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Sunday, July 12, 2015

How television got started

In 1927 a group of people obtained an license to operate and experimental television station at the site of a radio outlet in Schenectady, New York. The name of this first experimental television station was called WGY that was later renamed to WX2BS, and then by 1930 it was finally renamed to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). In the same year another competing television station arose that used technology from the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). This newly formed corporation was called the Columbia Broadcasting Station (CBS). The first television signal was sent to and from New York and Washington D.C. for a speech given by Herbert Hoover, the secretary of Commerce of the United States of America. A small number of people living in New York that had the very first television sets were fortunate enough to witness visual images moving on a screen displaying the speech given by Herbert Hoover during the early 1930’s.

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