Friday, July 10, 2015

Will the New School Social Norms Create Continual Immorality for all Future Generations?

Mark R. Rowe

     We live in a time in that contains idol worship, homosexuality in larger percentages compared to all decades before, promiscuity encouraged by American and British Media in the form of propaganda advertisements, Television shows, and within radio and film.
     Many "new school" social norms are centered around sex, sexuality, sexiness of both males and females, and 100 per cent tolerance of homosexuals to the level of permitting homosexuals to be married and raise families.

     Some other "new school" social norms include the media push to attempt to eliminate of the male characteristic of masculinity to also include the "picture" of women swapping gender defined roles with the men that they are married to, creating the "image" of the woman as the "bread winner", while her husband is a "stay at home parent."  These "new school" social norms establish and create no value assigned to two distinctly different genders, and this has been shown to create confusion among the children of both heterosexual and homosexual marriages of type described here. 

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