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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Author Mark M. Rich gives clear undisputable evidence proved the existience of new warform utilized organized stalking, directed energy weapons, brain recording device/algorithms, advanced (secret) communications systems with roughly 4 percent of world population participation/employment. This evidence that has full (de facto) verification proved by James Giordano, PhD's (neuroscience professor at Georgetown University Medical Center) lectures with photos of slides are contained within his lectures (where some of his lectures' slides) are shown on this webpage.

New World War Series: Overview.

New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control, Mark M. Rich; Second Edition edition on August 19, 2013 by, ISBN-13: 978-1300976257

"New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control," is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

New World War Series: Characteristics.

Overview of Street-Level Tactics, Introduction, Part 1 through Part 14.

The following words are from the video descriptions of the videos shown above.

Wealthy psychopaths create a revolutionary warform, with hidden tactics, that is designed to neutralize specific people on the neighborhood level. Includes prerequisite reading chapters to understand street-level attacks.

A global C4ISR system with AI, that constantly monitors the AO as well as the TI, & has direct links to all surrounding civilian warfighters, which makes possible the precise synchronization of weapons & tactics, during computer-generated battleswarms.

When you travel through a specific AO, the open brain-linked citizens that form the civil defense network in that area, receive an activation signal from the GIG. They respond immediately, & converge to attack you with swarming, fear-potentiated startles (FPS), mobile barriers, acoustics, psychological operations (PsyOp), & neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

The brain-linked citizens are directed by the GIG, to unremittingly hammer you with noise & faint collisions, that are intended to incite chronic stress, which results in psychological & biological disease.

Tactical PsyOp units in the MNF blend PsyOp products into civilian environments to communicate with the TI. Product dispensation is based on real-time situational awareness of the AO & TI, during constant surveillance.

BRIGHT LIGHT ON BLACK SHADOWS, Dr Rauni Kilde; 2015, ISBN-13: 978-0994037404.

"BRIGHT LIGHT ON BLACK SHADOWS," (that has the entire Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations…. FBI’s COINTELPRO, Operation Gladio, NATO Stay Behind Armies, and Ongoing Global U.S. Military “Unconventional”/”CivilMilitary”/” Psy-War”/”Information War” Operations) is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.



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