Sunday, December 10, 2017

Army intelligence officers are using classified anti-personnel weapons to target activists and people who fit a common profile. Edited by Marshall Thomas The case being made is based on Four Facts, these four facts are the bare bones case to avoid confusion, disinformation, and circular arguments that lead nowhere. MKULTRA took place at over 80 institutions and the current illegal program that I call MONARCH (the real name is unknown) is equally complex. The four facts are all that is necessary to convince a reasonable person that this atrocity is really taking place and demands immediate action. ONE: Public microwave weapons exist. TWO: A prior pattern of criminal behavior. THREE: Credible witnesses who fit a common profile. FOUR: Persons of interest in military intelligence in charge of developing nonlethal microwave weapons who must be investigated. ONE: Microwave weapons like the Active Denial System (ADS) and milliwave radars are public electromagnetic weapons. The Russians used microwave weapons to attack the American embassy in Moscow in the 1950’s. In response the US began a secret crash program to develop microwave weapons. TWO: There is a criminal history dating back to 1943, a prior pattern of criminal behavior all through the Cold War. Half a million US citizens used as human guinea pigs in nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons development programs. FBI Cointelpro government hit lists of political activists, and CIA MKULTRA using torture to break the human mind to control it. All of these illegal government programs escaped detection for decades and no perpetrators were ever punished. THREE: Credible witnesses, people who have testified that they are targets of classified nonlethal microwave weapons assaults and organized stalking. The author has interviewed more than 200 targets in person and documented their stories. Most targeted individuals (TI’s) are political activists or whistleblowers that are around forty years old, have an above average IQ, and share other commonalities. The majority of the targets fit a common profile similar to the victims of previous programs. FOUR: Persons of interest, military intelligence officers who have worked since 1980 to develop nonlethal microwave weapons for the Army. They publicly advocated using them on civilians to “neuter people”, expressed admiration for MKULTRA crimes, and given the classified weapons to local law enforcement and others. In addition they promote borderline beliefs and superstitions as part of a smoke screen cover-up. These are the basic facts reduced to their bare minimum. There is much more evidence available in the films, blogs, and supporting government documents, military science papers, nonlethal weapons scientists papers and patents, authoritative newspaper and magazine articles, books, films, and the testimony of experts and witnesses. The Four Facts are all that is necessary to prove a preponderance of evidence, and convince a reasonable person that these crimes are actually taking place and must be stopped. If it adds up to FOUR, people open the door!For years the federal government has sought to remotely control human behavior. Starting with the CIA projects MKULTRA and MKSEARCH in the 1950s, the American public has been unwitting guinea pigs in a multitude of non-consensually performed experiments that have continued into the 21st century. Guinea Pigs takes readers on a journey into the darkest corners of U.S. non-consensual experimentation and the various technologies of control that have led to our current surveillance state. The recent revelations regarding the extent of NSA eavesdropping is only the tip of the iceberg. We are currently in an information war and a mind war, where our privacy and autonomy as human beings are at stake. Guinea Pigs will arm you with the information needed to fight back against those who seek to eliminate human free will. Over the coming years, terms like "remote neural monitoring," "brain-mapping," and "electronic harassment" will become household words. To be one step ahead of the game, be prepared for the future with Guinea Pigs. Born in San Antonio, Texas, home of the Alamo, John Hall is a physician who considers writing his second profession. "Knowing the United States government's dismal track record with regard to experimenting on the public without informed consent, the sheer number of people voicing identical complaints of electronic harassment, and surveillance had to be explored logically."

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government

Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

Army intelligence officers are using classified anti-personnel weapons to target activists and people who fit a common profile. Edited by Marshall Thomas The case being made is based on Four Facts, these four facts are the bare bones case to avoid confusion, disinformation, and circular arguments that lead nowhere. MKULTRA took place at over 80 institutions and the current illegal program that I call MONARCH (the real name is unknown) is equally complex. The four facts are all that is necessary to convince a reasonable person that this atrocity is really taking place and demands immediate action. ONE: Public microwave weapons exist. TWO: A prior pattern of criminal behavior. THREE: Credible witnesses who fit a common profile. FOUR: Persons of interest in military intelligence in charge of developing nonlethal microwave weapons who must be investigated. ONE: Microwave weapons like the Active Denial System (ADS) and milliwave radars are public electromagnetic weapons. The Russians used microwave weapons to attack the American embassy in Moscow in the 1950’s. In response the US began a secret crash program to develop microwave weapons. TWO: There is a criminal history dating back to 1943, a prior pattern of criminal behavior all through the Cold War. Half a million US citizens used as human guinea pigs in nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons development programs. FBI Cointelpro government hit lists of political activists, and CIA MKULTRA using torture to break the human mind to control it. All of these illegal government programs escaped detection for decades and no perpetrators were ever punished. THREE: Credible witnesses, people who have testified that they are targets of classified nonlethal microwave weapons assaults and organized stalking. The author has interviewed more than 200 targets in person and documented their stories. Most targeted individuals (TI’s) are political activists or whistleblowers that are around forty years old, have an above average IQ, and share other commonalities. The majority of the targets fit a common profile similar to the victims of previous programs. FOUR: Persons of interest, military intelligence officers who have worked since 1980 to develop nonlethal microwave weapons for the Army. They publicly advocated using them on civilians to “neuter people”, expressed admiration for MKULTRA crimes, and given the classified weapons to local law enforcement and others. In addition they promote borderline beliefs and superstitions as part of a smoke screen cover-up. These are the basic facts reduced to their bare minimum. There is much more evidence available in the films, blogs, and supporting government documents, military science papers, nonlethal weapons scientists papers and patents, authoritative newspaper and magazine articles, books, films, and the testimony of experts and witnesses. The Four Facts are all that is necessary to prove a preponderance of evidence, and convince a reasonable person that these crimes are actually taking place and must be stopped. If it adds up to FOUR, people open the door!  For years the federal government has sought to remotely control human behavior. Starting with the CIA projects MKULTRA and MKSEARCH in the 1950s, the American public has been unwitting guinea pigs in a multitude of non-consensually performed experiments that have continued into the 21st century. Guinea Pigs takes readers on a journey into the darkest corners of U.S. non-consensual experimentation and the various technologies of control that have led to our current surveillance state. The recent revelations regarding the extent of NSA eavesdropping is only the tip of the iceberg. We are currently in an information war and a mind war, where our privacy and autonomy as human beings are at stake. Guinea Pigs will arm you with the information needed to fight back against those who seek to eliminate human free will. Over the coming years, terms like "remote neural monitoring," "brain-mapping," and "electronic harassment" will become household words. To be one step ahead of the game, be prepared for the future with Guinea Pigs. Born in San Antonio, Texas, home of the Alamo, John Hall is a physician who considers writing his second profession. "Knowing the United States government's dismal track record with regard to experimenting on the public without informed consent, the sheer number of people voicing identical complaints of electronic harassment, and surveillance had to be explored logically."

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