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Saturday, July 11, 2015

The U.S. recession that official began in December 2008 will not be resolved until foreign investment capital returns to the United States to buy up key U.S. assets, including banks and brokerage firms, and U.S. infrastructure. U.S. banks and brokerage firms may end up losing as much as $10 trillion in bad assets, once securitized portfolios of home loans, consumer loans, commercial loans, and municipal loans are fully marked up to their diminished market value. Federal budget deficits aimed at bailing out failed banks and other corporations create only debt, not capital, with the result that the U.S. Treasury is forced to sell trillions of dollars of U.S. government backed debt instruments to foreign nations, including China, Japan, and Middle Eastern oil-producing states. The result is the U.S. Sovereignty will be compromised, and globalist will force the United States toward a regional currency and a regional North American set of political institutions, on the way to a one-world currency and a one-world government. The United States is unlikely to emerge from the Economic Panic of 2009 as the same sovereign or independent and self-governing nation that it was as recently as the administrations of President Truman or Eisenhower at the end of and after World Ward 2.

The U.S. recession that official began in December 2008 will not be resolved until foreign investment capital returns to the United States to buy up key U.S. assets, including banks and brokerage firms, and U.S. infrastructure. U.S. banks and brokerage firms may end up losing as much as $10 trillion in bad assets, once securitized portfolios of home loans, consumer loans, commercial loans, and municipal loans are fully marked up to their diminished market value. Federal budget deficits aimed at bailing out failed banks and other corporations create only debt, not capital, with the result that the U.S. Treasury is forced to sell trillions of dollars of U.S. government backed debt instruments to foreign nations, including China, Japan, and Middle Eastern oil-producing states. The result is the U.S. Sovereignty will be compromised, and globalist will force the United States toward a regional currency and a regional North American set of political institutions, on the way to a one-world currency and a one-world government. The United States is unlikely to emerge from the Economic Panic of 2009 as the same sovereign or independent and self-governing nation that it was as recently as the administrations of President Truman or Eisenhower at the end of and after World Ward 2. Information about the Illuminati click here

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