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Monday, September 12, 2016

What are some of the differences in the characteristics of a pre-1960’s man compared to a post-1950’s man? The differences should be obvious to the reader, as they are written in the following: 1); man is the head of “household” verses man or woman is the head of the household, 2): society has gender specific roles verses a society that does not have gender specific roles, such as the father of his child “fulfilling” the maternal role of his child during his child’s early childhood development, 3); the content of U.S. media such as television, motion-pictures, and music possessing attributes that have good values in the theme of their content verses television, motion-pictures, and music possessing attributes that have bad values in the theme of their content, 4); homosexuality is viewed as a normal behavior verses an abnormal behavior, 5); the need for a convenient method for parents to deal with their children’s problems (psychiatry) versus the parents of their children taking the responsibility of helping their children with their problems, and 6); the content of U. S. media such as television and motion-pictures producing content that contains sounds and visual images that portray religious content in one or more of the following ways: 1); erotic (heterosexual) or in erotic (homosexual) manners, 2); the use of “religious language” integrated with “secular language” in television programs, television advertisements, music lyrics listened to by people on the radio, and used in “scripts” written for motion-pictures that are produced by corporations that conduct the majority of their operations in Hollywood, California.,

The Illuminati’s goals and objectives that the members of the Illuminati have carried out since the early-1960’s are to transform the modern man, possessing the following three principles: 1); modern man’s perception that loyalty to traditional family values are not important, 2); modern man’s perception that the value of national patriotism is not important, and 3); modern man’s perception that religious dogmas are not important.

These three principals were defined by Dr. Chisholm, a co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health.

The purpose of their three principles instilled in the minds of men is to create a “world society” of all people in the world, that do not have national boarders, that do not have desires to procreate (causing stabilization of world population), and that do not have desires to believe in God through one of the following religions: 1); Christianity, 2); Judaism 3); Islam 4); Buddhism, or 5); Hindu.

This would society will be governed by a world government with all of the people in the world having citizenship to this world government called “world citizenship.”

Since the three principles that shaped modern man’s perception of the world will be fully realized in the future, the members of the Illuminati, such as Evelyn D. Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, William Gates, Warren Buffet, Hillary Clinton, and Henry Kissinger will have the ability to create and establish this world government, as the idea of this world government is already popular among the people in the world, sometime in the near future.

The first attempt to create world government was made by members of the Illuminati shortly after World War 1 ended with the establishment of “The League of Nations,’ during the first quarter of the 20th century. For the first time in history nation states of the world allied their militaries with one another in the event of a non-League of Nations nation state using their military to take military action against a nation state that belonged to the League of Nations.

With the turn of the nineteenth century, the world was changed by the effects of the “Industrial Revolution” that began in England in 1760, and ended in 1853 with the events of mathematical, scientific, and engineering leaps in human understanding taking place during the mid to late nineteenth century, such as Ernest Rutherford splitting the atom, James Maxwell’s laws that define the behavior of electricity, Gauss’s contributions to mathematics, Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb, and Westinghouse’s development of a U.S. nationwide system that gave electrical power (direct current) to businesses, governments agencies, homes, and anywhere there was a need for electrical power.

During the first quarter of the twentieth century there were significant advances in mathematics that made it possible for machines to make automated calculations with data inputs such as topographical or any type of data – that were designed separately from the design of the machine that made the automated calculations – producing output data from these distinctly separate objects.

Shannon made significant contributions in mathematics that led to applications in computational machines, such as Alan Turing’s development of the world’s first machine that made computations in non-deterministic time. These computations were made using discrete systems consisting of groups that contained “super-nodes”, ”nodes”, and “leafs’” passing data values through these groups, resulting in output that was required for scientists and engineers during the mid-twentieth century. One example where output from a Turing Computational machine was used, was during World War 2, providing “allied militaries” with the necessary information to know the locations of future locations of German navy vessels’ consolidations, since German navy communications were decrypted by a Turing computational machine followed by an easy naval victory for the allied militaries, giving the allied militaries control over Hitler’s military for the time during World Was 2, and the allied militaries defeating the militaries of Germany, Japan and Italy.

The second attempt to create world government by members of the Illuminati, was the creation of the United Nations during the early 1950’s while the Korean War was taking place. The decision to occupy northern Korea with military force was made by Dwight Eisenhower, while during his administration both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency were established during the same year, that is, the year 1952.

Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, Houston Smith, and Andrew Wiley’s wrote the definitions, principles, and axioms that define the image of the modern-man, as the modern-man transformed from the image of the man (pre-1960’s) to the image of modern-man (post-1950’s). They wrote the definitions, principles, and axioms that define the image of the modern-man while they were teaching at Harvard University.

What are some of the differences in the characteristics of a pre-1960’s man compared to a post-1950’s man? The differences should be obvious to the reader, as they are written in the following: 1); man is the head of “household” verses man or woman is the head of the household, 2): society has gender specific roles verses a society that does not have gender specific roles, such as the father of his child “fulfilling” the maternal role of his child during his child’s early childhood development, 3); the content of U.S. media such as television, motion-pictures, and music possessing attributes that have good values in the theme of their content verses television, motion-pictures, and music possessing attributes that have bad values in the theme of their content, 4); homosexuality is viewed as a normal behavior verses an abnormal behavior, 5); the need for a convenient method for parents to deal with their children’s problems (psychiatry) versus the parents of their children taking the responsibility of helping their children with their problems, and 6); the content of U. S. media such as television and motion-pictures producing content that contains sounds and visual images that portray religious content in one or more of the following ways: 1); erotic (heterosexual) or in erotic (homosexual) manners, 2); the use of “religious language” integrated with “secular language” in television programs, television advertisements, music lyrics listened to by people on the radio, and used in “scripts” written for motion-pictures that are produced by corporations that conduct the majority of their operations in Hollywood, California.

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