Monday, December 21, 2015

This is an example of good constructs contained in the set;constructive written language for all words that are only contained inthe set English 2 language.

Written by Mark R. Rowe in San Diego, CA on 4/25/2015

                The only true political virtue is obedience to authority, and the only true political sin is independence.  Independence renders authority useless, and that is what infuriates it so.  You have been undoubtedly told that you are mentally ill, for daring to say that the emperor, called Psychiatry has no clothes, and not to mention stupid, and unscientific. 
                The Controversy concerning the myth about Psychiatry is not about the science of medicine, it is about power.  What do we know, that is true, that the cult of Psychiatry, keeps telling us, that’s false?  First, the idea is that there is a known idea causing mental illness, but the truth is, is that we cannot tell who is mentally ill, and who is not, by looking at pictures of their brains or by analyzing their blood.
                Psychiatrists had to invent their own book of diseases, because pathologists would have nothing to do with them.  It is called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, the D.S.M., and a great work of fiction.
                What is the difference between the D.S.M., and a scientific book of disease?  Every disorder in the D.S.M. is invented, every disease listed in a pathology textbook is discovered.  Real disease is found in a cadaver, at autopsy, mental illness refers to something that a person does, real disease refers to something that a person has.  It takes one person to have a real disease, it takes two people to have a mental illness.
                If you are alone on an island you could develop cancer or a heart disease, but you could not develop a mental illness, such as Hyperactivity or Schizophrenia, this is because mental illness is always based on some sort of social conflict.  When people do something that others find objectionable, they can be diagnosed as mentally ill.  If a person that is doing the diagnosing is more powerful than the person being diagnosed, then there is trouble.  In this sense, the diagnosis of mental illness is always a weapon, not so when diagnosing a real disease.
                Think about how when people get angry with one another, they inevitably always think, “you’re crazy”, “you’re mentally ill”, “you’re paranoid.”  Can you imagine somebody getting angry with someone and saying “you have Diabetes”, “you have Parkinson’s disease?”
                Social conflict has nothing to do with developing a real disease.  You don’t develop Diabetes because someone does not like the way you think, speak, or behave.  You have to have someone present to judge whether or not your behavior is morally good or bad in order to have a mental illness.
                So, diagnoses is a weapon, a tool that people use against one another, especially when there is some type of power conflict present.
                And what of treatment?  Look at our criminal justice system.  When someone commits a crime and a Psychiatrist is present in the courtroom, the defendant may go to a mental institution instead of a prison.  Can you imagine a judge saying, “I sentence you to treatment for your Cancer?”
I submit to you, that Psychiatric treatment is worse than prison.  For in prison, they do not judge how long a person should be deprived of liberty, on the basis of what they think about themselves, and the world.  In a mental institution, this is the case.  If you don’t think about yourself, and the rest of the world correctly, you will be punished longer.
                Psychiatrists love to say that mental illness is a real disease just like Cancer.  The analogy between mental illness and real disease is not reciprocal, it does not hold both ways, having Cancer is not like being depressed.  We don’t shock people who don’t have Cancer to make them better, especially if they don’t want to be shocked. 
                Consider Melanoma as a disease here, just as in Northern India.  If you have Melanoma, does it cease to exist if you move to another country?  Of course not.  If you are wandering the foothills of the Himalayas for 15 hours a day you may be well called a holy man in India.  Take that same person and have him walk across the grounds of Washington D.C., and he is diagnosed a Paranoid Schizophrenic, and committed to a mental hospital.
                What do you think that Psychiatrists would do today if Jesus was living, or Buddha, or Mohammed?  Bada bing, bada bing, right into a mental hospital, and injected with drugs to stop their crazy ideas and beliefs, and speech.  Psychiatrists are the true grand inquisitors of today, they would crucify the Holy men of yesterday in an instant.
                If we don’t place close attention to the parallels between how the Nazi’s were not taken seriously before the holocaust, and the parallels of human civilization not taking seriously the adverse effects that Psychiatry has caused tens of millions of people, (under the mask of helping people) hence the number of deaths as the direct result of individuals drugged by Psychiatrists, (only to include the number of deaths over the last 60 years) exceeded the total number of deaths of all American soldiers that fought and died in every American war from 1776 through 2015.
                We as a people of not only of the U.S., but from around the world are building a resistance that includes groups of people with high levels of influence, power, and wealth to build strategies that will eventually have unbreakable penetration, infiltration, subversion, sabotage, and massive information cyberwars that will ensure that the future of Psychiatry does not have one.

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