Thursday, July 9, 2015

The citizens of the U.S. are not all sick, and 1 in 4 Americans do not have some type of mental illness, according to a study conducted by the National Institute of Health and the American Psychiatric Association. Psychiatrists might have diagnosed 1 in 4 Americans with a mental illness, but there is so much to be said behind the goals of psychiatrists and the world’s wealthiest elite’s desire to reduce world’s population to a much smaller number, that is, by a factor of more than 10*10^3, (a whole order of magnitude).

     This new world order agenda’s goals are clearly stated on modern day monument that is located outside of Atlanta, Georgia.  The monument’s name is the “Georgia Guidestones.”  The first engraved goal that is written in 11 major languages that are currently spoken around the world is this:  “Maintain the world’s population at 500,000,000, (500 million) and create an environment that gives a balance between human beings, plants, and animals.”
     My contention about the outcome of this new world order agenda and new world order agendas similar to this, is that when depopulation, drugging the undesirables, and imprisoning a greater number than the U.S.’s already claimed position of number 1 (inmates per population density of 1 square mile’s ratio) — become too enormous for the vast majority of Americans and much of the people around the world — to not continue to ignore, and of whom cannot afford to do nothing to deter and to not take action against the elite’s agendas of depopulation, drugging and imprisoning.  
     It will be at this point that the vast majority of the world will use technology to include organizing and gathering together by the use of the internet, creating blogs, internet forms, social media circles, groups, discussion boards, using instant messenger services, and other methods of communicating for the purpose of banding together with the intention to successfully achieve more than one coups (and, or, or both) coup de etas.

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