Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Delusions of L. Ron Hubbard and the dumb naive people of the Church of Scientology:

We will see world we were convinced and have it wants to return savion and that his techniques and his knowledge and and his majesty would eventually bring all mankind to enlightened state and that was what we do there were some things about him that I can feel rather that the dangerous I feel so much under his spell that I do my roommate if ever I do too I was going to marry this man she should tie me up me on the house I was so overwhelmed here I have read the president's the most for individually because something does is this isn't just not meeting the film stuff something out BC amazing goal with plus signs Lafayette ron Hubbard created one of the richest and most controversial cults at that time the Church of Scientology he spent much of his later life at sea on the run from those who accused him of being a crook the cell to but to the millions who at one time or another followed and to itself he was the greatest good there is one thing you can say about dianetics scientology I'm sorry if this sounds on but it is and everybody who can write a book returns the world on its ear but more remarkable still has the story from happens life the story on the science fiction fantasy just turned self-proclaimed messiah ron Hubbard was determined that from the start his life would be the stuff of legend he was born in until he was brought into his bed from his ranch in montana which she said in a newspaper interview cover the court the state's as a small child he was breaking brokers and hunting caved he claims he grew up with cold front is my and cowboys and even begin with that brother the low-complexity these were all skin details but all that is known for sure is the money did used to visit the schools livery stables his grandfather and he was brought up in ordinary who the only child ordinary Americans towards the end of World War one is for the join the American Navy and the teenage haven't spent isn't gonna with the family station he traveled in China beached with a taste for adventure %um prospecting for gold glittery and as a student even though the sea exploration to find parents who works in the cannabinoid but he couldn't resist gilding the lily scientology later recorded his claim to love commune with native bandits in the high heels to bess but there's no evidence he ever went best he told so many stories expletive is in South America and West Indies in places if he would have to be at least four hundred ninety three-years-old love had enough time to have done all see but I just bleed I mean it's just very entertaining really accept returned into religion even when he was a teenager in his his tire issue is required by penal stories sea adventures yards that sometimes the when summers all represent is found them they thought these were true you know there was an escapade him fighting not to place them once his with his personal representatives was telling this is true story and I tried to put Notre later no this is just one of the stories that he's interspersing with his pride when he was have admitted his first wife Polly that would deliver puget served in Washington State and soon had two children habits joy in life was sailing and exploring but now he had to settle down and then some with such a prolific imagination it became a writer starting with the benches and services for the benadryl then he turned to science fiction became a best-selling two books final blackheads and fear considered safe actress but have its first amazing story was about himself his literary agent was furry corman himself a sci-fi fanatic one night deep into the small hours have until Dec a minimal design event in the hospital setting it was an event that would shape his entire life he said that he had died on the operating table and heroes in spirit for many looked at the body that he had previously inhabited ni shrugged my shoulders he didn't have any morning thought well im where we go from here off in the distance he saw great or need gauge and what kind of interesting show he wafted over to load and the the gate as they do in Supernatural films just opened with out any human assistance he floated through and on the other side he saw on intellectual smorgasbord everything that it ever possible the mind of man you know how did it all begin with what is God's purpose where do we go from here are their past lives are there future lives in and the like a sponge she was just absorbing all of this esoteric information and all the sudden was kinda wishing in the air and heard a voice no no not yet he's not ready and like long umbilical cord he felt himself being pulled back back back to me lay down in this body in the open his eyes shiney said to the nurse a I was dead worsened I then the he bounded of the operating table I don't know how you die and the next minute rebounding of an operating table you got to realize that paper and a gallon the scalding black coffee and a the ended two days she had a manuscript called excalibur or the dark sword to tell me that who ever read it either went insane or committed suicide and he said the last time he is shown it to a publisher and in New York he walked into the office to find out what the reaction was publisher call for the reader the Reader came with the manuscript threw it on the table and threw himself out of the sky scraper window but was happens extraordinary story true excalibur became the stuff mystery haven't tell friends it was too dangerous to publish but forty years later a treasure trove from have a journals and manuscripts believed to have been long last was discovered by stand there were two-and-a-half Immersion's next caliber I read them and I didn't go mad didn't die they also include the information within related writings that these came out okay and nitrous oxide incident I've had a couple of teeth extracted and it was while under the effective nitrous oxide that he came up with excalibur happens death was in fact elucidation and the effects of anesthetic so what was the intellectual dish sheetfed it's not particularly revolutionary the key to Excalibur was this II great realize a shin by Hubbard via survive as being the one command all existence in all all life and all people have I that became the basis for a lot of dynamics lot of Scientology this idea had a profound impact have it in a letter to party wrote I have high hopes smashing my head history so violently that it will take a legendary the second world brought a new dimension to the habit little he said that while serving in the United States Navy good that inspired by the insights he first glimpsed when he died on the operating table dramatically been able to kill himself by through my own processing use the principles I isolated for that was able to pass a percent combat physical which is very mysterious to the government and I suddenly become completely physically well being blind it was a non-story because have this war record shows his recurring problem was a stomach ulcer that I mentions a conjunctive night is but not blindness indeed none of his Navy medical reports before during or after the war contain any suggestion like this only short-sightedness and astigmatism after the war had went to Hollywood as a successful science fiction author he was a welcome visitor the Los Angeles science fantasy Association its members recall there was one power over the mind he undoubtedly did possess computers ron Hubbard came to our club Anne hypnotized all the members accept me i i wanted to re remain in present time in watch what was going on and their members fascinating he told one boy that he had a little kangaroo in the palm of his hands the boy was going all around showing everybody's a little kangaroo that wish hopping around in writings and compositions have a began to speak at his new science of the mind scientologist deficient to depict but claimed that in addition to himself he killed other war veterans and restore sanity mental patients rumors are beginning to circulate that yeah this new science from mine I just knew full of had a significant from and that much greater than the discovery and that we'll and equal insignificance who discovery of i in the May addition standing science fiction magazine have been published to study findings as fact dianetics was to nibble thousands of letters poured into the magazine in the meantime have it had been pounding the typewriter keys putting his ideas to page book it became a bestseller and analytics and national craze have its theory was that the human mind was bedeviled by in New is member is a painful events often imprinted before birth on the fetus he claimed that another direction in the Dianetics therapist order to the single is n-grams could be relived and then appeared at this stage dianetics seem just an exaggerated form of psychotherapy well diana's was so popular because it it promised to a brave new world everybody cleared no more coals no more my glasses cured me have a fear of dogs among the various things said to be able to do with one person had lost a tooth and two dynamic auditing DEVGRU the two and I almost any illness can be cured schizophrenia can be cured seemed like it open up the whole world for everybody to become perfect human being above soon dianetics auditing courses at five hundred dollars ago the money was rolling in but he was about to be accused of being come and with his book dianetics bestseller ron Hubbard was america's you good in August at a lecture hall in the centres he presented to a crowd of , the first person to be what he called clear she was a student cool sunny Bianca as a clear she was supposed to have to require various members of the audience to all questions after cuz she remember I'm a set on page ever physics takes she could cuz you remember what he had a had for breakfast down the morning august seventeenth nineteen she could then buries people %ah called out for Hubbard to turned his back on and see if she could remember the color his time she could and so that was at that moment the whole business or collapse people start certainly have it was in trouble he was accused of being a con man and dianetics the former hypnotism the technique in which he was so experts he recruited a bright young PR woman burke et to repair his damaged image well I've always found that it's the mind of a man that is most sexy he was not really terribly physically attractive home and he had a brilliant mind no question and I surely got this was a man who was interested in marrying me and my might be interested in the intellectual attraction turned into an affair and Barbara state but the -year-old have it in an apartment in Hollywood but by now haven't had left party and was married to his second wife said it led by Bert to believe the manage with soon was over it wasn't it's quite shocking when shortly after moving some of my things into that apartment suddenly Sarah turned up with the baby who've moved in and I believe he was just as dismayed as I because the next day when he came to the office with some of my belongings like mine Colo depression separate home he am you look very downtrodden and apology and not happy about the situation no nevertheless barbara was kicked ass dianetics the student ruble after the initial success in the book money had wielded and rode out just as fast the how that went to Palm Springs to try to recoup his fortune with the Fulham in the business mismanagement send and his writing crisis Yas permitted him to the he was certainly very depressed he lost the color in his face his voice was very was hardly horrible he told me that he was totally blocked he was working under permissions deadline which he was feeling meet he believed that his inability to right was due to the sinister interventions have other people such as Sarah from hypnotize in him in his sleeve income in hebrew righty I found him paradigm you know he was clearly going through clinical depression worse followed have Seraph and the split up the divorce became a public sensation said accused torturing and declared him insane have did not set it as a Russian spy and kidnapped a -month-old daughter I would end up in Wichita and Kansas got back in touch with Bob he sent me why I'm telling he'd been very ill and said he wanted to marry me and when I went to Wichita he home looked terrible he had hair down shoulders and males were like talons and I found a note very sweet note in my hotel room same graduate here love you I saw that I had a man there who have no prospects for one you and um that he had some psychiatric difficulties and I didn't see much of a life for myself with its from Jim so we left that haven't balanced back he got married for the third time to one of his students Mary Sue whip this marriage lasted and Mary Sue would become his devoted deputy said his second wife was cleared from his memory just like an anagram how many times have I been married I've been married twice hand I'm very happily married just have a lovely wife have were killed my first one dead what happened to your second wife I did had a sec in have launched a revolutionary new product scientology dianetics originally covered this life only but in a new book scientology history of man have been revealed that wasn't enough human bodies were in fact inhabited by immortal souls or sweeteners going back to primeval times have a son from his first marriage names claimed the book stems from an unusual piece a drug driven research now or HK Phys son lives some amphetamines in it started talking set so really going talking fast speed and he kept talking and he kept talking this dad kept giving him speed in all the sudden he was talking about the his history when he was a clam all these different situations in earlier an outer that came history a man suddenly or nobody oh I've been back three lives you know I've been back you know I was the time %uh farrow well when I got back to the individual who was a clam lying on a primordial seashore with a grain of sand irritating a pearl inside I decisis acts as far back as as I wanted to go I just be parted from Scientology altogether and late haven't came to London he was still in financial trouble button a business plan the justice you two worked for the return of nine thousand dollars have both to make money in needed to go international and here it's to the credit is he found a new group adoring fan he was very flamboyant I mean he was some he was full of life you've read about in his his Harley motorcycle and a we threw parties and he will play his guitar and am you know just saying and put on his cowboy hats and and he was you just left so it's a fun little get together and then we would do um various exercises and go after them home see if just thoughts we could knock out knock-off policeman's acts no what kind of power to be havin terms thanking them for them energy and that sort of thing I mean it was great fun I saw to forgive me total control of my life missiles riddick sleep I mean you put in does to homes that's basically what hubble was sunny you saying the you and everyone else with the use of Scientology dianetics at that time could become a girl and we were all if you look for them goals the next step was to create a church these new guards a writer friend called Lloyd ish later recalled how after a dinner in the late nineteen forties habitat said I'd like to start a religion that's where the money is now a few years later the Church of Scientology was bull in america particular it was sound practical reasons there are tax advantages and their outbound jus and the Constitution which says that the government may not a bridge the operations church and I think that that more than anything else made him agree to using that vehicle because sets it is and as date proved have to be very difficult for any government to a bridge the activities a church have had found the perfect cathedral for his church Saint hilemon in East Grinstead in Sussex he played his new the country square it till the locals that he was a scientist research includes and their reaction to pay he and his young family settled is a sick society bringing American resident turn students for instance road safety campaign but the locals hadn't realized that's aimed Hill was to become the mic have sent image deputies arrived from all over the world to study at their master's feet gym on their LA they paid thousands of pounds for habits courses I'm I'm when it has an old experience well at that day him to its current experience and keep coming up with wrong answers virginia does was on the first same to kid calls I'm had such an amazing ability for making you feel that you were just cell important to him and so hmm so valued so many people wanted to do what he wanted wanted to show him their best efforts wanted to contribute to my DB part you know it's again it's a wait for me that me the come along with this wonderful game you central to the game this happens the meter former lie-detector which he claimed could electrically detect emotional church student spent hours days months sometimes years going over painful events cool n-grams in this or their past lives trying to make the needle flute proof that the n-gram was not clear for the memories see media it's like nothing else world's really I feel quite me haven't had designed an ingenious commercial product the ball past lives the more memories Lauren Graham's to be cleared all the complexes expensive courses making money I think to have it was paramount he wasn't that interested in it for himself he did have pics he did have his car suspected boxes boxes good food and things like that but and eventually he had his his business and he had his States and someone picked the many that he wanted predominantly was full power covered wanted to create a worldwide army scientologists going clear was only the first step after that for the courses could improve your IQ improve your work turn you into a super purposes Scientology was to make the able more able and he was always striving for that and in everything he did. I think he was looking at that his idea was if you could get every single person looking in the same direction when you have a very powerful nation see this photograph composed by run have it himself betrays an extraordinary ambition he held for Scientology entire objective was to find place that have it could eventually turned into his and Kingdom with his in government is impossible his phone monetary system and in other words he's in principality that he would be the benign dictator of that was the objective he had been having some auditing and and doing some investigative auditing and looking at plus live from past experiences and he ran into what he thought might be the past-life Cecil Rhodes so he went to ready should check out what he had discovered in is auditing he was there to attempt to create scientology community in the country and eventually came the country over into scientology country he was looking for a home base for some time have a vision and becoming a latter-day roads failed the Rhodesian government became suspicious of him and his visa was not renewed back in England have it was also under attack parents were worried by strange communications from children would fall under scientology through this and from say disconnecting for me you probably a familiar with yet I was just really should seek the newspapers were accusing him of being a fraud and lobbied the government to launch an inquiry fire those of nobody number the i however decided there was only one said it would take to the high seas with his lawyer bennett disciples it would move himself and his employer outside any government's jurisdiction one point he can drown in sick twisted very selective ma stifle way any theory almost ambassadorial sort of way he said it's perfectly alright step outside the mall because the law itself staff to read so in order to achieve in fact gives us a license to step outside habits follows we're about to see the consequences life beyond the law as the Messiah became dictator in with his own Navy have scientologists the sea organization ron Hubbard sets a have a LG within with him should never cruda not ship before but haven't detected that she was unusually well equipped naval cover have called me to his cabin and stood right in the doorway on his campaign fiddling with me too and I started asking me questions about Wayne I had last been a captain this could and the past lives because I could have been kept in this life so I started you know thinking back and came up this past experience about being a space captain at the spaceship and being blown up in space in the planet was being invaded all these all this fighting in Boston going on and so forth and YouTube he peered any said you wonderful moyle offices and in fact point got this ap rash I felt good I must have been one of his loyal offices must have been one of the the young Han was appointed captain habits number to ship troll its flagship was a three thousand ten converted cattle fed on board haven't had a personal God called the Commodores messengers it to clear everything for him they dressed him they got him ready for bed hey latest cigarettes day the held as ashtray most to the messengers are young girls they were extension up his communication so what somebody saw them on the shipper they came up to them it was like you were talking to him on one occasion jerry armstrong been sent oversaw and was visited by one love happens. messengers this was Terry who was later to be my wife she came to me where I was working in she said comment or wants to know is it true that you went to the US Embassy and applied for -some odd pieces and I said yes sir because that's how you respond to the messenger and her next message wise commenter says you're a fucking asshole the attacks on scientology had pitched habit into one of his periodic depressions his response was to take it out on his followers on the sea land he designed a new disciplinary code called ethics which for many as a min to what he called lower conditions of existence like liability doubt or trees to rise after these conditions penance is will require liability for example requires you to deliver an effective blow to Scientology's enemies everybody was supposedly in the now I and which is quite astonishing because everybody relieve Ron my can choose to having whatever his dreams might be come true what happened was it became very heavy my almost military organization people changed I think people became scared there was skinny FX scared of what would happen and so they became I think very intimidated and see the cruelty extended to two a medication have it was infuriated by a small boy could unwittingly chewed it Alex he put this four-and-a-half year old little boy Gary green into chain lock a for two days two days into Nick's its closed metal container its waits for the Ford seaweed it smells bad the derek was sitting at on the chain in this case on his own in the dark for two days and nights he was not allowed to go to the party I mean he had to go in the chain lock on his own soil himself he was confirmed and I was I never went near it and chain of command he was in a bit people who can cream betty's sheer total brutality fatties child abuse people were in of him and people were frightened Devin use the boss use the dictator he could order anyone to do anything on board he was ruthless he he could be at times charming many could also be very belligerent and he could also be very uncaring and cruel an yet have its disciples continue to believe in he took a select few around the Mediterranean and his yacht the enchanter on a project he called the mission into time the task was to find treasure habitability during his previous lives we were in his in a tizzy you know all aesthetics and if this upcoming very important mission and I'm I was amongst one of the chosen we sailed with a metal detectors and ways to a variety of locations and did find some middle at the basement watch he claimed used to be a temple in which he had liaisons with some some priests case during his trips to siberia hmm with there was metal middlebury down you know and he was very triumphant during those times it was very heady stuff for us people it had a very magical magnetic I'm hypnotized think effect on phone have it was also engaged to a further great expansion of Scientology once a Scientologist reach the state have clear he became an operating fee bull TV how did not designed a series of secret booty levels each one was part of an unfolding saga which revealed that we are all infested by features the souls an exodus from the Galactic Federation which underpin see new ruled this sector the Galaxy $ million years ago if you ever reach the top booty level you would have crossed the bridge to total freedom as always in scientology each OT level could only be reached after an expensive course you have to believe it was he having his phone was on he probably always you he was running call in he must've much is tough to rubbish but I think after a while he he filled with hosted two people had you like shootaround run planet this man the first take a month I think he began to believe that he wants if not call did very close to God hubbard's new cosmology was accompanied by new forms of punishment on board ship crew members who displease to were liable to be thrown overboard before being retrieved from the harbour below if they re if indeed they were tied up and blindfolded furs I so one woman and Julia Louis flown in from the United States thrown overboard this woman must be in her s she was hands and I think your feet I maybe and your hands tied and a blindfold he went over she was so panicked the focus being thrown over isley she was standing on the edge of dank panicked beside herself shouting and I was standing on the a dick with habit and his other aids watching this what's going on and Julia didn't champ over she had to be pushed because she was incapable she was in such if it he saw everyone suspiciously and assumed everyone was intentionally attacking governments were attacking him and then everyone around you made a mistake they also were attacking and the only thing he could do would be a to attack in a French Court started proceedings against her but for food he had left the ship which was best to Morocco and went to live in hiding in New York where he was looked after by Jim and Kelsey to turn the tables on his enemies he devised to design a plan called snowflake its stated aim was to correct false reports about Scientology it live to Scientology members infiltrating government departments how the even issued a reading list for learning the black on service pillar he believed that there was an international Kamal that was in control hav the attack on him around the world as well as he attacks for his country's has a snow white was written to find this Kamal find all the connections between these he had any groups to expose and to destroy them it was done through infiltration some cases it was done through burglary he was just pure military intelligence having instigated Snow White have the rejoinder ship in the Canary Islands that he had a serious motorbike accident is moved dramatically worse this licence period called pouting crying the match period we he would cry in three things against the wall the ball cakes and pouting screen but right toward the tail-end of fact he created the rpf the rehabilitation project force the rpf was yet another correctional regime its orders with fearsome ship's captain it was hella atriums job to implement them I was absolutely horrified me because they talked about the creation this pretty much as like a slave labor camp this week the word to use but that was the impression given where the unwanted those found wanting seriously wanting were with saint and they were to be kept in this with no white snow freedoms no privileges any kind pretty much did basic rights they were allowed were a little bit sleep each day food left movements the harshest treatment they were not to speak any of the crew it was very views very bad this was going but had statement to us once that it's going to take a lot more ethics and a lot more punishment and anyone has can easily face up to to get this whole world back in shape and point I V stay human ima emotional reaction is is the way humans were and he didn't specially regard humans very highly he liked the idea all bodies that were in other civilizations our bodies didn't have human emotions and reactions here I guess like Spock you know just very analytical you just get the job done no emotions there love is not the sentiment that's no for cared for so and that's to me the tragedy because he put that I feel into the organization hit into the way being in the organization have it even concerned his own son quentin who was a senior auditor on the ship to the RPS really was a real sweet kid he's a real nice guy and very soft-spoken and he was very difficult for him being herbert's on and and being put on these in this very high position I don't think he was that interested in it he just wanted to be a pilot and also the fact that he was gay that's a very tough things scientology to BK because because especially that kid to be herbert sign in to be the stock technical person K that would be a horrible thing to be wrestling and suppressing clinton was sent to the rpf after he committed the sin of trying to commit suicide two years later he succeeded hovered side as a betrayal because everything was referenced around him the world was doing everything to him this technology that was supposed to work didn't even work on the senior person evolved technology now harvard and his son you know now he just saw that as an attack from a sign maps you know the love was gone he didn't who is not a lie get lost love in haven't decided it was time to come he sent scouts to look for a suitable land base they settled on Clearwater in the rich states have flown he stated coming ashore would be profitable because we could get so many more people to the flag and base as it was to be called training and he also wanted to concentrate on getting professions for them and base because of course they had more accessible money pension plans to have children's education funds and some in PT named that way excess habit new scientology would be unwelcome so we devised a top secret battle plan he called it operation go using a coven the United Church is the flood haven't issued secret orders to take over the time these orders in effect very clearly stated move into this the area find out who your friends are developing find out for your enemies are destroying them and then move in date there every possible area %uh community life business social religious education the plan worked clearwater is a Scientology best you scientology owns many prime sites big-name scientologists like Lisa Marie Presley moved it get all the big high rollers get the people at the dollar's and you could make a fortune and I believe the income for a week this is like in with some words half-a-million week I mean it was you that's where the big bucks started be made when you do that and the money rolling in haven't moved to California where he played his last great road his ambition was to film sci-fi blockbuster is based on his books but he ended up making scientology training the movie mogul Cecil B DeMille you know it's like he was he tried to be bigger than life but it just wasn't so he would make these extravagant sets ludicrous to you or not big productions just silliness that they weren't ego maniac he tried to be flow stream big and powerful but if you look just stepped in observe you could see that he had fear about everything and finally the fear came down to just park little teeny dust particle yet for is about das it phobias about smells it phobias about sounds so he would hear sounds that weren't there he would scream at the sound technician and he would see things that weren't there and he would scream at the people who were for framing the shot and he would smell smells that weren't there any have people rents his clothing some or yr however many times in well have it was away making movies the FBI caught up with the snow white operation and rated scientology headquarters in Los Angeles and Washington habits wife Mary Sue and eight other scientology executives were convicted and sentenced for conspiracy and stealing government documents have it disappeared never to be seen publicly again after living in a succession of hiding places he ended up on this secluded ranch in the California whose secrecy is veiled his final years but one man Robert Vaughn young who was then the Scientology public relations officer was later given a description habit I wanted his guardians this and evidence from happens autopsy report pay to send picture here chrome appears chrome slow here the nails for long very much in as the same problem is they found no Howard Hughes unkempt nails how neighbors hmm there was a neighbor that walked in on Monday and he'd become very frightened and some scurried out at the bar it's frightening meet people was he was terrified meeting new people he was he was disappearing down down down into this little strange world of his that he had created in the the irony of this is this is a man that this promulgating telling the world that with my technology and ideas you've got bigger and bigger and bigger and yet he was shrinking down until finally he was hiding a gender the th run haven't died the Church of Scientology said he'd simply quit his body to continue his work elsewhere while him diets and I mean very mortal and the last thing we could have staff hovered be more so the story and to be designed and the story is that he went off to research the next level and what's amazing his house the scientologists this with without any questioning they barred today the L ron Hubbard image is carefully protected by the Church of Scientology it says he is the greatest humanitarian history hollywood has named a street after and millions of dollars roll into scientology every year it continues to preach that happens teachings are the best solution to the mental problems the personal tragedy is one mine scientology did not appear to help was that if it's found secret lives next Wednesday at profiles the holiday camp King Billy Butlin of film next tonight on Form his caddy shack They recognized the requirement to set in place a system to make scientology aware that our fight with their evil cult and their so called tests will remain and will be intensified beyond what they could ever imagine. they are continuing to try and sell this so called fictitious line of books call dianetics, they continue to try and cohearsh, lie or con people to go through their doors were after a so called stress test, the victim is made aware of their failures and weakness in life, and by signing up to scyentology for a fee of course they can be helped to become a better person with continual courses through which they must pay. They continue with their so called intimidation techniques of which they recently failed beyond all comprehension.. Ex scientologists worldwide are now revealing the horrible truths of the tactics this cult uses on its so called members, how it intimidates them , manipulates them and holds them prisoners in their own thoughts through their so called testing.. they use families as weapons against those who may wish to leave or ask questions about certain issues they may be concerned with.. What happens in Belfast and Dublin offices is a mystery,,what about their secret retreats they bring members to in ireland.. We must start to investigate, gather evidence, initiate raids and, stop this cult. Anonymous NI does not target members specifically, we target the cult of scientology itself, however if a member decides to initiate any form of attack upon ourselves we will respond ten fold.. Our numbers have grown extensivly throughout ireland and we have cells in most countys and numbers continue to grow.. For every one of us that would be silenced another 10 will take their place... This message goes out to you the anonymous people, and those of you who may be thinking of joining the anti scientology raids. If you do have a strong belief that what this cult does to bring in new members, what it does by way of bullying existing members and its complete structure, then you must join us on our next raid which will be announced in due course.. These scions must be made aware that the cult they support will be stopped. Always know how to use quickly the video recorder on your mobile phone, this is your witness at all times. Recently we have realised there may be a mole amongst our numbers. someone who is filtering information to the scions. Do not reveal what you feel is of no interest to another person.

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