Friday, September 13, 2019

The Global Government of Antichrist, Serge Monast; December 6, 2014, Hades éditions; 7 edition

This volume is the result as well as the culmination of fifteen years of investigation in the world of the Illuminati, the United Nations World Government, the Universal Conspiracy of the Age of Aquarius, and Political circles, Economic, Military and International Medical. The investigations, compilations of documents and the drafting of this book were conducted in a rigorously scientific manner in order to constitute a report of journalistic investigation. This volume is therefore not a religious or spiritual conception of past, present and future events. This volume, on the contrary, is the follow-up of an inquiry based only on facts, and on the reality of various historical and present situations. Consequently, the spiritual or religious facts that emerge from it are by no means voluntary, but rather the fruit, the direct but obvious consequence of the analysis and synthesis of all the documents examined. Plan: - Abolition of all National Governments; - Abolition of all inheritance, all heritage; - The abolition of private property; - the abolition of patriotism; - The abolition of the single-family house, and family life as a cell from which all civilizations come; Abolition of all established and existing religions, so that the Luciferian ideology of totalitarianism can be imposed on all humanity.

This book is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

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