Saturday, December 14, 2019

GangStalking IS Community Oriented Policing. The video shown here, and multiple books (with links to Amazon purchase provided on this webpage) proved that Gangstalking is Community Policing violates human rights on multiple levels

Who are the perpetrators of GangStalking?

The following words are from the description of the video shown above.

“Gang Stalking” is, very likely, a disinformation term created by
U.S. intelligence agencies. It refers to the intense, long-term, unconstitutional surveillance and harassment of a person who has been designated as a target by someone associated with America’s security industry.

Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are – apparently – perpetrated by federal agents and intelligence/security contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. Unofficial operations of this type are, apparently, perpetrated by private investigators and vigilantes – including former agents and cops, some of whom are members of the quasi-governmental Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU), sometimes on behalf of corporate clients and others with connections to the public and private elements of America’s security industry.

The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence agents – is “disruption” of the life of an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” Agents of communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) referred to the process as Zersetzung (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the severe psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim). American and British victims have described the process as “no-touch torture” – a phrase which also captures the nature of the crime: cowardly, unethical (and often illegal), but difficult to prove legally because it generates minimal forensic evidence.

Tactics include – but are not limited to – slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.

Both the facts and the geographical distribution of relevant published news reports – as well as other evidence cited on this website – suggest that such stalking is sanctioned (and in some cases, orchestrated) by federal agencies; however, news reports, credible anecdotal information, and my own experiences, indicate that such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former corrupt employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, private investigators, and their clients.

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.

Crimes against Americans at the hands of corrupt government agents and private security thugs have a long history in the U.S. The FBI’s COINTELPRO (“Counterintelligence Program”) scandal in the 1970s was the most notorious high-profile example, but similar abuses of power by “Red Squads” (state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units) and private detectives date back to the 19th century.


Bright Light on Black Shadows, Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde, published by Infonurt2.Bohdan Szewczyk; 1st edition (2015), ISBN-13: 978-0994037404

"Bright Light on Black Shadows" is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

Gang Stalking: The Threat to Humanity, Dr. Corkin F. Cherubini, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2nd edition (September 2, 2014), ISBN-13: 978-1500422936

"Gang Stalking: The Threat to Humanity" is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

The following words are from the Amazon description of the book shown above.

What if you had been singled out for an experimental mind control program without your knowledge? Would you even realize what was happening to you? Dr. Cherubini's book traces his own gradual discovery of his inclusion in what has been called "the most atrocious criminal program" the world has ever known. He wishes to educate others about this covert enterprise, because, left unchecked, it will surely erode what is left of American democracy.

About the Author

Dr. Corkin Cherubini was the 1996 JFK Profile in Courage Award recipient. He was an educator for almost thirty years and finished his career as a school superintendent in a small southern community. He was a Harvard Fellow and received advanced degrees from the University of Virginia and Auburn University. Since retirement, he has published two CD's of original music and one CD of humorous essays. Gang Stalking is his first published book.

The Devil Beside Me: Gang Stalking, The Secret War and How to Win, E. J. Wyatt, May 6, 2015

"The Devil Beside Me: Gang Stalking" is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

The following words are from the Amazon description of the book shown above.

The Devil Beside Me details the tactics being used in the worldwide phenomenon known as gang stalking, the reasons behind this campaign of harassment and how to get your life back should you be one of the unfortunate few subjected to this inexplicable problem.

Written over the course of four years, The Devil Beside Me is a groundbreaking work encompassing a breadth of topics, from the esoteric to the familiar, the quantum to the spiritual. The author, through painstaking research, her own experience and interviews with victims as well as insiders, has discovered not just the reasons behind these events, but a shocking secret that has been carefully guarded for hundreds of years. The Devil Beside Me provides some startling revelations and goes a step further, giving you the tools you need to verify the truth for yourself.

Includes information on:

Tips on keeping healthy, physically and mentally, during this ordeal.
What to research in your background and family history that can provide clues to the reasons this is happening to you.

Debunking the disinformation dead ends of “mind control,” and “government experimentation.”
How to develop your abilities of discernment and conduct your own research to discover the truth for yourself.

How to rise above the harassment to reclaim your life and make yourself a less attractive target, putting the harassment to a complete stop.

This isn't another book claiming to solve this problem with no real answers or just another dead end of misdirection and disinformation. The concepts presented are challenging to accepted belief systems and require the ability to question everything we've been taught. With this book in hand, you have the key to unlocking the secrets of our world that only the “elite,” the rich and the powerful, have been privy to. If you want to understand why this has been happening, how to stop it and ultimately, how to help change our world for the better, this is your new beginning.-

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