction of another when he views it. To obtain a certainty one must be able to observe. (COHA, p. 187) 3. knowingness—knowing one knows—a state of beingness. (PAB 29) 4. measurement of the effort and locations and distances necessary to make two points coincide at a certain instant in time. And that is really a low level certainty. That is certainty in terms of motion. (5311CM17A) 5. clarity of observation. (COHA, p. 190) CERTAINTY PROCESSING, the processing of certainties. The anatomy of maybe consists of uncertainties and is resolved by the processiug of certainties. (Scn 8-8008, p. 126) CERTIFICATE, an award given by the Hubbard Communications Office to designate study and practice performed and skill attained. It is not a degree as it signalizes competence whereas degrees ordinarily symbolize merely time spent in theoretical study and impart no index of skill. (Aud 2 UK) Abbr. Cert. CERTIFICATION COURSE, you teach the student the theory in the certification course and the drills and key processes for the grade in the classification course. (HCOB 22 Sept 65) CERTIFICATION EXAM, this is a written test taken from the HCOBs, tapes, policy letters of the theory material the student studies. (FO 1685) CHAIN, 1. a series of recordings of similar experiences. A chain has engrams, secondaries and locks. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2. incidents of similar nature strung out in time. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 3. a series of incidents of similar nature or similar subject matter. (HCOB 1 Mar 62) CHAIN OF INCIDENTS, 1. when one speaks of a chain of incidents, one means usually a chain of locks or a chain of engrams or a chain of secondaries which have similar content. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 194) 2. a whole adventure or activity related by the same subject, general location or people, understood to take place in a long time period, weeks, months, years or even billions or trillions of years. (HCOB 15 May 63) See also CHAIN. CHANGE, 1. a shift of location in space. (SH Spec 4, 6105C26) 2. essentially the redirection of energy. When change is too rapid or too slow both beingness and havingness suffer. (Scn 8-8008, p. 103) CHANGE OF CHARACTERISTIC, 1. one of the ten main needle actions of an E-meter. A change of characteristic occurs when we hit on something in the preclear’s bank. It occurs only when and each time we ask that exact question. As the question or item alone changes the needle pattern, we must assume that that is it and we use it. It is not much used but must be known. (EME, pp. 15-16) 2. the meter on a certain question has its needle shift into a different action than it was in. It resumes its old action when you no longer ask the question. (SH Spec 1, 6105C07) CHANGE OF SPACE PROCESSING, the object of change of space processing is to get all areas into present time. Originally it could be conceived that only the place where the preclear is is in present time, that all other places are in past time to the degree that they are far from the preclear. Change of space processing is done in this fashion: “Be at the place where you entered the mest universe,” “Be at the center of this room,” “Be at the place where you entered the mest universe,” “Center of this room,” “Entrance point,” “Room” and so forth until the entrance point is in present time. The preclear should be made to run change of space on any area until that area is in present time. (COHA, p. 38) CHANGE OF VIEWPOINT, the primary requisite of the viewpoint is that it has position relative to points. A change of viewpoint necessitates a change of positions rather than a change of idea. The change of position is primary; the change of idea is secondary. (PAB 8) CHANGE PROCESSES, 1. resistance to change prevents the pc from having, and as the ideas of change are sorted out the pc has increased havingness. (HCOB 27 Apr 61) 2. if a pc is bad off on change (which includes about eighty per cent of the pcs you get), he cannot run another auditing command cleanly as he never really runs the command but runs something else. Therefore the only thing that can be run is a change process and it must be run until motion is removed from the tone arm. There are many, many versions of change. To get the best result, adapt a process to the pc. (HCOB 27 Apr 61) CHAOS, 1. all points in motion—no points fixed. (5410CM07) 2. there’s nothing traveling in one direction and there’s nothing in alignment. (PDC 59) CHAOS MERCHANT, the slave master, the fellow who’s trying to hold everybody down, the fellow who’s trying to keep everybody shook up one way or the other and so he can’t ever get up again, the fellow who makes his money and his daily bread out of how terrible everything is. (SH Spec 328, 6312C10) See also MERCHANTS OF CHAOS. CHARGE, 1. harmful energy or force accumulated and stored within the reactive mind, resulting from the conflicts and unpleasant experiences that a person has had. Auditing discharges this charge so that it is no longer there to affect the individual. (Scn AD) 2. the electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. (HCOB 27 May 70) 3. stored energy or stored recreatable potentials of energy. (HCOB 8 Jun 63) 4. the stored quantities of energy in the time track. It is the sole thing that is being relieved or removed by the auditor from the time track. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VIPart One Tone Arm Action) 5. emotional charge or energy. (NSOL, p. 29) 6. the accumulation of entheta in locks and secondaries which charges up the engrams and gives them their force to aberrate. (SOS Gloss) 7. by charge is meant anger, fear, grief, or apathy contained as misemotion in the case. (SOS, p. 108) See also CHRONIC CHARGE. CHARGE UP, charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to “charge up” in that charge already on the time track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. (HCOB 8 Jun 63) CHARGED UP, the key-in and additional locks begin to give the engram more and more entheta, and it becomes more and more powerful in its effect upon the individual. It has to be, in short, charged up in order to affect the individual. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 137) CHART OF ATTITUDES, 1. a chart on which are plotted with the numerical values of the emotional tone scale the gradient attitudes that fall between the highest and lowest states of consideration about life. Example: top-CAUSE; bottom-FULL EFFECT. (PXL Gloss) 2. a chart of attitudes toward life. This might be called a “button chart” for it contains the major difficulties people have. It is also a self-evaluation chart. You can find a level on it where you agree and that is your level of reaction toward life. (HFP, p. 38) CHC, Clean Hands Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)

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