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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ada lady Lovelace Charles Babbage Lord Byron Analytic Engine World'sfirst machine discrete input output polynomial decidablenondeterministic time simultaneous solutions for the pre-Alan Turingpre-Tukey pre-Shannon pre modern digital computer and digitalelectronics (current tech. Era that we live in in 2015); (1853A.D.-1913 A.D.). Causation the temptation to dominate militaries,economies, tradable corporate lead markets buyable and sellable to allpeople, political leaders, the heads of nation states, the completeremoval of these heads of nation states replacing thier jobs' to thedesirable head of a particular nation state however, these maliciousactions of war against a nation state of whom not one person of thisparticular group doing these malicious actions were citizens of theparticular nation state that was already shown the 2015 effects of the1990 U.S. Army lead and 1979-1989 money taken from corporate andnon-corporate taxes and fluxing the stock market theft by people likethe Bush family, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Turner family,Gates family, Halliburton family, Bildberger family, and others to also(e.g., Bloomberg family), or (e.g., Goldman family), (e.g., Sackfamily) the invasion of the Persian Gulf hence The people thatcurrently live within a 3000 mile radius of the Persian Gulf have --the highest amount of love and respect for the U.S. Department ofDefense and also for those families that mentioned in the paragraphabove -- is true or if and only if all sentences written on this pageare true then this whole page written by Mark Ralph Rowe in a downtownneighborhood in the City of San Diego, California, U.S. on Thursday,December 17, 2015(A.D.) is was also shown to be true.

Ada lady Lovelace Charles Babbage Lord Byron Analytic Engine World's first machine discrete input output polynomial decidable nondeterministic time simultaneous solutions for the pre-Alan Turing pre-Tukey pre-Shannon pre modern digital computer and digital electronics (current tech. Era that we live in in 2015); (1853 A.D.-1913 A.D.).

Causation the temptation to dominate militaries, economies, tradable corporate lead markets buyable and sellable to all people, political leaders, the heads of nation states, the complete removal of these heads of nation states replacing thier jobs' to the desirable head of a particular nation state however, these malicious actions of war against a nation state of whom not one person of this particular group doing these malicious actions were citizens of the particular nation state that was already shown the 2015 effects of the 1990 U.S. Army lead and 1979-1989 money taken from corporate and non-corporate taxes and fluxing the stock market theft by people like the Bush family, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Turner family, Gates family, Halliburton family,  Bildberger family, and others to also (e.g., Bloomberg family), or (e.g., Goldman family), (e.g., Sack family) the invasion of the Persian Gulf hence

The people that currently live within a 3000 mile radius of the Persian Gulf have -- the highest amount of love and respect for the U.S. Department of Defense and also for those families that mentioned in the paragraph above -- is true or if and only if all sentences written on this page are true then this whole page written by Mark Ralph Rowe in a downtown neighborhood in the City of San Diego, California, U.S. on Thursday, December 17, 2015(A.D.) is was also shown to be true.

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