Thursday, July 9, 2015

These devils will never succeed again in future history!

Well the Illuminati will not succeed with making the entire world gay whew What a relief! These people need to shut down hollywood and the music industry that they have so skillfully created. The underground worlds of open music, open source, open government, open money, open culture, open society, open courseware, open university, and open classroom have given new meaning to couter-capitalism since the number of people that use these non-traditional methods for career building, wealth building, and for gaining the equivalent necessary skills for anything to include perquisite job skills and training. These new techniques of amassing the equivalent specialized knowledge when compared to completing one or more university degrees is certainly a real testament for redefining what it means to learn, buy, sell, conduct business, communicate, meet, share, and for a person to get their first “big job” by pasted conventional means.

Information about the Illuminati click here

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