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Saturday, January 14, 2017

The depatternization of the mind achieved by hypnosis, drugs, surgical proceedures, electro-shock, psychic driving, mirror imaging resonating radiological devices changing neurotransmitter scalar quantity ratio relationships mutually exclusive to one another unified model relational tables molar quantity of Dopamine, Serotonin, Norephrynefrine, Noradrynedol, achieving the complete removal of behavioral characteristics, thought patterns, and mind object sought by the mind/brain dichotomy parameters of ones environment existence was used by CIA black operation project called MK-Ultra that began during the early-1950's at Langley, VA directed by Dr. Sidney Gottilieb M.D. when Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA while using medical scientific research discovered by Dr. Eli Lilly M.D. at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, MD.

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bravaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

The depatternization of the mind achieved by hypnosis, drugs, surgical proceedures, electro-shock, psychic driving, mirror imaging resonating radiological devices changing neurotransmitter scalar quantity ratio relationships mutually exclusive to one another unified model relational tables molar quantity of Dopamine, Serotonin, Norephrynefrine, Noradrynedol, achieving the complete removal of behavioral characteristics, thought patterns, and mind object sought by the mind/brain dichotomy parameters of ones environment existence was used by CIA black operation project called MK-Ultra that began during the early-1950's at Langley, VA directed by Dr. Sidney Gottilieb M.D. when Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA while using medical scientific research discovered by Dr. Eli Lilly M.D. at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, MD.

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