Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The horrible consequences of the actions planned by the Illuminati from 1776 through the present day

     The Illuminati used methods of social engineering that give power to methods in applied psychology to magnify the application of persuasion by suggestion.  These methods involve glorifying and popularizing the showing of sexual deviance on T.V., and the promotion of violent and serial killer/horror movies on T.V.
     The illuminati is a Bavarian secret society that began on May 1, 1776, by a professor of Canon Law, Adam Weishaupt.  He selected many of Europe’s elites to belong to the Illuminati.
     They began to penetrate the masses by promoting rationalism, and fostering principles that were anti-religious.  The Illuminati’s main goal was to destroy the Catholic Church, since during the late 18th century, some people were viewing the ideas and ideologies of the Church as false and superstitious.
     The Illuminati was suppressed by the Catholic Church, and suffered a brief partial-inactivity from 1846-1877, however by the year 1878, the Illuminati was reconstituted by a few remaining members and relatives of those members.
     Karl Marx was 65 in the year 1878, and was one of the members of the Illuminati during when the Illuminati was suppressed by the Church.
     The Illuminati was busy making preparations and plans for the orchestrated staged attacks for the Boer War 1 of 1901.  After the Rothschild’s family got their guaranteed return investments from the first Boer War (1901), and from the second Boer War (1902), the Illuminati began planning another orchestrated series of events that would guarantee a military response from the Russians, Ottomans, Italians, Germans, and Japanese, that would affect every latitude of the world.
     The “Black Hand” was a terrorist like organization that the Illuminati recruited at a large street gathering in Belgrade, Austria.  The Black Hand was pro-Kingdom of Serbia and anti-Hapsburg Empire.  The Black Hand was successful in planning the car bombing of the Arch Duke of Canterbury, the hiring of the limousine driver to make the decision to drive back to the location that the Arch Duke had lunch at 6 hours before (a hotel in Central Belgrade).  The Black Hand paid Francis Ferdinand (with part of the money that the Black Hand received from the Illuminati) to be at the same hotel that the limousine driver drove the Arch Duke to (at the same pre-arranged time on the same day), to walk up to the Arch Duke, sit down, and then fire his pistol (without any hesitation) at him.
     With in 72 hours of the Arch Duke’s assassination, Germany invaded Belgium, Russia backed Serbia, England attacked Germany, and the entire world was at war from latitude to latitude with weapons of war the world had never seen (tanks, machine guns, and long range cannons).  60,000,000 people were at war with each other from the year 1914 to October 21, 1918.  October 21, 1918 marked the day of peace for Europe, called Armistice Day.  Germany, France, Belgium, Amsterdam-Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Russia, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and Turkey’s boundaries were redrawn as a result of a war that was so large, that an event like this was unthinkable to men, and was not imaginable to anyone in all of history before the 1910’s.  The world’s population was 390,000,000 in the year 1914, and 1 of 6 people were at war with each other during a 4 year time period.  75% of males from the ages 17-40 were killing each other due to the Illuminati financially funding the Black Hand to assassinate the Arch Duke of Canterbury.
     Margret Sanger was a member of the Illuminati, and she lived in New York from 1872 until her passing in 1941.  She was a promoter of Eugenics and laws for mandatory sterilization of the disabled, mentally ill, and the feeble minded during her early professional life.  She advocated for the science of Francis Galton and his cousin, Charles Darwin.  She firmly believed in Charles Darwin’s book titled “Origin of Species”, and Francis Galton’s racially based science of Eugenics (that is also the used for the formulation of calculating a person’s Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.)).
     In her later years she was the first person to advocate for birth control among women.  She was so successful in her quests, that the Rockefeller Foundation funded all of her current work and future work beginning in 1921.  She founded the Margret Sanger Foundation, that was renamed to the Human Betterment Association of America in 1924.  
     Prescott Bush was a member of the Illuminati, and lived from 1901 until 1974.  He was a close person friend Dr. Eli Lilly M.D.  A lot can be said about Dr. Eli Lilly, such as the evolution of the Sandoz drug empire in eastern Europe evolving into the 64 billion dollar a year modern psychiatric drug industry of today, from Dr. Alex Hofmann’s discovery of D-Lysergic Acid in 1943 in Switzerland, to modern psychiatric drugs, such as MAIO antidepressants, modern mood stabilizers such as Trileptol and Tegratol, and anti-psychotic drugs such as Zyprexa, Seroquil, and Abilify, and anti-anxiety drugs such as Zanex, Clonapine, and Ativan.
     Prescott Bush briefly served the United States during World War 2 as a clandestine officer who gave instructions to soldiers who fought behind enemy lines for the Department of Defense’s Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Belgrade, and Braun.
     After World War 2, Prescott Bush made a large number of financial investments with the profits drawn from psychiatric drug sales of Dr. Eli Lilly’s psychiatric drug research that took place at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, the Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City, at the Allen Memorial Psychiatric Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and at the Saint Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital in Washington D.C. during the 1940’s and 1950’s.
     Prescott Bush was a close person friend of Allen Dulles, who was the first director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1950-1954.  Allen Dulles hired Dr. Sidney Gotteinlib M.D. to create the C.I.A.’s first brainwashing, mind control and human guinea pig psychological drug experiments, that also involved the use of electrodes and the measurement of brain waves.  The purpose of this first C.I.A. mind control experiment, called the MK-Ultra Program, was to learn techniques for “breaking the human mind”, and then in the second step, “reprogramming the human mind.”
     After profits were shown to be good from the psychiatric drug sales as the result of Dr. Eli Lilly’s research, Prescott Bush made several financial investments to the psychiatric research of Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., Dr. L. Wilson Green M.D., Dr. Charles Brown M.D., Dr. James Hamilton M.D., and to Dr. John Gittinger M.D., of whom all were psychiatrists that at one point or another, directed, supervised, or carried out mind control experiments of the MK-Ultra Program.  In 1957 Dr. L. Wilson Green took 50 million dollars from the Edgewood chemical and Radiological Laboratory to fund the Technical Science Division (T.S.U.) of the C.I.A.
     Two victims of the C.I.A.’s MK-Ultra Program gave testimonies in 1996 at the world ethics of medical science human rights Congressional Hearings that took place in Washington D.C.
     One of the victims testified that she was tied down naked and received several treatments involving a brain resonancing device that burned different neuro-psychological impressions in her brain, and then questioned by Dr. John Gittinger, asking her what psychological response she was having from each impression burned into her brain.  She testified that this was only one of many human guinea pig experiments that she subjected to, all of which were necessary for her to become a C.I.A. assassin, possessing super-human like solider skill sets as a result of Dr. John Gittinger’s, Dr. Sidney Gotteinlib’s, and Dr. L. Wilson Green’s psycho-physiological experimentation and application on her mind.  When she asked asked the question to Dr. L. Wilson Green, “why should I have to be subjected to this malicious treatment?”, Dr. Green’s response was, “You are doing this for the service to your country.”

Information about the Illuminati click here

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