Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry [FULL DOCUMENTARY] | An unprecedented number of military soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day all over the world. A revealing and hard-hitting documentary titled The Hidden Enemy: Inside Psychiatry's Covert Agenda firmly places the blame at the doorstep of the psychiatric industry. According to the sequence of events presented in the film, an insidious plan was set in motion in 1940 during an annual meeting of the National Council on Mental Hygiene. It was there that Brigadier General J.R. Rees announced plans to introduce psychiatric practices within the ranks of the military. The Army and the other fighting services form rather unique experimental groups since they are complete communities, he announced, and it is possible to arrange certain experiments in a way that would be very difficult in civilian life. These heroic figures who fought for their country would provide an ideal breeding ground of guinea pigs for an industry struggling for worldwide public acceptance. Three-quarters of a century later, these practices are still in place, and they're more profitable than ever. One disastrous symptom of this lies in the military's over-reliance on prescriptions for anti-psychotic drugs. Several members of the armed forces attest to this disturbing trend in the film. They witness far too many soldiers who are not given the proper medical evaluations they deserve because pharmaceutical sales remain the priority. As a result, many soldiers are hurriedly diagnosed with post-traumatic stress syndrome, even when their symptoms might indicate a more severe brain injury, and they're given medications that only exacerbate their already tremulous condition. These toxic drugs inflict severe behavioral changes and can potentially make them a danger to others and, more commonly, to themselves. The infiltration of psychiatry within the military does not end with the soldiers. Outpatient psychiatric treatment for children of deployed active duty service members has reached an all-time high, says interview subject and retired Air Force Staff Sergeant Kerry Patton. How many drugs are these children being forced to take now? With great humanity and concern, this film exposes a growing epidemic which exists under the spotlight of public scrutiny among military units around the world.

The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry [FULL DOCUMENTARY]

An unprecedented number of military soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day all over the world. A revealing and hard-hitting documentary titled The Hidden Enemy: Inside Psychiatry's Covert Agenda firmly places the blame at the doorstep of the psychiatric industry.
According to the sequence of events presented in the film, an insidious plan was set in motion in 1940 during an annual meeting of the National Council on Mental Hygiene. It was there that Brigadier General J.R. Rees announced plans to introduce psychiatric practices within the ranks of the military. The Army and the other fighting services form rather unique experimental groups since they are complete communities, he announced, and it is possible to arrange certain experiments in a way that would be very difficult in civilian life. These heroic figures who fought for their country would provide an ideal breeding ground of guinea pigs for an industry struggling for worldwide public acceptance.
Three-quarters of a century later, these practices are still in place, and they're more profitable than ever. One disastrous symptom of this lies in the military's over-reliance on prescriptions for anti-psychotic drugs. Several members of the armed forces attest to this disturbing trend in the film. They witness far too many soldiers who are not given the proper medical evaluations they deserve because pharmaceutical sales remain the priority. As a result, many soldiers are hurriedly diagnosed with post-traumatic stress syndrome, even when their symptoms might indicate a more severe brain injury, and they're given medications that only exacerbate their already tremulous condition. These toxic drugs inflict severe behavioral changes and can potentially make them a danger to others and, more commonly, to themselves.
The infiltration of psychiatry within the military does not end with the soldiers. Outpatient psychiatric treatment for children of deployed active duty service members has reached an all-time high, says interview subject and retired Air Force Staff Sergeant Kerry Patton. How many drugs are these children being forced to take now?
With great humanity and concern, this film exposes a growing epidemic which exists under the spotlight of public scrutiny among military units around the world.

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