Friday, September 11, 2015

....This is not that tough to believe to be truth and not propaganda, since, in 1980 a man by the name of Ken Peters very vividly predicted Lucifer coming in to the world, (know to Nostradamus as the third anti-Christ by the name Mabus) broadcasting to the world though personal computers and smart TVs - the warning of world government, world citizenship, world unity, and only one world religion, and according a national monument in Elkridge, GA calked the Georgia guidestones, one language for the world and one religion for the world and a mass reduction of the worlds population to the number of only 500,000,000 people instead of the current number of 7,100,000,000 people on the planet. These are the goals of people like Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, and Evelyn D. Rothschild. The three wealthiest people on the face of the earth in 2015....

....This is not that tough to believe to be truth and not propaganda, since, in 1980 a man by the name of Ken Peters very vividly predicted Lucifer coming in to the world, (know to Nostradamus as the third anti-Christ by the name Mabus) broadcasting to the world though personal computers and smart TVs - the warning of world government, world citizenship, world unity, and only one world religion, and according a national monument in Elkridge, GA calked the Georgia guidestones, one language for the world and one religion for the world and a mass reduction of the worlds population to the number of only 500,000,000 people instead of the current number of 7,100,000,000 people on the planet.  These are the goals of people like Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, and Evelyn D. Rothschild. The three wealthiest people on the face of the earth in 2015....

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