Tuesday, June 6, 2017

*The Phoenix Program was a mind control program created by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1965. This program lasted for 30 years, until the year 1995. The physician director of the program was D. E. Cameron M.D.Under the direction of former director of the C.I.A., Allen Dulles, Dr. E. Cameron M.D. was instructed to carry out various types of psychological and physiological experiments on psychiatric patients at the Allen Dulles Memorial Psychiatric Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and also at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York, New York.*1These psychological and physiological experiments not only crossed the lines of abuse and torture.  These “crimes of medicine, against humanity”, were kept at the highest level of secrecy for decades, and their documents behind locked doors with super-restricted access, in the basements of both of these psychiatric hospitals.

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The Phoenix Program was a mind control program created by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1965. This program lasted for 30 years, until the year 1995. The physician director of the program was D. E. Cameron M.D.*1.

Under the direction of former director of the C.I.A., Allen Dulles, Dr. E. Cameron M.D. was instructed to carry out various types of psychological and physiological experiments on psychiatric patients at the Allen Dulles Memorial Psychiatric Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and also at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York, New York.

These psychological and physiological experiments not only crossed the lines of abuse and torture. These “crimes of medicine, against humanity”, were kept at the highest level of secrecy for decades, and their documents behind locked doors with super-restricted access, in the basements of both of these psychiatric hospitals.

When this mind control program was found out by whistle blowers, not one C.I.A. employee or former C.I.A. employee, physician, or scientist involved with the Phoenix Program was held accountable for their role in this criminal mind control/behavior modification program.

One would expect justice to occur if criminal acts were made against humanity; (the most vulnerable of humanity), even if the defendants were employees of the U.S. government to include former employees of the C.I.A.

The C.I.A. can go to hell! This evil and demented agency broke the law when they decided to make the trade, trading of 300 psychiatric patients - sacrificed; (abused or tortured), - for the betterment of humanity, gaining discovered scientific reasearch methods, models, and applications used for mind control and behavior modification programs and projects.

So, C.I.A. employees of the present day and former guilty C.I.A. employees of the past -- go buy 21,000 large ropes, and tie them all to tall trees in Great Falls Park, tie them all with a noose at one end, tie the other end to a trees high hanging branch, then stand on 21,000 picnic benches, count down from 20 to 0, and finally, when the number reaches 0, walk 10 paces from the center of the picnic tables and pray to God for your forgiveness!
*1; The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, John Marks, copyright 1995

I really don't care if you believe this or not:

Mark R. Rowe



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