Wednesday, August 24, 2016

60,000 people were sterilyized in 13 U.S. states from the first decade of the twentieth century until 1960 as the result of a Eugenics state law. The sterilyization of a human being involves the severation of the scrotum for males, and a surgical proceedure that prevents the Fallopian Organ from normal functioning, for females. Both of these medical proceedures prevent a human being from having children. Francis Galton is the father of Eugenics. Francis Galton's cousin is Charles Darwin. Francis Galton grew up in a wealthy upperclass mid-nineteenth century London household.

60,000 people were sterilyized in 13 U.S. states from the first decade of the twentieth century until 1960 as the result of a Eugenics state law.

The sterilyization of a human being involves the severation of the scrotum for males, and a surgical proceedure that prevents the Fallopian Organ from normal functioning, for females. Both of these medical proceedures prevent a human being from having children.

Francis Galton is the father of Eugenics. Francis Galton's cousin is Charles Darwin. Francis Galton grew up in a wealthy upperclass mid-nineteenth century London household.

Francis Galton supposed that some people thare are born are not fit for society, and therefore should be prevented from being born by the method of eliminating not-fit, "feeble-minded", and mentally ill familys from the world , hopefully becoming non-exsistent.

Francis Galton supposed that the three most important attributes that a human being should have are the following: 1); sbove average I.Q., 2); good sound health (good hearing), and 3); good adaptability to one's evnironment.

Scientists and physicians have published that a "final test of Eugenics" is neccessary to design, construct, and implement - so that the task of Eugenics will be uneccessary in the future.

Physicians and scientists proposed the idea that went something like the following.

"Were the Juke's and the Kallikaks simply a product of thier genetics, or was it thier alcoholism and thier vices that made them the worst of humanity?" "What would they be like in a perfect world?" "What if they were placed into an optimum environment with varying gene frequencies, remembering that they must not be the same fro everyone." "Once this optimum environment has been crated, the Eugenics task will be much simpler and quite uneccessary in the future."

-H. Bentely Glass

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