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Sunday, July 12, 2015

At Bohemian Grove in Northern California members of the Luciferian Illuminati, (to include many leaders in America past and present) meet every year for their annual festival dressed in long robes and recite doctrine in front of a gigantic stone owl that is 100 feet tall according to an ABC nightly newscast that was aired during the late 1980’s.

They recited the following words taken from Alex Jone’s video capture of one of their annual festival meetings: “Fools…” “When will ye learn…” “That me ye cannot slay?” “Year after year ye burn me in this grove…” “Uplifting your puny shouts of triumph to the stars…” “…when again ye turn your aces to the marketplace…” “…do you not find me waiting, as of old?” “Fools” “Fools to dream ye conquered care!” “…Say Thou mocking spirit…” “It is not all a dream…” We know Thou waiteth for us…” “year after year within this happy grove…” “…our fellowship bans Thee for a spake…” “…thine malevolence which would pursue us here has lost its power under these friendly trees…” “So shall we burn Thee once again this night…” “and, with the flames that eat Thine effigy…” “…we shall read the sign…” “Midsummer sets us free!” “Ye shall burn me once again?” “Not with these flames…” “…which hither ye have brought from regions where I reign…” “…ye fools and priests.” “I spit upon your fire.” “Once again, midsummer sets us free.” “Oh Owl! Prince of all mortal wisdom…” Owl of Bohemia, we beseech thee…” “…grant us Thy council…”
—————————————————————— References: search, keywords: the truth about the Illuminati Luciferian conspiracy documentary part 1/13, 2/13, 3/13, … 13/13. Refer the this video series set below:
Information about the Illuminati click here

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