Monday, September 12, 2016

Who gave men the right to make decisions that take away human life from the planet, when it was God that created man and woman? Who gave men the right to take away the reproductive abilities of humans, in the name of doing a good service to the planet, bettering the quality of humans, while ridding the world of (whom these men deem as) undesirable people by the medical pseudoscientific science of Eugenics, by methods of sterilization, such as vasectomies and fallopian surgical procedures that were done to 60,000 men, women, and children from 1909 until 1960 in 13 U.S. states because of state law that required physicians to perform these medical procedures people that certain men considered to be undesirable people and should have their God given right to reproduce taken away from them, as this is a violation of their human freedoms, human rights, and were considered to be crimes against humanity. The idea that some people are superior to others that are inferior to the superior is false, however this idea is the basis for Francis Galton’s published works of pseudo-science called Eugenics during the year 1879 while he was lining in London. And, unfortunately Margret Sanger prompted Eugenics in large sized cities during the early 20th century, receiving full finding by the Rockefeller Foundation by 1924 for her efforts that promoted Eugenics, causing Eugenics to be popular among the people of the U.S., and gladly accepting Eugenics state law until the banning of Eugenics in 1980.

Who gave men the right to make decisions that take away human life from the planet, when it was God that created man and woman?

Who gave men the right to take away the reproductive abilities of humans, in the name of doing a good service to the planet, bettering the quality of humans, while ridding the world of (whom these men deem as) undesirable people by the medical pseudoscientific science of Eugenics, by methods of sterilization, such as vasectomies and fallopian surgical procedures that were done to 60,000 men, women, and children from 1909 until 1960 in 13 U.S. states because of state law that required physicians to perform these medical procedures people that certain men considered to be undesirable people and should have their God given right to reproduce taken away from them, as this is a violation of their human freedoms, human rights, and were considered to be crimes against humanity. The idea that some people are superior to others that are inferior to the superior is false, however this idea is the basis for Francis Galton’s published works of pseudo-science called Eugenics during the year 1879 while he was lining in London.

And, unfortunately Margret Sanger prompted Eugenics in large sized cities during the early 20th century, receiving full finding by the Rockefeller Foundation by 1924 for her efforts that promoted Eugenics, causing Eugenics to be popular among the people of the U.S., and gladly accepting Eugenics state law until the banning of Eugenics in 1980.

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