Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Some information about Dr. John Corrigan Wells Ph.D., Sun Myong Moon, and the Universalist Church

     Sun Myong Moon founded the Universalist Church during the 1950’s in  Los Angeles, California.  He immigrated from South Korea and earned his Ph.D. in Divinity from the University of California, Berkeley.  He also created a cult called the “Mooneys”.  During the 1960’s and 1970’s Sun Myong Moon held numerous wedding ceremonies that consisted of dozens of couples married all on the same day, and at the same instance on that day.  These couples were most of the time advocators and promoters of artificial intelligent human design.  Dr. Hohn Corrigan Wells Ph.D. was a person who contributed the most to the efforts of the promotion of artificial intelligent human design.  He has 2 Ph.D.’s, one from UC Berkeley in Molecular Biology (1984), and one from Yale University in Divinity (1996).

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