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Saturday, July 11, 2015

25,000 people in China died due to the disease labeled, "The Plague". 33 per cent of Europe caught the disease labeled "Black Death", from the years of 1460-1490. Of this 33 per cent of people that caught the disease "Black Death", one half of died from it.

The One Hundred Year War between England and France took place between the years of 1385 and 1488. French Forces dominated mainland British territory during the 5th and 6th decades of the fourteenth century. English forces dominated northern territories of the rapidly changing boundaries of France during by the 2nd and 3rd decades of the fifteenth century. France was winning land battles with much higher frequency by 4th and 5th decades of the fifteenth century. By the late 6th decade of the fifteenth century Joan of Arch was in full command of French forces commanded the French military for the defeat all remaining British naval attacks and defeated all remaining land battles in the northern direction within France through the final expulsion of the last British Solider in Crecy, France in the year of our Lord 1488. This massive war created an large international scale of disease, famine, and starvation that not only affected all of Europe, Northern Africa, Western Asia Minor, and China. 25,000 people in China died due to the disease labeled, "The Plague". 33 per cent of Europe caught the disease labeled "Black Death", from the years of 1460-1490. Of this 33 per cent of people that caught the disease "Black Death", one half of died from it.

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