The failures of a whistle-blown criminal war once aimed at civilian populations no longer exists due to new laws enacted caused from bill proposal written by Associate Professor, Tomo Shibata, PhD, that is currently under review by the California State Legislature verified by article found on proved with appropriate Google search.
Deniability! Really! What a laughing matter! Were the people that designed this secret war born without a brain? Or were they just stuck on stupid throughout their whole entire lives? Why do they insist on lying to themselves at the level of a learning impaired imbecile, while their short sighted limited perception of reality caused their inability to comprehend the obvious nature of these crimes against humanity are not only obvious to everyone when perpetrator committed these crimes against humanity, but are also very easy to prove mathematically, since one could conduct several double blind studies where data is collected in multiple arbitrarily but particular chosen distinct areas (over a given time interval) of the world gave detailed analysis and conclusion determined by datum comparison of distinct areas where data was either gathered or data was intentionally not gathered, [where persons responsible for collecting data from events involved perpetrators trained aggressive behavior acts upon person of interest were usually recording behavioral interactions characteristics) but persons responsible for collecting data only gave the appearance that they were recording characteristics (caused the casual observer to have the perception that persons were collecting data, but were in fact not collecting data) of these events caused by perpetrators (super aggressive behavior)] since TAMI/MIND AI systems sensors have already received previous metadata associated with person of interest determined by genetic algorithm has pain solutions paired to any case (for all unique human experiences has a finite quantity with broad definition generalization made across every person living for every possible (known and recorded) distinct human experience (with multiple arrays have a finite quantity of unknown properties associated with each unique human experience) has a linear form with unknown parameters solved interpolated to fit solution curves) is machine learned data with reference call made to method in computer program's class sent automatic task set instruction to handler, controller, peace officer, through covert electronic communications system-that trained the victim and directed the battle-swarm where ground support made from managed teams responsible for ground surveillance and mind surveillance (for person of interest only) within any or all directed (are tasks in operational scope) sensitized person of interest, with sensitization occurred in various forms, such as conversational hypnosis, crowding, repetitive movement of object is in same fixed position local to person of interest's dwelling location, (where handler does this in a timely manner in such that person of interest is forced to deal with this constant awkwardness with aims to cause person interest to have constant feeling of powerlessness not able to control an otherwise) usually non-problem characteristic of one's environment, where these characteristics of one's environment are extremely high in quantity, while at the same time always remain in any person's immediate surroundings, and also where handler received communication from controller based decision for task to be done formed from genetic algorithm automatically pre-determined solution is phrase to be verbalized by handler is either a phrase that made use of pre-hypnotic suggestion, or post-hypnotic suggestion are techniques found in many graduate level verbal behavior advanced applied psychology textbooks sold at major universities bookstores found in every average to above-average sized city in the world (e.g. "Verbal Behavior," B. F. Skinner)
This type of technique used in manipulating one's behavior is known as neuro-linguistic programming theory and application, where also in this same battle-space perpetrators make use of sensitization technique is denial of timing acts upon person of interest, where intentional use of coordinated action is directed at person of interest based on timing of such an action provides the greatest level of awkwardness with goal is to provide mechanism caused high levels of anxiety in person of interest over a predefined time interval.
Other forms of sensitization techniques carried out by peace officers and handlers are the staged acted display of human (interpersonal) interaction among perpetrators provided the person of interest with conditioned response to observed perpetrators' interactions, is a conditioned response to external stimuli, that does not allow person of interest to naturally experience his emotions when he is experiencing highest levels of emotional pain, such as when person of interest is dealing with the loss of job, recent marriage separation, or at the time when person of interest is first learning from (i.e. a loved one) about the death of a lifelong friend. It is at these times (for the examples I already gave in the previous sentence) that these perpetrators; (peace officers, handlers, and controllers) are given tasks to perform in unison, (directed at person of interest) are tasks decided by TAMI/MIND AI systems (genetic algorithms solutions parameters for actions to be carried out by perpetrators defined by "Psychic Warrior Trainer Pain Game," "EEG Heterodyned Synchronization Lock and Telemetric Graph" (algorithmic solution) determined detailed specific task(s) to be executed upon person of interest is further victimized in this (once secret) Fourth Generation Warfare Civilian/Military domain space has enemy is (person of interest, but is eventually the entire civilian population of the world, cited by Robert Duncan, PhD in interview with Jesse Ventura, on Jesse Ventura's TV show broadcasted to TRU TV available with any Cox Communications Cable Television subscribtion package proved by obsevation made to YouTube video by observing the video shown below.
The video shown above proved that the long term goal/aim of this secret war-is to target the whole of the world's population with a goal achieved is to maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature, where this goal is inscribed (verbatim) on the surface of the "Georgia Guidestones" monument located near Atlanta, Georgia, US. Refer to video shown here for verification.
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