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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mark R. Rowe has shown the world how to make the most complex 3D-Modular Origami Polyhedrons over the past 8 1/2 years

For quite some time I did not know the name (and as a result wasn't able to track down the diagram) of this modular classic. First saw it on Mark Rowes channel and already know for some time now that this regular icosahedron (that much was clear ; ) from the beginning) was made out of Triangle Edge Modules by Lewis Simon and Bennett Arnstein. Anyhow a model that clearly has spot in my personal hall of fame!!

Watching Mark Rowe I thought why not have a go at this Great Stellated Dodecahedron ... from "Tornillo" units and while I am at it why not make a "how to" vid about it? Here is the result ... Thanks a lot Mark!!! Your GSDB on UT (Great Stellated Dodecahedron Bombardment) inspired me!!

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