Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Corporate/State funded Ritual Abuse Monarch (Mind Control) Programming Sale (Very Lucrative) hidden global criminal (multifaceted hidden) enterprise involved "The Party" and "Freedom Train" illegal networks have ponerological (and external relationship formed core purpose) foundational construct based on black cia programs with de-population/public-opinion-manipulation and illegal use of hunan beings securely collection information about current and future defense agenda is an illegal form of political warfare violates the NATO members states agreement to abide by the "Nuremberg Code" [refer to source is video: https://youtu.be/FfX9pwYZ4YE ] as an outcome that resulted from the international legal prosecution of the activities of Nazi scientists, engineers, and physicians insidious crimes against humanity they were found guilty of in the "Nuremberg Trials" [refer to video: https://youtu.be/V-A0JJjN5OE ] that took place shortly after WW2, scientists, engineers, and physicians only to be recruited to work in America in the late-1940's [refer to Pulizter Prize Winner, journalist, blogger, author, Annie Jacobson's video: https://youtu.be/HHs5M3pyd3Q ] resrmed and organized cults with purpose is willful participation in the illegal programming/handling of another human being using the methods of G. Estabrooks, M. Orne, Louis West, (refer to published books, articles produced by these men, peer-reviewed and accepted scientifically usable discovered information is not only applied every day in the current day Monarch Parlance (is an evolution of 1950's, 1960's, and through the early-1970's MKULTRA behavioral modification project and more than 140 subprojects with developed scientific research mostly developed by W. Sargant, Ewan Cameron, and Harold Bailey methods of de-patterning and re-patterning the human mind is a fairly wide-spread practice of systematic ritual abuse and mind controlled programming methods (refer to licensed clinical psychologist, D. C. Hammond, PhD's speech at the Radisson Hotel in Alexandria, VA (during the summer of 1992 on Ritual Abuse and programming in MPD patients can be clearly understood in their work, such as "Mind Possessed," by William Sargant or "Battle for the Mind," also by William Sargant) available for free download after appropriate Google.com search was made, with key-words associated with word-choice is associated with the contributions (respective to ritual abuse and mind control programming) made to mind control, made by these men, and others not mentioned here (for the sake of brevity) accelerated the advance this (several thousand year old) mind control scientific ongoing discoveries in mind control further advanced new discovered more advanced methods of mind control most advanced hypnotic methods discovered by Edward Bernays, Spiegel, B.F. Skinner, and Milton Erickson methods in NPL practitioner forced unavoidable controlled hyper-realistic neuro-plastic stimulus control response guaranteed behavior reflex, where Monarch-crime-victim cannot avoid doing the bidding of someone else. -Mark R. Rowe


disassociate network

central division programming arena

ground branch

branch center

branch office

internal affairs

internal special services

technical special services

abductive forensics (J. Giordano, PhD/NW Washington, DC, 2017)



Gateway Process

'N3' neuro-modulation program

Narrative Networks psychological operations group

Stimociever, (psio-electric-transducer) bio-communication (human implant) surgically placed device trans-cranial (transponder) [ionized-radiological information is a telemetric electroencephalographic interpreted brainwave graph analyzed and manipulated via software user interface. The Stimociever was discovered by Yale professor, neuro-scientist, Jose Delgado, PhD [refer to (url) link, where you can buy (on Amazon.com) Jose Delgado’s book, “Towards a Psycho-civilized Society”: https://amzn.to/3cmHqMx ]

human performance


brainwashing via deprivation

environment variables

targeted arena

forced outcomes


Additional source [has (url) link shown below] [verified by authentic project documentation papers, professionals with credentials (already verified) turned back on profession gave expert-level, first-hand account of (prior) direct professional involvement is verbalized testimony given in interview with media celebrity, and organized group effort made digital record (evidence of brainwave manipulation associated with person did not give consent for his brain to be manipulated) hidden/live/"hot camera with sound" indisputable evidence can be used in court of law in defense of basic essential human rights violations, any person has the right to refuse the use of their "mind/body brain paradigm," (as such, is one-hundred percent owned by you, me and everyone else in the world for that matter) used in conjunction with a controller's use of a targeted neuro-modulation neuro-weapon, such as M.I.N.D. A.D.S. or T.A.M.I. was created by Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD (refer to Google.com search: "Robert Duncan, PhD, Project: Soul Catcher, Secrets of Cybernetic and Cyber Warfare Revealed”).

The words following the (url) link written subsequently after the end of this sentence are taken/borrowed from the link (is the Wikipedia definition for "Dr. Jose M. R. Delgado").


Physical control of the mind by direct manipulation of the brain is a novel event in human history. In this volume, Dr. Jose M. R. Delgado describes his pioneering work in implanting electrodes in the brains of cats, monkeys, and men. Through electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures, Delgado demonstrates how movements can be induced by radio command, hostility may appear or disappear, social hierarchy can be modified, sexual behavior may be changed, and memory, emotions, and the thinking process may be influenced by remote control.

The mind is no longer unreachable, and may be the subject of experimental investigations. According to Delgado, we need to reorient the aims of civilization to restore a balance between its physical and psychological evolution. Our present mechanized society is dangerously self-perpetuating, and should be "psychocivilized" in order to develop wiser minds, to intelligently control our awesome technological advances.

Dr. Delgado believes mankind’s primary objective should be “not the development of machines, but of man himself.” He writes lucidly about his work, putting it into the context of what is known about the mind and the brain, and exploring long-range ethical and social implications of his discoveries. Despite the ongoing controversy over his work, the result is an exceedingly important and provocative book.

Jose M. R. Delgado was born in Ronda, Spain, and received his medical training at Madrid University, where he was Associate Professor of Physiology until 1950, when he came to Yale University to work with Dr. John Fulton. He became Professor of Physiology at Yale, where he developed techniques for electrical and chemical stimulation of the brain. He published more than 200 scientific papers, and became perhaps the most notorious "mind control" researcher in the history of neuro-behavioral research.

Wikipedia bio-sketch of Yale professor, Jose Delgado, has (url) link shown below.

The following words are taken/borrowed from the (url) link shown above:

In 1946 Rodríguez Delgado won a fellowship at Yale University in the department of physiology under the direction of John F. Fulton. In 1950, Rodríguez Delgado accepted a position in the physiology department which at the time was headed by John Fulton. By 1952, he had co-authored his first paper on implanting electrodes into humans.

The following words are taken/borrowed from the (url) link is shown below.

Tourette syndrome

Further information: Management of Tourette syndrome
DBS has been used experimentally in treating adults with severe Tourette syndrome that does not respond to conventional treatment. Despite widely publicized early successes, DBS remains a highly experimental procedure for the treatment of Tourette's, and more study is needed to determine whether long-term benefits outweigh the risks.[13][14][15][16] The procedure is well tolerated, but complications include "short battery life, abrupt symptom worsening upon cessation of stimulation, hypomanic or manic conversion, and the significant time and effort involved in optimizing stimulation parameters".[17] As of 2006, five people with TS had been reported on; all experienced reduction in tics and the disappearance of obsessive-compulsive behaviors.[17]

The procedure is invasive and expensive, and requires long-term expert care. Benefits for severe Tourette's are not conclusive, considering less robust effects of this surgery seen in the Netherlands. Tourette's is more common in pediatric populations, tending to remit in adulthood, so in general this would not be a recommended procedure for use on children. Because diagnosis of Tourette's is made based on a history of symptoms rather than analysis of neurological activity, it may not always be clear how to apply DBS for a particular person. Due to concern over the use of DBS in Tourette. Refer to photo of a real neuro-surgery (adminstered by physician) gave transcranial impant to human. This photo can be obseved by clicking on it's (url) direct link found below.

And finally, the endnotes (bibliography) list of (published articles, peer reviewed professional journal (column entry) contributions (are shown in subsequent paragraphs with their associated (url) links proved the facts were already explained and comprehensively defined (here) with systematic clinical bases, where this list of bibliographic references list has words are have direct correlation to the facts presented here, are (de facto) the words following this sentence (written verbatim) taken/borrowed from the (url) link shown below.

External links
16 second YouTube graphic of an idealized working DBS
Patient with wired brain At time index 1:24, a black and white YouTube video of Dr Robert Galbraith Heath and a patient with DBS wires embedded in their brain.
Time Magazine February 2011
The Perils of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression. Author Danielle Egan. September 24, 2015.
Brain Implants: Spinning the Trial Results to Protect the Product. Author Danielle Egan. January 14, 2018.

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Olds J, Milner P (Dec 1954). "Positive reinforcement produced by electrical stimulation of septal area and other regions of rat brain". Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 47 (6): 419–27. doi:10.1037/h0058775. PMID 13233369.
Olds J (1958). "Self-Stimulation of the Brain". Science. 127 (3294): 315–324. doi:10.1126/science.127.3294.315. PMID 13506579.
Faria MA (2013). "Violence, mental illness, and the brain - A brief history of psychosurgery: Part 3 - From deep brain stimulation to amygdalotomy for violent behavior, seizures, and pathological aggression in humans". Surg Neurol Int. 4: 91. doi:10.4103/2152-7806.115162. PMC 3740620. PMID 23956934.
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"Stimulation of the human cortex and the experience of pain: Wilder Penfield's observations revisited" Laure Mazola, Jean Isnard, Roland Peyron, François Mauguière . October 2011.
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HEATH, RG; PEACOCK SM, Jr; MILLER W, Jr (1953). "Induced paroxysmal electrical activity in man recorded simultaneously through subcortical and scalp electrodes". Transactions of the American Neurological Association. 3 (78th Meeting): 247–50. PMID 13179226.
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"Paralyzed woman uses mind-control technology to operate robotic arm" by Scott Pelley CBS News May 16, 2012.
Surbecka Werner, Bouthillierb Alain, Khoa Nguyenc Dang (2013). "Bilateral cortical representation of orgasmic ecstasy localized by depth electrodes". Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports. 1: 62–65. doi:10.1016/j.ebcr.2013.03.002. PMC 4150648. PMID 25667829.
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"Electronic implants studied for treatment of drug addiction" CTV news. May 8, 2019. Author Erika Kinetz, The Associated Press.

-Mark R. Rowe

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