Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mark Rowe posting up for Jim Johnson

     The reality is, is that the medicine of pseudo-science is the field of medicine called psychiatry, since Emil Kraege falsely claimed that all of human ailments could be summed up in 3 diagnoses, called "Manic Depressive Illness", "Dreprea Kroc", the first name for Schizophrenia, and "Depressive Psychosis."
     The truth is this: before and after the 1890's real physicians and real scientists of whom some are pathologists wanted nothing to do with any psychiatrist.
     If psychologists still cannot fully understand every aspect of every, some, or only one human mind then is psychiatry a real or fake medical science?  Fake, obviously.
     Chemically engineered drugs are designed by real or fake engineers?  Real engineers, obviously.
     Merck, Astra-Zeneca, Lilly, and Johnson & Johnson are real or fake drug manufacturers, drug production corporations that market and sell legal chemically engineered drugs to a lot of people around the world? These are real corporations that still exist in the current decade of the twenty first century, obviously!

Now here is an internationally, religiously, and politically correct statement.  It's almost so true that my writing is a proof by contractiction.

I find it quite humorous that now we are allowed to talk about God, what jesus would do and how I'm supposed to act as a Christian  when these very same people have so violently decried against anything Christian related in the past.

You want me to do my Christian duty, but you want me to keep my religion out of schools.

You want me to act accordingly as a Christian,  but you condemn any public displays of Christianity. 

You say the government  has a moral obligation to accept refugees since we are a Christian nation, but you have vehemently clamored for separation of church and state, albeit erroneously. 

I'm told I am a fake Christian now, when you have demanded I keep my faith to myself so I do not offend anyone.

-Mark Ralph Rowe
4th Ave San Diego, CA 92101 U.S.

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