Thursday, August 8, 2019

Part 1: The Roots - Robert Whitaker - Psychiatric Epidemic - PsykoVision CPH - May 14, 2014

Part 1: The Roots - Robert Whitaker - Psychiatric Epidemic - PsykoVision CPH - May 14, 2014.

The Psychiatric Epidemic - does long-term use of medication decrease the chance of recovery?

PsykoVision in Denmark has recently translated and published Robert Whitaker's book, "Anatomy of an Epidemic". In honor of this, PsykoVison has invited Whitaker to speak at a small conference in Copenhagen.

This is Part 1: The Roots of the Epidemic, where Robert Whitaker guides us through the history of psychiatric medication and presents the scientific evidence that proves that the common wisdom about theses drugs is mostly based on falsehoods.

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