Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The works of the former Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., Dr. L. Wilson Green M.D., Dr. Littinger M.D., and the MK-Ultra and Phoenix Programs


     Why is it that people like Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., Dr. L. Wilson Green M.D., Dr. Littinger M.D. were such pieces of shit who worshiped the devil, and participated in the MK-Ultra Program and or the Phoenix Program?
     Why is it that ant type of human behavior can be classified as a behavior that can be classified as a behavior that is a symptom of countless made up fictions diseases of the mind, since the last time I checked it has always been impossible to measure the quantity of any or all neurotransmitters on the human brain?  And since the scientific roots for validating that any type of mental illness are in fact not real and not based on real human biology and have never been shown to be true at any physical or mathematical level —the only evidence that psychiatrists have for their pseudo science is the individuals pattern or sets of behavior falsely claimed as symptoms of mental illnesses predefined in a book called the Diagnostic Standard Model.
     The goal of the MK-Ultra Program was to learn how to “break the human mind”, and then learn how to “re-program the human mind”, in the latter step.  The U.S.S.R., China, and North Korea, were developing new methods of warfare to be used against the west (to include the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).  These new methods of warfare involved controlling and manipulating the human mind, through psychological methods, such as sleep depravtion, the dosing of halucenagenics, placing the prisoner of war in a completely dark room the size of a large cardboard bax, and only allowing the prisoner minimal meal and bathroom breaks.
     This technique of mind control worked very effectively on many American and British prisoners of war during the Korean war.  The U.S.S.R., China, and North Korea learned many military secrets about the positions of U.S. and U.K. troops with the use of their mind control weapons programs.

     Mao Te Sung was gaining considerable military advantage during the Korean War.  His army was posing such a threat to the “Allied Nations”, that the “Allied Nations” almost gave up.  It was only because of 10,000 Filipino troops hanging in there for a little while longer, while the U.S. Department of Defense was able to have enough time to gather the necessary military data about information of the Chinese and North Koreans —to make an enormous air strike using Napalm (A chemical weapon used during the 1950’s), that incinerated a total of 3,000,000 North Koreans and Chinese troops.  Gen. McCarther was able to find a way to maneuver naval ships around enemy ships that made their way to an inlet waterway located in the far most northern section of Korea.
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