Tuesday, June 9, 2020

After the establishment of the world court founded and contracted by the people of world delivered justice was already served to those criminals [cannot show up to work for a job (banned due to direct violation of U.S. Law(s), and punishment given to those criminals indirectly or directly have job, (such as operative provides sensitization is conditioned environment only pertains to assigned Monarch suffers total/complete involutary behavior chosen by controller pre-determination choice has associated Neurolinguistic Programming guaranted stimulus conditioned controlled behavior response signal behavior associated with corresponding Code listed in handler handbook particular to distinct Monarch-crime-victim cannot avoid behavior produced from conditioning 

reflex practicioner created situation supervised by controller dentical jobs once also had existience within World-War-2 Switerland, persons doing things of the like (is the illegal human use of human beings is a crime has distinct corresponding penal-code law infraction, maximum-fine and maximum time-duration housed at correctional facility, such as the same crimes commited operatives in today's Monarch Parlance (but no one was ever fooled by lip-service double-talk answer-filled-non-sense-hoped-to-be-suggestive-coercive meaningless questions about why secret polictical warfare and intelligence is more impotant than permenant intactness of our loved one's sanctity and basic rights to human rights were removed for Monarch without knowledge and without consent for a percentage of the worlds population greater than 10 percent has what likelyhood of (this crime-plauge world-wide crime syndicate) captured a person closest to your heart, the one you love the most, transformed into Monarch-crime-victim does the bidding (executed in systematic method defined at the biological, biochemical, and neurological levels) of someone else for war-purpose two-sided controlled by one warmongering efforts and other nefarious purposes, such as [ Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.'s definition of what Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Omega Monarchs are programmed to do, (and how there are programmed) has definition proved with observation made to Lacter's blog, verified by clicking on the (url) link: https://bit.ly/3hY92uC ]


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