Saturday, July 11, 2015

A summary of psychological disorders

The principles of Manic Depression Written by Mark Ralph Rowe 3/4/2014 A short summary the principles of Manic Depression and a brief introduction to other Psychological Disorders Ego Superego Id Perception Belife Early childhood developement abberations norms abberative behavior normal behavior nature vs. nurture Psychoanalysis Dream Theory The Diagnostic Model of the "Modern Science of Mental Health", copyright 1949, Los Angeles, California, L. Ron Hubbard The DMSM Volume 1,2,3,4 and 5, copyright 1958, New York, New York. Hypomania Manic Depressive Illness Depression Schizophrenia Schizaffective Anxiety Obsessive Complusive Catatonia Post Tramatic Psychosis Mania 1A) Bipolar Disorder (Mania) i) Mood disorder ii) Increased Dopamine (neurotransmitter) levels in the brain. iii) Symtoms: (1); persona changes to include: Increased speech, (2); Feelings of euphoria, (3); personal realtionship conflicts and problems, (4); alcoholism, (5); drug addiction, (6); fixaited ideas, (7); fixiated behavior, (8); unpredictable frustration and anger, (9); complusive behavior to include the following: spending large sums of money in a short time duration, gambeling or making high dollar amount wagers on sporting events or games, (10); frequenting bar and grill resturants and drinking to achieve a drunk state of mind and body, and then driving away in their vehicle and placing the public and oneself in grave danger, (11); risky career changes, (12); risky financial descisions (e.g. purchasing stock and bonds that lose their value in short amout of time), (13); uplanned partner changes, or divorce from spouse.

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