Thursday, July 9, 2015

Listed here are major crimes against the most vulnerable human beings

While the White House encourages sweeping mental health information programs that will lead to increased drugging, the Vatican is looking into the destructive end-result of mental health diagnosing, spearheading an investigational conference into the harmful effects of prescription psychiatric drugs.

Young people are especially vulnerable when in the care of the state, because of abuse by the mental health care system, especially massive psychiatric drugging.

The NY Times reports on a study in journal Pediatrics about massive drugging of young people in USA foster care homes, especially with so-called "antipsychotic" drugs also known as neuroleptics.  Some Texas foster kids' doctors have ties to drug firms.

A mainstream Texas newspaper examines the massive, profitable and illegal psychiatric drugging of children in Texas foster care.

The US Congress held a public hearing about the way youth in foster care are often given large amounts of powerful psychiatric drugs, without adequate oversight, accountability, information, alternatives and advocacy.  Vera Sharav of Alliance for Human Research Protection issued this report.  USA legislator McDermott holds hearings on foster care psychiatric drugging.

Hearings are being held in US Congress on 8 May 2008 about the abuse of foster care youth by psychiatric drugging.

USA Today did a series about psychiatric drugging of youth, including this on the foster care controversy.

The largest daily newspaper in Oregon published a three-part investigation of the the massive psychiatric drugging of youth in foster care in Oregon.

Alliance for Human Research Protection reports about a Texas Foster Care Investigation issued in 2004 by Texas comptroller, Carole Keeton Strayhorn.  Children as young as three are drugged with neuroleptics.

Youth in foster and group homes are often given psychiatric drugs, including "polypharmacy" -- a chemical cocktail of multiple psychiatric drugs -- according to this study published by the American Psychiatric Association.

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