Friday, July 12, 2019

The book, "Targeted Individuals & Cell Towers," by Richard Lighthouse, identifies some of the top executives in the U.S. government that run a Secret CIA program to track and attack Targeted Individuals worldwide. The program is lead by CIA Operations from their Denver headquarters, and involves the Air Force Space Command 50th Wing, DHS Intelligence & Analysis Office, FBI National Security Branch, Office of DNI, and DOJ National Security Division. This program is an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) funded by the CIA under the Black Budget. It is illegal. The President and Congress do not know about it. In my opinion, the people identified here have committed crimes more horrific than any murderer or serial killer. On a daily basis, they have willfully developed, planned, and orchestrated a global torture program, unlike anything seen in human history. It is disturbing beyond comparison to anything the Nazi's did during World War 2. More than 1 million people worldwide are being hit with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Gangstalking, and Voice-to-skull (V2K) torture. A smaller number have been implanted with electronic devices that attempt to control emotional states, and control bodily functions and movements. Here is a list of some of the credible sources that can confirm these attacks and the technologies that are being used: Dr Collin Ross, MD and Psychiatrist, author of "The CIA Doctors" Dr Daniel Lebowitz, MD; Senate Committee presentation 2014 Dr John Hall, Ph D, MD, author of “Satellite Terrorism in America” Dr Terence Robertson, MD Dr Katherine Horton, Oxford scientist Source: "Cell Towers & Targeted Individuals, Richard Lighthouse, 2017--refer to: Richard Lighthouse has a Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and previously worked for NASA. Visit -Mark R. Rowe

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The book, "Targeted Individuals & Cell Towers," by Richard Lighthouse, identifies some of the top executives in the U.S. government that run a Secret CIA program to track and attack Targeted Individuals worldwide. The program is lead by CIA Operations from their Denver headquarters, and involves the Air Force Space Command 50th Wing, DHS Intelligence & Analysis Office, FBI National Security Branch, Office of DNI, and DOJ National Security Division. This program is an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) funded by the CIA under the Black Budget. It is illegal. The President and Congress do not know about it.

In my opinion, the people identified here have committed crimes more horrific than any murderer or serial killer. On a daily basis, they have willfully developed, planned, and orchestrated a global torture program, unlike anything seen in human history. It is disturbing beyond comparison to anything the Nazi's did during World War 2. More than 1 million people worldwide are being hit with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Gangstalking, and Voice-to-skull (V2K) torture. A smaller number have been implanted with electronic devices that attempt to control emotional states, and control bodily functions and movements.

Here is a list of some of the credible sources that can confirm these attacks and the technologies that are being used:

Dr Collin Ross, MD and Psychiatrist, author of "The CIA Doctors"
Dr Daniel Lebowitz, MD; Senate Committee presentation 2014
Dr John Hall, Ph D, MD, author of “Satellite Terrorism in America”
Dr Terence Robertson, MD
Dr Katherine Horton, Oxford scientist

Source: "Cell Towers & Targeted Individuals, Richard Lighthouse, 2017--refer to:

Richard Lighthouse has a Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and previously worked for NASA.


-Mark R. Rowe

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